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FSX > Page 767
Air Spain Bristol 175 Britannia
8.56Mb (1737 downloads)
FSX texture (DDS files). Air Spain was a Spanish charter company that operated from 1965 to 1975. Its main base was in Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands. It was created by Lieutenant General Rafael Garcia Valino and Northwest Bank. Full aircraft with VC. Model by Jens B. Kristensen, texture by Juan Villamor.
Posted Oct 13, 2015 08:36 by Juan Villamor
Junkers F.13
Junkers F.13
7.78Mb (1909 downloads)
The Junkers F.13 (also known as the F 13) was the world's first all-metal transport aircraft, built in Germany at the end of World War I. It was an advanced cantilever-wing monoplane, with enclosed accommodation for four passengers. Over 300 were sold. It was in production for 13 years and in commercial service almost 2. By Craig Richardson
Posted Oct 13, 2015 08:34 by Craig Richardson
North American F-86F Sabre FU-385 USAF Wolfhounds
North American F-86F Sabre FU-385 USAF Wolfhounds
49.18Mb (3188 downloads)
North American F-86F Sabre FU-385 USAF Wolfhounds. SectionF8 F-86 Sabre. Canadair Sabre CL-13B Mk. 6. Complex and very high quality model. Painted in the USAFE 32nd TFS Wolfhounds Soesterberg during the early 1950s. Textures by Richard Wisman. IMPORTANT: You must read the manual as this is a complex aircraft to fly! Custom packaged by Chris Evans.
Posted Oct 13, 2015 05:04 by chris evans
Antalya Airport, Turkey
Antalya Airport, Turkey
60.43Mb (4708 downloads)
Antalya Airport, Turkey, scenery with improved taxiways And accurate runways. The airport has 3 runways. This scenery also has working parking screens to guide you to your parking space. (LTAI)(AYT)
Posted Oct 12, 2015 13:02 by Declan Farrant
Airbus A330-300 Air Europa Package
Airbus A330-300 Air Europa Package
34.47Mb (4833 downloads)
Airbus A330-300 Air Europa for FSX. Spanish airline, Air Europa, currently (2015) operate 11 A330 aircraft. Includes VC. Model and VC by Thomas Ruth. I included the great textures by David Oramas. Requires either FSX Acceleration or SP1 and SP2 to be installed. Includes FMC by Garret Smith, working wipers and more. A330 sounds and manual included. Custom packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Oct 12, 2015 07:02 by chris evans
Dubuque Regional Airport, Iowa
Dubuque Regional Airport, Iowa
0.98Mb (471 downloads)
1. All jetways and most all scenery objects will display as long as scenery complexity in FSX is set at normal or higher. Some objects do require that FSX Acceleration or FSX Gold be installed however. 2. The vehicle paths have been designed so as to prevent airport vehicles to enter taxiways. 3. Optionally, both Runways 13/31 and 18/36 have been opened to AI traffic. 5. Autogen objects have been prevented from displaying on the airport grounds. 6. The tower view has been changed to display from the roof of the control tower. 7. Extra fuel trucks have been added throughout the airport. 8. All gates are accurately portrayed. 9. All taxiways are included and are accurately named, and taxiway signs are accurately placed. 10. Ramp lights have been added in the airport terminal and military areas. Thanks to Jim Dhaenens for these excellent lights. and Patrick Finch for the original scenery
Posted Oct 11, 2015 15:40 by zach gloss
Grumman J2F Bi Wing Amphibious models
Grumman J2F Bi Wing Amphibious models
47.12Mb (4149 downloads)
Grumman Duck J2F Float Plane Bi Wing. Models original by Swingman. 3 Different Models & 6 Paints complete VIRTUAL COCKPIT with working Gauges. Land or Amphibious Aircraft. High quality aircraft! Also comes with the movie version from Murphys War starring Peter O'Toole 1971. Zip preview for more images! Assembled for FSX easier install by JetRanger
Posted Oct 10, 2015 22:26 by Jetranger
McDonnell Douglas MD-80 Megapack
McDonnell Douglas MD-80 Megapack
136.73Mb (12625 downloads)
From the person who brought you the A380 HD Megapack, comes the McDonnell Douglas MD-80 Megapack! Liveries: American, Alitalia, Aero Mexico, Aero Mexico AMS, Aero Republica, Allegiant, Northwest, Delta, Avianca, TWA, Orient Thai. Model and VC created by Mitsushi Yutaka. This package is easy to use and install. Just put the file in the ZIP into your Airplanes folder. Easy as that! comes with the original MD-81 VC and panel, 11 liveries, and SkyHigh Simulation's JT8D Soundpack! Great for people wanting to hop straight into an aircraft , for free!
Posted Oct 10, 2015 16:41 by Cayden Smith (FlightDesign)
AltraMax Version 2 Repaints
AltraMax Version 2 Repaints
33.00Mb (2591 downloads)
Some minor adjustments to the AltraMax Version 2 textures to color the aircraft like the original version. Simply extract to your Altra MAX main folder and overwrite the existing textures with these. Enjoy!
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 10, 2015 16:10 by Thomas Vaillencourt
Lodestar L-18, C-57, C60A gauge FIX
Lodestar L-18, C-57, C60A gauge FIX
0.03Mb (2441 downloads)
Lockheed Lodestar L-18, C-57, and C60A Gauge Fix for FSX and FS9 by Milton Shupe PROBLEM: Missing ADI gauge bmp RESOLUTION: Copy paste the ADI_Bar.bmp to your Lodestar/Panel/ST_Lodestar folder Thank you Milton Shupe October 10, 2015
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 10, 2015 12:00 by Milton Shupe