FSX > Page 768

42.44Mb (3666 downloads)
Airbus A330-200 Virgin Australia Airlines package for FSX. As of 2015, Virgin
Australia, Australia's 2nd largest airline, operate 6 Airbus A330-200 aircraft.
Includes VC. Model and VC by Thomas Ruth. I included the high quality textures by Ryan
Gabuyo. Requires either FSX Acceleration or SP1 and SP2 to be installed.
Includes FMC by Garret Smith. A330 sounds and manual included. Custom packaged by
Chris Evans
Posted Oct 10, 2015 10:57 by chris evans

55.47Mb (1388 downloads)
The Project Airbus A320-232 in the colours of the now defunct South African low cost airline Flitestar, which operated flights in South Africa during the mid 1990's. Model by Project Opensky. Includes VC with FMC and custom A320 sounds. Repaint by Jacques Louw
Posted Oct 9, 2015 13:23 by Jacques Louw

7.10Mb (370 downloads)
Aer Lingus with the Ireland Rugby team livery. For the payware Overland SMS Airbus A320 CFM model. Textures only.
Posted Oct 9, 2015 10:46 by Dimitrios Moschos

58.47Mb (5208 downloads)
FSX Boeing 767-400ER Delta Airlines Breast Cancer Research Foundation Package with
Enhanced VC.
SkySpirit2010 - Boeing 767-400 BRCF with advanced 737-800 VC added. Includes utility
for ground services, cargo, stairs, etc (find it under - Views - Instrument panel -
Posky Utility). The wonderful Boeing 767-300 from Skyspirit will be enjoyed by many
more people who do not know how to install a VC into a FSX native model.
The VC is the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND fantastic revised Boeing 737-800 VC model.
This VC model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect.
Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window.
Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), More
Realistic night VC textures.
There are custom Boeing CF6 sounds included for that extra realism. Model is not
modified in any way. Just the VC added and aircraft.cfg edited to allow correct VC
views, jetways. Thanks to Skyspirit for the wonderful native FSX Boeing 767-400 model.
Included the great textures by Joe Shimmel. See VC docs to get the best out of the VC
and FMC. Assembled and prepared for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Oct 8, 2015 08:41 by chris evans

44.02Mb (3557 downloads)
A fictional repaint if Palestinian Airlines had a Concorde. Tested on FSX. This was made with Photoshop CS5 and images from the internet. This is my third repaint. Also, the music in the cockpit has been removed and missing gauges added by admin. There is no other required file. Model by Libardo Guzman. Textures by Ahmad Sufi.
Posted Oct 8, 2015 06:58 by Ahmad Sufi

44.95Mb (6735 downloads)
This is a Blender FSX Project created By Krispy1001(Kris Pyatt)
Project Name: AltraMax Version 2 (Pilot Added)
The AltraMax Blender FSX project is setup with animations, and 11 different variations of the aircraft.
The original project was requested by Tom Vaillencourt at simviation.com
3D Model and Animations by Kris Pyatt AKA Krispy1001
Livery Paint schemes and "AltraMax" Logo by Tom Vaillencourt
Project beta testers Tom Vaillencourt, Krispy1001
Flight envelope tested and modified by Kris Pyatt and Tom Vaillencourt
Thank you, Krispy1001 (Kris Pyatt)
Posted Oct 7, 2015 02:33 by Kris Pyatt aka (krispy1001)

34.07Mb (5717 downloads)
AS350 Ecureuil/Squirrel/AStar UK pack. Includes - Sky News, Metropolitan (London) Police, Northumberland
Police and RAF Queens VIP Transport.
Includes VC. High quality model and VC by Tamas and Peter Nemeth. I included the
textures by Josh Moody, Andy Nott, Dave Torkington. FSX upgrade panel files included
from NorCal and Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas
Custom packaged with FSX texture conversions and alphas added by Chris Evans
Posted Oct 6, 2015 06:28 by chris evans

37.63Mb (3165 downloads)
A fictional repaint if Saudia had a Concorde. Tested on FSX. This was made with Photoshop CS5 and images from the internet. This is my third repaint. This textures do not shine like the previous Saudia Concorde Package. Also the annoying music has been removed and missing gauges added by admin. The textures have been changed by Libardo Guzman. There is no other required file. Model by Libardo Guzman. Textures by Ahmad Sufi.
Posted Oct 6, 2015 05:45 by Ahmad Sufi

0.28Mb (316 downloads)
Textures for the default FSX Boeing 747-400 in the theme of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It has multiple pink ribbons and 'Breast Cancer Awareness' along the fuselage.
Posted Oct 5, 2015 20:21 by Zac Wojcik

36.55Mb (3512 downloads)
Airbus A310-300 Luftwaffe package for FSX.
German Air Force, Luftwaffe, currently (2015) operate 6 Airbus A310 aircraft.
Includes VC. Model and VC by Thomas Ruth. I included the nice textures by Thomas
Includes FMC by Garret Smith, working wipers and more. A330 sounds and manual
included. Please read the manual to understand the panel! Custom packaged by Chris
Posted Oct 5, 2015 08:45 by chris evans