FSX > Page 1808

1.42Mb (2412 downloads)
A more close to realistic File for Kilimanjaro International Airport, HTKJ, Tanzania than the default Airport in FSX. View the highest Mountain in Africa from the runway of this airport
Posted Apr 21, 2009 02:24 by Bashir Ismail

1.74Mb (1379 downloads)
Textures for the Captain Sim F-18D in Red Rippers VFA-11 livery.
Posted Apr 20, 2009 20:40 by michael

0.80Mb (2196 downloads)
FSX Douglas O-46
The Douglas O-46 was the last of a long line of Douglas Obsevation aircraft designed for the USAAC. It first entered service in 1937. This is a FSX - Acceleration native model. It has the usual animations, reflective glass, working cowl flaps, some bump maps and .dds textures.The 2D panel and VC are based on panels of similar craft of the same era. The VC has working instruments and animated flight controls. By Paul Clawson
Posted Apr 20, 2009 03:11 by Paul Clawson

3.73Mb (1094 downloads)
By request txtures for the default FSX Bell206 in the Helicopter Club International paint scheme. This file fixes a texture error in the 1st upload. Repaint By Earl Triplett.
Posted Apr 19, 2009 20:49 by Earl Triplett

7.47Mb (1462 downloads)
Textures for the default Boeing 737-800 in VolAir VA. By Missael Arturo ¨PilotoMexicano¨
Posted Apr 19, 2009 20:10 by Missael Arturo

13.16Mb (32072 downloads)
FSX Airbus A340-300 Base Package
Model with diffuse, bump spec and nightmap
in Gulfair livery. Comes with working
virtual cockpit (VC) and repainted FSX default
4-engine gauges. Works with SP1 and SP2.
Not tested with DX10.
By Thomas Ruth
Posted Apr 19, 2009 18:00 by Thomas Ruth

22.89Mb (34602 downloads)
FSX Airbus A330-300 Base Package.
Includes RR, GE and PW engine versions
for FSX only. FSX model with diffuse, bump
spec and nightmap. Dragonair, NWA and
Qantas liveries. Comes with working
virtual cockpit, VC. Works with SP1 and SP2.
Not tested with DX10.
By Thomas Ruth
Posted Apr 19, 2009 18:00 by Thomas Ruth

22.55Mb (26248 downloads)
North American Rockwell OV-10A Package.
This is the beautiful Tim Conrad design OV-10A with a few small tweak so it will run in FSX without problem. This package contains all the update from Mr Conrad and includes the following liveries. USN, USMC, 20th TASS, Moroccan Air Force 1980's, 40 Squadron, Barcelona,Venezuelan Air Force 1973. Panel cfg tweaked for FSX, thumbnails added. Full package with working VC, etc. Tested for FSX, Panel updates and thumbs by Danny Garnier.
Posted Apr 19, 2009 07:23 by GARNIER D

5.24Mb (3981 downloads)
Textures only for the Default FSX Cessna 208B Grand Caravan in the colors of FedEx
Posted Apr 18, 2009 18:23 by Bashir Ismail

1.12Mb (2216 downloads)
CYXX Abbotsford International Airport, BC.
Welcome to Abbotsford!
Situated in the breathtaking Fraser Valley region of British Columbia, Abbotsford Intl airport is the perfect gateaway.
Large enough to accomodate all type of aircraft and up to B737!
The airports has been enhanced to provide service to Cargo, Military base, Heli base with its Heli school, and of course, Single & twin prop.
There is also an option for glider with the Grass rwy located for an inbound Rwy 19C - Multiple buildings, and other admin have been
replaced to their original state. CYXX has only 1 ILS rwy 07.
Hope you'll enjoy your time in Abbotsford Intl Airport! Daniel Louvet
Posted Apr 18, 2009 17:08 by Daniel Louvet