FSX > Page 730

79.89Mb (3017 downloads)
Garuda Indonesia Boeing 747-8i full pack. Model by Project Opensky with the interior model/VC by Alejandro Lucenda. Includes many features such as FMC, working wipers, ground servicing, realistic sounds and a lot more.
Posted Jan 29, 2016 12:16 by Guenzo

12.19Mb (2187 downloads)
Majestic class angle deck CVL`s HMAS Melbourne and HMCS Bonaventure. Reworked, more poly grinding and smashing, tightened up the mesh. Roughly to Bonnie's fit, now full hull.
Armament shipped-3"50cal twin mounts, new mirror landing sights.
Animated surface and air search radar, new ships crane and boats.
Separate Bonaventure and Melbourne models to accommodate slightly different arresting wire layouts.
Fully texture mapped around Jens Ole's great Bonnie and Melbourne tex's, with reduced drawcalls.
Bonaventure in correct RCN colours.
This edition replaces the beta version, the deck park's are unchanged,
as are effects for effects version, position and titles are unchanged.
A lot less pukeworthy than the earlier effort.
Paints by Jens-Ole Kjolberg and Y.T.
Posted Jan 29, 2016 04:48 by LLS

8.87Mb (210 downloads)
Polish Air Force textures for the payware Nemeth Mil Mi-17 630. Texture by Voiteh.
Posted Jan 29, 2016 00:31 by Voiteh

1.06Mb (346 downloads)
Swanton Morley was a new station planned under the RAF expansion scheme but not completed to the same standard before the start of the Second World War. It was part of No. 2 Group in Bomber Command until December 1944 when it was given over to 100 Group - the RAF unit responsible for countering German defences against the British strategic bombing - as they needed another airfield close to their HQ at Bylaugh Hall.
On 4 July 1942, American and British airmen took off from this station as part of the first combined bombing raid of World War II. No 226 Squadron had been tutoring the US 15 Bombardment Squadron. Both Winston Churchill and General Eisenhower were at RAF Swanton Morley for this mission, which saw six crews from 15th Bombardment Squadron fly a raid with six crews from the RAF, using Boston light bombers belonging to No. 226 Squadron RAF. The raid was made at low level against German airfields in the Netherlands. During World War II the station was home to the Bomber Support Development Unit (BSDU) of No. 100 Group RAF.
After World War II the station was home to No 1 Air Signaller's School and later to the Central Servicing Development Establishment (CSDE) and the Maintenance Analysis and Computing Establishment (MACE).
From June 1953 to 1995 the station was also used by 611 Volunteer Gliding School, when the station was listed for closure under Options for Change. The station held popular airshows during the 1980s.
The station closed in 1995 and was converted to an Army base now known as Robertson Barracks.
Source: Wikipedia
Posted Jan 28, 2016 21:30 by Terry Boissel

47.07Mb (3182 downloads)
Alphasim Vickers Valiant in MDLX standard, for FSX only
The often overlooked Valiant was ordered as 'insurance' against more advanced Vulcan and Victor. Designed and developed very quickly, the Valiant's were delivered
on time and on budget, a rarity in military aircraft development.
B.1's dropped live H-bombs on tests out of Christmas island, dropped conventional warloads on Egyptian
airfields from Cyprus during the '56 Suez war, provided NATO's nuclear punch, and served as AAR tankers.
Cockpit/interior model is from the Simshed 2010 Nimrod, see readme for instructions.
Model by Alphasim(virtavia) http://www.virtavia.com, with Phil's kind permission and encouragement.
Posted Jan 28, 2016 12:18 by LLS

43.48Mb (3037 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 Eva Air package with enhanced VC.
Taiwan based Eva Airways operates 4 Boeing 747-400 aircraft out of it's fleet total of
67, to destinations worldwide.
Project Opensky native FSX Boeing 747-400 assembled and upgraded for with the
developed B747 VC (virtual 3d cockpit) from Alejandro Rojas Lucenda (Manual included).
This is the Project Opensky FSX native Boeing 747-400 model, and includes ground cargo
servicing, stairs (FSX - Go to Views - Instrument Panel -Posky Utility), opening nose
section and more.
Included CF engine sounds from BrandonG, with realistic jet whine to make your flight
sound great.
Thank you to Project Opensky team for their contributions to the worldwide community
of flight simulation. Thank you to RyanC for the great textures.
Also includes the Boeing 747 VC textures upgrade. This give a much clearer 747
interior virtual cockpit look.
Assembled and edited for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Jan 28, 2016 12:04 by chris evans

63.05Mb (4991 downloads)
The Tupolev 160 "Blackjack" is a hight speed, long range bomber (mach 2.10). Original model by Alexander Vishnyakov. Panel for wide screen (no VC) and gauges by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions in the readme.txt file. Nice flights!
Posted Jan 28, 2016 11:44 by Philippe Wallaert

18.14Mb (6032 downloads)
Rebel Alliance BLT-A4 Y-wing by Tim 'Piglet' Conrad, T-65 X-wing by Bruce Fitzgerald. Upgraded to FSX MDLX standard, all original animations and VC's, flat-riser VTOL's, ready for space. X-wing has been scaled correctly, and now has a pilot. Very smooth frames, and glass!
A big BZ for Bruce, Tim, Rob, Arno and Henk, who made it all possible.
Posted Jan 28, 2016 03:30 by LLS

Textures only for the KC-135 RG No. 497 93-CM of Groupe de Ravitaillement en Vol of the French Air Force. Add these textures to the PAD KC-135 available on simviation
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 28, 2016 02:34 by Fabien RAOUL
10.26Mb (847 downloads)
FSX Danish Steam Frigate Jylland from around 1860. She fought 1864 in the battle of Helgland. The ship is equiped with a 1300 hp steam engine and has a liftable propeller for sailing. Now she lies as one of the biggest wooden ships as museums ship in a dry dock at Ebeltoft at the Baltic Sea. This addon is a pilotable version with many sails and twelve additional stunsails and is almost complete rigged with hundreds of ropes. There are fourtytwo animated guns and a Navy crew of thirteen men. Twentythree cameras let you explore the whole ship: The deck, below the decks and you can enjoy the sailors views from high above in the masts. FSDS 3.5 model and configuration made by Erwin Welker
Posted Jan 27, 2016 04:08 by Erwin Welker