FSX > Page 678

180.82Mb (10310 downloads)
FSX/FSX-SE/P3D Douglas C-47R Skytrain V3.12 Beta
This is the next version following Manfred's popular Douglas C-47 Skytrain V2, now featuring a 'Vintage Virtual Cockpit' (VVC), a genuine P&W R-1830 Twin Wasp soundsuite developed by Ted 'Tufun' Wolfgang as well as a fully fledged cockpit-soundsuite, crew communication and audible checklist developed by Daniel Gauthier. Also the flight dynamics have been updated by Alexander as well as some perfections done on the external model by Manfred. Repaints available for the V2 model will still work with this new V3 model although with some restrictions. Look for a new, V3 dedicated C-47 Paintkit by Gordon 'gman5250' Madison ( MJJV C-47 Paintkit.zip ) and further information about using existing C-47 V2 repaints in the C-47 V3 release thread at the Sim-Outhouse FSX forum ( http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/forumdisplay.php?44-FSX-General-Discussion ). This file now includes the parachute textures missing from the original upload.
Posted Jul 23, 2016 03:52 by uploader

39.71Mb (5910 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 747-8i Korean Airlines package with enhanced VC.
Deliveries started in December 2015 and now Korean have 7 Boeing 747-8i in operation with a further 3 on order.
Skyspirit Boeing 747-8i assembled and upgraded for FSX with the developed B747 VC (virtual 3d cockpit) from Alejandro Rojas Lucenda (Manual included). This is the Project Opensky FSX native Boeing 747-8i GenX model, and includes ground cargo servicing, stairs (FSX - Go to Views - Instrument Panel -Posky Utility), opening nose section and more.
Included CF engine sounds from BrandonG, with realistic jet whine to make your flight sound great.
Thank you to Skyspirit/Project Opensky for their outstanding donations to the worldwide community of flight simulation. I have included the great textures by Ryan C.
Also includes the Boeing 747 VC textures upgrade. This give a much clearer 747 interior virtual cockpit look.
Assembled and edited for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Jul 22, 2016 07:24 by chris evans

11.65Mb (1408 downloads)
Shareware: Addit! Pro is a comprehensive addon manager for Flight Simulator X. Easily install, manage and remove aircraft, adventures, flights, flight plans, gauges, missions, panels, A.I. airport and facilities data, scenery, sounds, textures, videos, weather and more! Archive add-ons to Addit! Pro's File Cabinet or recreate them in zip files. Modify your aircraft, panels and sounds. Automatically update FS's Scenery Library. Includes FS Configuration Manager, complete scenery library editor, ZIP/RAR support and much more! See Readme.htm for details. Requires Flight Simulator X: Standard, Deluxe, Gold or Steam Edition. By Joseph Stearns. Shareware--please register to install an unlimited number of add-ons. See Register.htm. (Previous version had 2950 downloads)
Posted Jul 21, 2016 15:17 by Joseph Stearns

1.12Mb (981 downloads)
'Coca Cola' textures for Milton Shupe's FSX Rockwell Aero Commander 685
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 21, 2016 13:11 by Joe Payne aka slojoe416 on FSX:SE

60.76Mb (13610 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A380-800 Emirates 'LA Dodgers' special livery package.
Dubai based airline is the largest operator of the Airbus A380-800 aircraft with 82 in operation (2016) and a further 60 on order. This LA Dodgers livery is one in use on it's twice daily flight between Dubai and LAX.
Includes full working VC, working wipers, with groundhandling gauge and FMC. Added exits for Jetways (press Ctrl J) and better Thomas Ruth VC with updates by Chris Evans and Louis Quintero. Use FMC under Views/Instrument panel in FSX menu. Model/VC by Project Airbus/Thomas Ruth. I included the great textures by Triadi Sudarmawan. Prepared and assembled for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Jul 21, 2016 12:59 by chris evans

131.57Mb (580 downloads)
The Island and airstrip of Aero, Denmark.
Aero is a small island situated in the area south of Funen among many other small islands. This Area is only a short flight away from Northern Germany and called "The Danish South Funen Archepelago". During the summer season many tourists and sailors use to visit this Area with its green and rich nature, with miles of white sand beaches and with plenty of fishing opportunities.
Posted Jul 20, 2016 01:29 by uploader

97.35Mb (643 downloads)
FSX/P3D Braniff Airways textures for the KBT Lockheed L-188 Electra package.
Braniff Airways textures by Gary Harper.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 19, 2016 21:04 by Gary Harper

24.35Mb (1044 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 787-8 update Version1.1
base pack for FSX and P3D designed for AI traffic.
(Note:This model pack cannot be used
in FS9). Included original MDL, FDE,
revised paintkit and 8 airlines
repaints(Boeing-GE, Boeing-RR, China
Southern, Oman Air, Royal Air Maroc,
RoyalBrunei, Thai Airways, Xiamen
Airlines). Model, FDE, all textures
and documents by Mitsushi Yutaka
Posted Jul 19, 2016 17:03 by utc

18.20Mb (1415 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 787-9 update Version1.3
base pack for FSX and P3D designed for AI traffic
(Note:This model pack cannot be used
in FS9). Included original MDL, FDE,
revised paintkit and Boeing dream
liner repaints(GE and RR). Model, FDE,
all textures and documents by Mitsushi
Yutaka (FSpainter).
Posted Jul 19, 2016 17:03 by utc

10.36Mb (549 downloads)
This project adds the booming city of Hawassa, Ethiopia, creates the new international airport (HALA), moves (and rebuilds) the downtown airport (recoded to HALX), and includes AI flight plans for the Ethiopian Airlines service that began April 2016. Tested in both the default FSX: Acceleration and with FTX Global/Vector, accurate coastlines, lakes, road data, and SRTMGL1 (30m) mesh, as well as corrected landclass are provided based on the latest available satellite imagery. The Hawassa International Airport was created using information from the current satellite footprint and the promotional video from Ethiopian Airports Enterprise (EAE). Although there is still very little published data on the airport, it is fully functional.
Updates were created or rebuilt in a manner which carefully aligns airport data with current satellite imagery. Scenery was created using Airport Design Editor X v1.70.6042, SBuilderX 3.13, and the FSX Object Placement Tool. Scenery objects were added and modified from stock FSX scenery to resemble as closely as possible the actual airports. The FSX apron lights included are from the set created by Jim Dhaenens. Thanks to Ron Blehm for bringing this part of the world to my attention.
Posted Jul 19, 2016 16:10 by Carlyle Sharpe