FSX > Page 803

6.79Mb (215 downloads)
US Airways Eagles Airbus A319 repaint, for Overland SMS Airbus A319 CFM model. Textures only.
Posted Jun 21, 2015 03:28 by Dimitrios Moschos

27.50Mb (1247 downloads)
Designed to meet a requirement for a pleasure flying airliner from Sir Alan Cobham (an Airspeed director), the Ferry was an unusual configuration biplane with a third engine mounted in the upper wing. The engine arrangement was designed to give the pilot a better view. The first aircraft G-ABSI Youth of Britain II first flew on 10 April 1932. This is an FSX/FS2004 update and features two models and liveries. The focus of this update lies on both a completely reworked and enhanced VC and 2D panel. In addition to the new panels, smoke effect and lights as well as extended cabin camera views have been added. Original model by Edward Cook and repaint by Jaap de Barre, camera views by Erwin Welker
and new VC and 2D panel configuration as well as new smoke effect and lights by Michael Pook.
Posted Jun 21, 2015 01:39 by Michael Pook

0.67Mb (2215 downloads)
A simple scenery of this air show.
Build and tested with Whisplacer and FSX Acceleration for the standard scenery of Le Burget (LFPB)
I would also like to take the opportunity to thank all the people who have made available so many free work (and time) for download over the years on this site.
Many thanks and have fun!
Posted Jun 20, 2015 13:39 by Andiroto

35.68Mb (5156 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the Dreamwings
DeHavilland DCH 8 Q400. I used the Spicejet
paint of the aircraft by Benjamin Spranger.
I have redone all the contact points and
added the rest of the wheels. The flight
dynamics now let you land without using the
speed brake to slow down enough for a good
approach. I have changed the panel to one I
have altered to work in FSX. No VC. See
the Read me file for how to use this update
to update any paint of this aircraft. This
is the whole aircraft.
Posted Jun 20, 2015 13:26 by Bob Chicilo

41.69Mb (3713 downloads)
Ifly Boeing 747-400 American Airlines package for FSX. Complete model including VC, full interior model, FMC, operations manual and more.
Important: View 2d panel (press F10) before VC (press F9) -- otherwise you will not see gauges. Important: Requires FSUIPC to be installed for some functions.
Model by iFly team. I added the great textures by Martin Stebbing.
Assembled and tested in FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Jun 20, 2015 09:48 by chris evans

68.88Mb (1284 downloads)
FSX/Prepar3D Fokker S-14 Mach-Trainer L-1 demo.
The Fokker S14 Mach-trainer was the first purpose designed and built, side by side seated, jet trainer. First Flight 19 May 1951. Only 20 were built and used by the Royal Netherlands Air Force from 1955 till 1967.The modelling and texturing is brought to the highest detail possible and a new 2D and Virtual Cockpit added. Paintscheme presented here is as the L-1 was used for airshow demonstrations. Features annimated landinggear, flightcontrols, lights, canopy and ground services and a fully functional VC. This issue includes the earlier released fix. By David Wooster and Emile Lancee.
Posted Jun 20, 2015 05:56 by Nicolas Neveu

10.51Mb (1392 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Cavalier Mustang V2
In 1957, the last of the active duty F-51s were withdrawn from ANG service. Many of the ex-military P-51s were converted into well-equiped civilian business aircraft.
Extra fuel capacity in fixed tiptanks, stronger wingspars and a tall tail like the P-51H were added. Many aircraft were sold to South American countries.
Cuban and Dominican Republic (FAD) versions included. Two complete models for 2004/FSX by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Jun 20, 2015 04:08 by A.F.Scrub
8.38Mb (217 downloads)
Textures for the default Boeing 737-800. "ConnectionsFly" is a fictional virtual airline.
Connections Fly operates to more than 40 European destinations and is a low-cost airline operater based in Brussels, the capital of Europe.
Hope you like it & happy flying!
Posted Jun 20, 2015 02:43 by Lucas Delmarcel

244.68Mb (2741 downloads)
Graz Airport, known as Flughafen Graz-Thalerhof in Austria, is a minor international airport in Graz, the second-largest city in Austria.
It is located in the south of the alps the airport serves flights to European leisure and some metropolitan destinations.
in this version all buildings ar landable.
new ILS-lights - the tower is new - the area behind the terminal is new - the Heli-Base Christopherus is new and landable
Posted Jun 19, 2015 15:59 by manfred marbler

49.92Mb (9697 downloads)
British Airways Airbus A318-112 for FSX. As of 2015 BA operate 2 A318-100 aircraft. Includes enhanced default A321 VC with better gauges and popup FMC (Go to FSX top menu - Go to Views -Instrument Panel), GPWS callouts. Custom CFM sounds. Also added jetway configs (Ctrl J). Model by Project Airbus. Textures by Paul Craig. Assembled and updated by Chris Evans
Posted Jun 19, 2015 13:45 by chris evans