FSX > Page 2006

6.08Mb (30783 downloads)
Lockheed SR-71A 17955.
Original Alphasim SR-71 with 2d panel by Michel Polski. No VC
gauges. 6.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
10.16Mb (6547 downloads)
F-15 Strike Eagle 494th FS Panthers This
is a Repaint of Coral's F-15 Strike Eagle.The Paint scheme is
from The Real 494th FS 48th Fighter Wing Lakenheath ,England
"The Panthers" included are Pictures and History of
the Squadron. Aircraft includes an updated panel,CFG Modifications,effects
and Textures by Mark Rooks of RDG . 10.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
10.02Mb (8332 downloads)
F-15 Strike Eagle Desert Camo. Repaint
of Coral's F-15 Strike Eagle. .I added a new After burner Effect
and New Desert Camo Textures and a updated panel Modifications
by Mark Rooks of RDG . 10.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
8.74Mb (7079 downloads)
F16 Fighting Falcon Shaw AFB 9th.
Must use a default sound there is not one provided with this
plane due too the large size of the file A lear makes a good
sound load the effects and the panel with Bob Chicilo read me
file provided. A repaint of Kirk Olsson's F16 Viper (Fighting
Falcon). Textures created by Mark "Fire Ball" Rooks.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
7.86Mb (22357 downloads)
F-15E Strike Eagle Package , USAFE, RAF Lakenheath.
F-15E Strike Eagle of the 492d Fighter Squadron (Madhatters),
48th Fighter Wing (also known as the Liberty Wing), USAFE, RAF
Lakenheath. Animated ailerons, all moving tail, rudder, flaps,
engine intakes (using the flap keys), airbrake, gear with compression,
canopy and lastly emergency tailhook for those dodgy high speed
no brakes landings.Included panel and sound. New feature not
seen before: Bombs that drop - you may need to assign a key
to do that mine uses water rudder and shift W. Unfortunately
you won't hear any explosions yet until someone has worked out
a way to do it!!! Original aircraft by Coral. Repaint by Nathan
Fife. 8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
0.06Mb (6938 downloads)
SR-71 Blackbird Update.
This is my second update for FS X of the Alphasim SR-71A Blackbird
I have tweaked the flight dynamics so you can take it up to
70,000 ft. and cruise at mach 3, changed the afterburner flame
effect, and added an effects section. Bob Chicilo. 62K
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
10.60Mb (5059 downloads)
ROC (Taiwan) AF Lockheed Martin F-16A Block 20.
This is a collection of all known ROC (Taiwan) Air Force F-16A
Block 20 liveries as of 2007. Most of the fleet is divided between
the 455th and the 401st Tactical Fighter Wings based at Chiayi
and Hualien Air Bases, respectively. The remaining aircraft
are kept in the US for training and test purposes. Complete
package. Model by Kirk Olsson, panel by Eric Marciano, FSX adaptation
by Bob Chicilo, ROCAF repaints and Block 20 panel changes by
Mike Huang. 10.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
0.80Mb (1175 downloads)
Dassault Mirage G8 Camo textures
for my (fictional, as the real aircraft remained for ever a
prototype !), by Patrice Grange. FSX compatible. Two different
camos : sand and green. Textures only. This add-on needs my
Mirage_G8_V3.zip package (important : version 3 - above), and
is designed to be added directly into it. Designed by Pat Grange.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
1.83Mb (3080 downloads)
MIG-21 Fishbed
. - The nemisis of the F-4 Phantom in Vietnam, comes to FSX
with 2d and Static VC - full animations - compiled with FS9
SDK, tested in FSX *for FSX by Bruce Fitzgerald . 1.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
10.39Mb (6914 downloads)
Alpha Jet 'Pirate'.
This is a modified version of JP Bourgeois Alpha Jet Model for
Flight Simulator X In a High luster Two Tone Black Paint scheme.
This is a complete Aircraft Modified Air And CFG Files For FSX
modified by Mary Moo of RDG. No VC. 10.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive