FSX > Page 332

3.53Mb (259 downloads)
This is a repaint of the Douglas C-133A Cargomaster in the USAF MATS scheme. The freeware Douglas C-133A Cargomaster by Tim Conrad is needed for this repaint. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE. It should work on FSX & FS2004. Textures for FS2004 users are included. Textures are 32bit DDS & DXT3BMP .This was the first C-133 delivered to the USAF in April 1956. It was in service, mainly with the 1607th Air Transport Wing. It was scrapped in March 1971.
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Posted Dec 10, 2019 23:15 by Ted Giana

4.96Mb (192 downloads)
This is a repaint of the Douglas C-133A Cargomaster in the USAF MATS scheme. The freeware Douglas C-133 Cargomaster by Tim Conrad is needed for this repaint. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE. It should work on FSX & FS2004. Textures for FS2004 users are included. Textures are 32bit DDS & DXT3 BMP. Douglas C-133A 562104 was delivered to the Air Force on May 5 1959. It had a short service life, as, on November 7 1964, it crashed on takeoff at Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada. Most probable cause was a power stall on takeoff due to icing, or possibly aerodynamic instability of the aircraft. Tragically, all 7 crew members perished.
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Posted Dec 10, 2019 23:14 by Ted Giana

5.43Mb (224 downloads)
This is a repaint of the Douglas C-133A Cargomaster in the USAF MATS scheme. The freeware Douglas C-133 Cargomaster by Tim Conrad is needed for this repaint. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE. It should work on FSX & FS2004. Textures for FS2004 users are included. Textures are 32bit DDS & DXT3 BMP. In November 1958 562008 was assigned to the 1607th Air Transport Wing (Heavy), of the Military Air Transport Service (MATS), at Dover AFB, Delaware. On December 16 1958, this aircraft set a world record for propeller-driven aircraft, by lifting a cargo payload of 117,900 lbs to 10,000 ft. In January 1966, under a unit reorganization which included the 1607th ATW, 562008's new unit became the 436th Military Airlift Wing of the Military Airlift Command at Dover AFB. It made its last flight on March 17 1971. It is now on display at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base museum, Ohio.
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Posted Dec 10, 2019 23:12 by Ted Giana

5.31Mb (238 downloads)
This is a repaint of the Douglas C-133B Cargomaster in the USAF scheme. The freeware Douglas C-133 Cargomaster by Tim Conrad is needed for this repaint. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE. It should work on FSX & FS2004. Textures for FS2004 users are included. Textures are 32bit DDS & DXT3 BMP. This aircraft, 590524, was with the 60th Military Airlift Wing MAC. It was retired on Jun 16, 1971, and scrapped by end of 1974.
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Posted Dec 10, 2019 23:09 by Ted Giana

4.76Mb (180 downloads)
This is a repaint of the Douglas C-133A Cargomaster in the USAF scheme. The freeware Douglas C-133 Cargomaster by Tim Conrad is needed for this repaint. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE. It should work on FSX & FS2004. Textures for FS2004 users are included. Textures are 32bit DDS & DXT3 BMP. This aircraft was assigned to the 1607th Air Transport Wing. It was sent to the boneyard at MASDC as CU005 on Mar 10, 1971. It was eventually scrapped at the end of 1974.
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Posted Dec 10, 2019 23:08 by Ted Giana

4.94Mb (263 downloads)
This is a repaint of the Douglas C-133A Cargomaster in the USAF scheme. The freeware Douglas C-133 Cargomaster by Tim Conrad is needed for this repaint. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE. It should work on FSX & FS2004. Textures for FS2004 users are included. Textures are 32bit DDS & DXT3 BMP. C-133A 54-0136 was assigned to the 1607th Air Transport Wing. It was with the Douglas Aircraft Company from June 1956 to August 1961. It was displayed at Edwards AFB US Armed Forces Day Open House in 1959 (see included photo). Then onto Ellington AFB in October 1962. After that, it was assigned to NASA as 928 from October 1962 to August 19, 1969, and modified for Apollo command module test drops. A total of 46 drops were made. It was repaired at TEMCO, Dallas, TX from August to October 1966, before being transferred to the 60th Military Airlift Wing at Travis AFB, California. After a satisfactory service record, it was sent to the boneyard, MASDC Arizona as CU030 on Jul 21, 1971, and was declared excess on September 7, 1971.
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Posted Dec 10, 2019 23:05 by Ted Giana

2.50Mb (118 downloads)
A small update for GANFM, gives GANFM & GANFM_SF a shiny new engine cowl.
Posted Dec 10, 2019 05:59 by Dave T

4.02Mb (208 downloads)
VirtualCol ATR-42-500 in NordStar livery. Texture only for the VirtualCol model. Repaint by Sergey Gleba aka serg09. Description and instruction in the archive. Link to my products on SimMarket: http://secure.simmarket.com/paintsim.mhtml
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Posted Dec 10, 2019 00:49 by Sergey Gleba aka serg09

9.15Mb (499 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Albatros G.III Grosskampfflugzeug, 1917
Of elegant lines and clean design, this little known, limited production version of Albatros Flugzeugwerke´s medium sized, twin engined tactical bomber biplane was built in 1917, based on their 1916 G.II prototype. It entered service in Macedonia and elsewhere in 1917. Powered by two Benz Bz.IV engines rated at 230 hp each, it had a payload of 720 lb and a top speed of 93 mph kt. It was faster and easier to fly than the more famous Gotha, AEG or Friedrichshafen "G" series bombers. FS9/FSX mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Dec 9, 2019 15:27 by A.F.Scrub

112.43Mb (352 downloads)
This repaint pack is for Milton Shupe's FSX/P3D v4+ converted CDF (Cal Fire) S-2T (not the S-2T Firecat). This repaint pack represents the entire current fleet of S-2Ts in service with Cal Fire. 23 aircraft and another fictional repaint I included of T-100. The Marsh version is not to be confused with the Firecat powered by the infamous Pratt-Whitney PT-6 turboprops. The Marsh version is powered by the more powerful Garrett TPE331-14GR turboprop and has aerodynamic modifications that easily differentiate the two models. The S-2F3AT or S-2T for short boasts greater performance than Cal Fire's radial powered S-2As. The S-2T can carry 1,200 gallons of fire retardant over the S-2As 800 gallons. In the early 2000s Cal Fire replaced all of it's radial powered S-2As with the S-2F3ATs. California has 23 Turbo Trackers strategically stationed throughout the state to allow for most of the state to have initial attack missions flown on fires in 30 minutes or less. Infamous, "South Ops" in Southern California boasts 2 of the busiest air tanker bases in the country (if not the world) Ramona and Hemet-Ryan, where Cal Fire has S-2Ts actively stationed nearly 365 days a year. Repaints were constructed in P3D v4.5, and should work into earlier versions of P3D and FSX, but may require file modification. Repaints by: Nicholas Mitchell.
file required (external site - registration required)
Posted Dec 8, 2019 01:13 by Nicholas Mitchell