FSX > Page 727

170.62Mb (1051 downloads)
FSX/P3D San Antonio KSAT 2015 version 1. Created for FSX and P3d. Includes custom made terminal buildings. This is version 1 - more revisions will come. Includes static aircraft from faib, aia, and tds.
Posted Feb 7, 2016 23:30 by Daniel Johnson

77.10Mb (3170 downloads)
The MD-83 N6200N is acquired by Iberia in 1987 in USA via an Irish leasing company. This plane was leased to Iberia since May 1, 1988 until May 1, 1990. Later it flew as Air Sur. Full aircraft, addons, FMC Garret Smith (you must download "FMC-1.zip", we have set in panel.cfg) GPWS (Callout) Ground-handling, V-Speeds. Model by Yutaka Mitsushi, texture by Juan Villamor.
Posted Feb 7, 2016 09:23 by Juan Villamor

77.09Mb (9660 downloads)
This pack includes the new V2 Model, made by FS Painter. New features are moving ailerons, working spoilers and reverses. Included with my American Airlines texture. FSX Only! Texture by Mees Jansen. Pack Includes: V2model/panel/AAtexture/Sounds/vc by Thomas Ruth (A330)
Posted Feb 7, 2016 06:12 by Mees Jansen

26.47Mb (1503 downloads)
FSX Scenery Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden Airport ( EDSB), Germany.
Baden airpark is a regional airport. It handels low cost flights within Europe as well as scheduled flights within Germany,also a private jet company and DRK helicopter maintenance.
Made with ADE and several scenery object libraries and a ground scenery .
Many thanks to all developers who made it possible to create better look alike scenery.
Please respect the rules of freeware files.
Created by
Peter Hermans
Posted Feb 7, 2016 04:44 by Mike Leitz

1.82Mb (767 downloads)
FSX Scenery Amilcar Cabral Airport (GVAC) Cape Verde. Cape Verde is an archipelago of 10 vulcanic islands
in the Atlantic Ocean for the coast of Western Africa including Sal and Boa Vista islands.
Made with ADE . This is Amilcar Cabral International Airport on Sal Island made by Antonio Luis Delgado for FS2004. I converted it to FSX with ADE.
I added some trees and some buildings needed for the corrections.
Many thanks to all developers who made it possible to create better look alike scenery.
Created by
Peter Hermans
Posted Feb 7, 2016 04:33 by Mike Leitz

5.27Mb (2473 downloads)
Snow X Version 2.0 for Flight Simulator X
- This is the second version of "Snow X"
* Optimized textures
* High-quality 1024 x 1024 DXT1
* New color tone brown rocks
* Weight of textures optimized to 512 KB
* Correction of some sharp corners
* Reduction of rocks in some textures
* snow X cover: rock ice, glacier ice, ice
'Snow X is an update of textures globlal coverage in order to make more realistic snowy mountain ranges.
'The snow texutas default FSX is not very realistic, using X Snow V.2 significantly change the mountainous scenery with snow. BACK UP your original textures before replacing!!
Posted Feb 7, 2016 03:29 by juan30005

37.77Mb (1168 downloads)
Aircrew Virtual was established in 2015 and has over 40 pilots! This A330 model was made by Thomas Ruth and includes an advanced VC. The aircraft is painted in the 'Aircrew Virtual' livery.
Posted Feb 6, 2016 19:06 by Eoin Reynolds

30.14Mb (413 downloads)
This is a FS9 and FSX self-contained scenery package for the York airport in Southern Ontario, Canada, CPP6. This is a small airport but, as it turns out, busy. This package works in FS2004 (FS9) and FSX, but it doesn't work in Prepar3D. There is another package for that, but animations and timed objects don't work in Prepar3D. The package includes traffic aircraft. If you install the aircraft in the appropriate Aircraft/Airplanes folder in FS9 or FSX, the traffic will appear; if not, the traffic won't appear. Made by Fern Marques with aircraft models by Dave Pearce.
Posted Feb 6, 2016 17:14 by Fern Marques

17.17Mb (312 downloads)
Eastern Airlines textures for the payware JustFlight DC-8-63CF
Posted Feb 6, 2016 17:03 by Jim Waters

31.81Mb (2712 downloads)
This is a FSX pack (plane included) with 2 simple personal and fictional textures edits on the EA-18 Growler from the Chris Evans updated EA-18v2 pack from Team FS KBT. (3 other paints in pack)
Udpate on landing-gear sound.
All from the model by Daisuke Yamamoto and Model edit (V2) by Hiroaki Kubota.
Posted Feb 6, 2016 13:14 by Benjamin BERTRAND