FSX > Page 2008
6.83Mb (15618 downloads)
F117 Nighthawk 'Have Blue Camo'.
The 'Have Blue' program was built in the legendary 'Building
82' where the A-12 and U-2 were built earlier. Early on November
16th 1976 'Have Blue' 1001 was loaded into a C-5A Galaxy and
flown out of Burbank to the highly secret Test Facility near
Groom Lake, called Area 51. On December 1st 1977, Skunkworks
test pilot Bill Park climbed into the Have Blue prototype with
the designation 'HB1001' and took it on its maiden flight out
of Area 51..This is a modified version of Craig Richardson's
F117 Nighthawk for Flight Simulator X Painted in the first Have
Blue Camo Paint Scheme . This is a complete Aircraft and new
panel modified by Mark Rooks RDG Aircraft includes Pictures
and History. 7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
10.37Mb (6509 downloads)
Mirage G8 Package Version 4.
13 different aircraft. This is the ultimate version of my Mirage
G8, with all the last improvements (shape sticking to the real
plane, realistic markings, flaps, to be used with "h"
key, various textures, new position for afterburners, another
new panel background, full FSX compatibility of the gauges,
...), including 13 versions (single pilot or two seats, different
weapon sets and various textures, real or fictional), full moving
parts (including flip wings and separated flaps), a new custom
2D panel. Fully compatible with FS2004 and FSX. No VC. Pat Grange.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive

74.37Mb (28283 downloads)
Grumman F14D Tomcat Rev 3 Package.
ORIGINAL Flight Dynamics, (V 08-07), ORIGINAL FDE & ORIGINAL
AIRCRAFT.CFG, & HUD rework by Ivan Kostic. Aircraft perfectly
controllable & maneuverable within the whole original F14D's
FE. F14D sound set from AVSIM, with permission by Christoffer
Peterson for bundled use. FSX - F14D aircraft.cfg, panel.cfg,
FX-addons, new FSX gauging, & ALL rework, FS9 > FSX migratation
by S. Hinson. BMP fix for RADAR Range & Mode buttons by
Chris Potts(C)2007 FS9 & original files by Ivan Kostic &
Steve. GMAX model by J. Dobbings & D. Cattaneo. VC mold
by Dino Cattaneo. NEW 3ds Model due out before Christmas. 99%
complete by Darek Gurtowski. OUR NEW model will replace Dino's
model. FSX camera views by Bob familton and myself. Textures
by Ardie Tingler. No other download is needed. See inside for
all credits. All DOCS have everything, SO READ THEM ALL! By
Steve Hinson. "Tomcatdriver" 76.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
2.36Mb (10773 downloads)
Airports and Navaids in Google Earth This
zip contains all the airports & navaids for Flight Simulator
X and includes all comm and nav frequencies, runway details
along with any relevant ILS information. Extracted from the
default FSX BGL scenery files in Nov 2006. By Ian Niblo. 2.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
0.08Mb (3200 downloads)
Log Book editor.
This software is an attempt to decode and edit FSX logbook file
format. For previous versions of Flight Simulator log books
were editable text files but it has changed since FSX. 85K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
0.01Mb (7309 downloads)
: Mk82 500lb Bomb
- Droppable payload An Alternative to flour bombs.. file goes
in SimObjects/Misc , attached object = Mk82_1 in mission sdk
Created By - Phill Stokes of FSXMission.com posted w/ permission
by Bruce Fitzgerald - N322DW
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
0.04Mb (5103 downloads)
: Bomb_C - Droppable payload An Alternative to flour bombs..
file goes in SimObjects/Misc , attached object = bomb_c in mission
sdk effect goes in effects folder FYI- any .mdl file can be
dropped if turned into a 'simpleobject' .. ever wanna drop a
Volkswagen? Bruce Fitzgerald - N322DW. 43K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
0.44Mb (12554 downloads)
Gauges: Pushback, Taxispeed control, etc.
This archive contains version 5.0 of my "groundhandling"
gauges, like automated pushback with conversation sounds,
a Taxispeed controller using throttle AND brake settings,
and more; it can added to any aircraft. New in V5.0: 1. Only
for FSX !! 2. Accurate interworking with the new FSX pushback
tugs. YES, finally :-) !!! 3. Reworked Brakes gauge. 4. Taxispeed
gauge now has a built-in ARM function. Easy to install, and
fully documented. By Rob Barendregt. 447K
Gauges: Pushback, Taxispeed control, etc Optional Addon. This
package is an optional addon to archive rcbgh-50.zip, and
contains a solution to Open/Close the Groundhandling window
via a permanently visible Icon. Prior installation of rcbgh-50.zip
is required ! By Rob Barendregt. 70K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
0.65Mb (4849 downloads)
Bomber Goes in Mission.
Basically the old CFS2 Peleliu to Koror bomb run. NOTE: this
changes the flour bomb to explode in all flour bomb missions
and it will even leave a crater but not destroy anything yet
- still learning mission SDK. Bruce.Fitzgerald. 671K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
1.75Mb (4221 downloads)
'Person' ground vehicle.
An attempt to make a slow-moving ground vehicle for native Flight
Simulator X, using stock gauges and CFG files from content included
with FSX. Lets you view the new amazing FSX scenery, ground,
and water traffic up close, plus it is GPS and autopilot ready.
Everything is stock and everything is included, with instructions.
Patched together by JayInAtlanta. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive