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FSX > Page 802
FSX/P3D Autogen for Austria
FSX/P3D Autogen for Austria
190.57Mb (1580 downloads)
This package contains autogen (agn) files for your photoscenery of Austria. This autogen, besides trees and houses, depicts also row houses, churches, gas stations and appropriate type of forests (subject to information available). Height of buildings is also adjusted for larger urban areas. Data as of June 2015.
Posted Jun 21, 2015 16:07 by Milan Smid
FSX/P3D Autogen for the Slovak Republic
FSX/P3D Autogen for the Slovak Republic
153.12Mb (730 downloads)
This package contains autogen (agn) files for your photoscenery of the Slovak Republic. This autogen, besides trees and houses, depicts also row houses, churches, gas stations and appropriate type of forests (subject to information available). Height of buildings is also adjusted for larger urban areas. Data as of June 2015.
Posted Jun 21, 2015 15:34 by Milan Smid
Airbus A380 Singapore 50th Jubilee Package
Airbus A380 Singapore 50th Jubilee Package
72.31Mb (7237 downloads)
Project Airbus A380 Painted in singapore's 50th Jubilee celebration Livery. Thomas Ruth VC included. Textures by Stephen Browning
Posted Jun 21, 2015 12:27 by Stephen Browning
FSX/P3D Autogen for the Czech Republic
FSX/P3D Autogen for the Czech Republic
225.74Mb (1616 downloads)
This package contains autogen (agn) files for your photoscenery of the Czech Republic. This autogen, besides trees and houses, depicts also row houses, churches, gas stations and appropriate type of forests (subject to information available). Height of buildings is also adjusted for larger urban areas. Data as of June 2015.
Posted Jun 21, 2015 10:12 by Milan Smid
FSX/P3D Hazard objects for CZ, SK, AT, LU, FR & BE
FSX/P3D Hazard objects for CZ, SK, AT, LU, FR & BE
10.79Mb (3571 downloads)
This package will place into your FSX / Prepar3D hazard objects (chimneys, antennas, windmills, TV towers...) as listed in the ENR 5.4 section of the Czech, Slovak, Austrian, Luxembourgish, French, and Belgian AIPs. These objects are usually depicted also on VFR 1:500 000 aeronautical charts of these countries.
Posted Jun 21, 2015 03:49 by Milan Smid
Missing Gauge for the Airspeed Ferry
1.04Mb (471 downloads)
This is a missing gauge for FSX Acceleration users. It's the "Nose Up and Down" gauge in the 2D panel for a better view out of the cockpit, which only seems to be working in FSX Acceleration.
Posted Jun 21, 2015 03:42 by Michael Pook
SMS A320 CFM Libyan Textures
SMS A320 CFM Libyan Textures
7.17Mb (272 downloads)
Libyan Airlines Airbus A320 repaint, for Overland SMS Airbus A320 CFM model. Textures only.
Posted Jun 21, 2015 03:39 by Dimitrios Moschos
SMS A319 IAE USAir Cardinals Textures
SMS A319 IAE USAir Cardinals Textures
6.82Mb (185 downloads)
US Airways Cardinals Airbus A319 repaint, for Overland SMS Airbus A319 IAE model. Textures only.
Posted Jun 21, 2015 03:36 by Dimitrios Moschos
SMS A319 CFM US Air Steelers Textures
SMS A319 CFM US Air Steelers Textures
6.38Mb (192 downloads)
US Airways Steelers Airbus A319 repaint, for Overland SMS Airbus A319 CFM model. Textures only.
Posted Jun 21, 2015 03:34 by Dimitrios Moschos
SMS A319 CFM US Air Panthers Textures
SMS A319 CFM US Air Panthers Textures
7.15Mb (122 downloads)
US Airways Panthers Airbus A319 repaint, for Overland SMS Airbus A319 CFM model. Textures only.
Posted Jun 21, 2015 03:31 by Dimitrios Moschos