FSX > Page 1807

50.43Mb (23964 downloads)
Hawker Hurricane Mk 1 Package for FSX. This is the classic Aeroplane Heaven Hurricane Mk 1 Package released as freeware for FS2004. A few small tweeks to allow it to work OK in FSX. Now you can use this wonderful creation in your FSX without the problem. Comes in Hurricane Mk 1 and Sea Hurricane Mk 1 versions. Full 2d and VC panels.
Danny Garnier
Posted Apr 23, 2009 08:58 by GARNIER D

78.14Mb (2470 downloads)
Monte Verde, Brazil, Photo Realistic Scenery File 2 of 2. This is my first Photo Realistic Scenery of Minas Gerais state in Brazil.
I hope you have no problems on installation and use of this scenery.
This scenery refers to a litlle city of Minas Gerais State. It's situated at 5.100 ft and
is the aerodrome with more altitude on Brazil. The runway is not plain and have holes and a rough surface.
So, it's very interesting and difficult to land and take off.
The city is frequented by people that like cold temperature to vacance.
Very nice VFR flying. Gilson Augusto Rocchetti
Posted Apr 23, 2009 05:58 by Gilson Augusto Rocchetti

46.29Mb (2697 downloads)
Monte Verde, Brazil, Photo Realistic Scenery Base file. This is my first Photo Realistic Scenery of Minas Gerais state in Brazil.
I hope you have no problems on installation and use of this scenery.
This scenery refers to a litlle city of Minas Gerais State. It's situated at 5.100 ft and
is the aerodrome with more altitude on Brazil. The runway is not plain and have holes and a rough surface.
So, it's very interesting and difficult to land and take off.
The city is frequented by people that like cold temperature to vacance.
Very nice VFR flying. Gilson Augusto Rocchetti
Posted Apr 23, 2009 05:41 by Gilson Augusto Rocchetti

3.03Mb (1159 downloads)
CCS6 Courtenay (Smit Field), BC, Canada.
Courtenay Airport is located 2.5 Nm west of Courtenay on the beautiful Vancouver island, BC
It is actually a private airfield, and has been enhanced to accomodate up to 3 lights aircrafts. It is a short grass airfield and
VFR conditions a must, specifically when inbound for Rwy 04 due to the ground layout.
I have added to visual reference you may use when inbound ;)
Have a good time in Courtenay Airport.
Posted Apr 23, 2009 05:01 by Daniel Louvet

1.91Mb (4547 downloads)
Airbus A330 Malaysia textures only for Thomas Ruth's A330-200 model. Add to any A330-200 Thomas Ruth Model. By Jon Murchison.
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 23, 2009 04:57 by Jon Murchison

15.13Mb (22017 downloads)
Lockheed L-10A Electra,
Northwest registration NC14935, 1934 livery.
This is the beautiful FS9 L-10 Electra by Arik Hohmeyer with the panel modified to include FSX compatible XML gauges. Aircraft now works in FSX with full functions and no error warnings.,
High detailed and reflective textures and a high detailed Virtual Cockpit. The Lockheed L-10 Electra was a twin-engine, all-metal monoplane airliner developed by the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation in the 1930s to compete with the Boeing 247 and Douglas DC-2.
Including new 2D panel and Weight Tool. Tested for FSX, Panel updates by Danny Garnier
Posted Apr 22, 2009 10:36 by Danny Garnier

0.01Mb (2949 downloads)
Somewhere off the east coast of Africa, a cargo ship is being stalked by pirates! Begin your search from Mogadishu, Somalia. Just a simple little BGL file. Need help? Lat & Long are included.
Posted Apr 21, 2009 22:28 by Robert Parson

0.50Mb (1543 downloads)
Patch for the Shez's FS2004 John Wayne Airport scenery to make it work in FSX.
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 21, 2009 20:47 by P Nigel Grant/Shehryar Ansari

5.76Mb (2074 downloads)
Boeing 747 National Airlines Textures only.
This is a repaint of the default FSX Boeing 747 in the National Airlines paint scheme. Repaint By Earl Triplett.
Posted Apr 21, 2009 20:44 by Earl Triplett

1.01Mb (969 downloads)
By request a repaint of the default FSX Cessna 172 in the Helicopter Club International paint scheme. Repaint By Earl Triplett.
Posted Apr 21, 2009 19:13 by Earl Triplett