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Project Airbus A320-214 Easyjet New Colours pack
Project Airbus A320-214 Easyjet New Colours pack
82.16Mb (10491 downloads)
This is the New easyjet livery painted on the A320-214 CFM of project airbus. This pack includes: Model, VC, GPWS, FMC (by Honeywell), Real flyby-wire controls, and high quality 32bit textures of the new Easyjet paintscheme. Repainted by: Mees Jansen
Posted Feb 6, 2015 04:09 by Mees Jansen
Fsx Fuerza Aerea Espanola A310-304 VIP Package
Fsx Fuerza Aerea Espanola A310-304 VIP Package
57.74Mb (3699 downloads)
Airbus A310 300 of the Spanish Air Force (Army Air) designated to transport VIP staff to the Spanish State, in this case the plane of His Majesty King Philip VI. Internal designation T-22, version 304, installed CF6-80C2A2 General Electric engines. It belongs to the group of Torrejon Air Base. DXT5 format with 32 bits for hight resolution, 2D/VC. Model by Thomas Ruth. See readme for full credits. By Juan Villamor. Full aircraft, including paintkit.
Posted Feb 5, 2015 18:35 by Juan Villamor
FSX Lockheed U2S with updated panels
FSX Lockheed U2S with updated panels
16.87Mb (7512 downloads)
The Lockheed U-2, nicknamed "Dragon Lady", is a single-engine, ultra-high altitude reconnaissance aircraft operated by the United States Air Force (USAF) and previously flown by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It provides day and night, very high-altitude (70,000 feet / 21,000 m), all-weather intelligence gathering. The U-2 has also been used for electronic sensor research, satellite calibration, and communications purposes. This is the Alphasim Lockheed U2 with updated and enhanced panels and FSX compatible PFD and Eicas. Other missing gauges have also been added. The panels are, for the most part, authentic to the real U2 panel. The package also features new smoke effect. Original model by Alphasim, new configuration and re-modelling of the VC by Michael Pook.
Posted Feb 5, 2015 05:37 by Michael Pook
McDonnell-Douglas/Boeing MD-11F KLM Package
McDonnell-Douglas/Boeing MD-11F KLM Package
60.58Mb (9648 downloads)
McDonnell-Douglas/Boeing MD-11F KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, with Virtual Cockpit and working Honeywell FMC for FSX. KLM was the last airline to operate regular flights with the civil version of the MD-11. The final passenger flight took place on October 26, 2014, followed by 3 special roundtrip flights in November, 2014. Freeware SMS/FS Painter. MD-11 model. I have used the great textures by Stephen Browning. Zip preview for images. Prepared, tested and assembled for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Feb 5, 2015 04:38 by chris evans
FSX/FS2004 Minesweeper fleet Western Germany of the 70th
FSX/FS2004 Minesweeper fleet Western Germany of the 70th
18.12Mb (2507 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Package minesweeper fleet of the Federal Republic of Germany in the 70th. The package contains the auxillary ship SAAR (I served on that ship in the German navy in 1975/76) and a fast minesweeper of the SCHUTZE-class. Both ships as pilotable and ai-versions; the ai-SAAR in a sailing and in an anchoring version, to be used with the great tool ai-carriers2 or for ai-traffic. My pilotable versions provides VC views, some men of crew and a lot of animations and effects. Each ship has up to twentyfour cameras which let you explore the very deatiled boats and let you enjoy the amazing animations. Ship and weapon effects are included. FSX-FDEs and engine sounds by Knud Kristofferson, FSDS 3.5 model made by Erwin Welker.
Posted Feb 5, 2015 03:45 by Erwin Welker
DC-6B Cloudmaster Textures
DC-6B Cloudmaster Textures
4.99Mb (440 downloads)
Found this livery thanks to Jetranger here at Simviation. Had very little to go on with only maybe a half dozen photos available on the net, including their Facebook page. Thought I would give it a try. Don't own the Just Flights model, so I opted for Calclassics DC-6 CB17. Results in the enclosed file. The Cloudmaster DC-6 is kind of a time share, available in one eighth shares or multiples thereof. Use is offered in days rather than hours. Enjoy your vacation.
Download here (external link - please report if broken)
Posted Feb 5, 2015 00:06 by Dave Rocholl
LFQA Reims-Prunay (France)
26.44Mb (1696 downloads)
FSX LFQA Reims-Prunay (France). Enhances the default LFQA with photorealistic ground textures with seasonnal and night variations, approx 50 custom buildings and hangars, static planes, trucks , cars, people, tugs, birds, landclass redraw, nearest obstacles, animated windsock, etc. VAC chart included. Works with FSX and FSXA. By D. Bur
Posted Feb 4, 2015 08:53 by uploader
Beechcraft Bonanza 2D Panel Updated
2.31Mb (882 downloads)
This is an update to the Kenwigair Bonanza panel. This will work for any single engine Bonanza type. All gauges are XML by various Authors. 2D panel only
Posted Feb 3, 2015 09:34 by Michael E. Roberts
FS9/FSX EMB-110 "Bandeirante" Package
FS9/FSX EMB-110 "Bandeirante" Package
20.71Mb (5976 downloads)
FS9/FSX EMB-110 "Bandeirante". The 3.0 version is a much upgraded release from the previous 2.1 for FS9. Now is a FS9/FSX compatible model. Many 3D details and corrections have been made. A new and more resolution texturing were added. The panels, instruments and XML programming was improved, including a very limited but genuine Garmin 150 GPS. The dynamics suffer some changes that added more realism to flight performance. Engine sounds was changed, and many other issues takes minor changes too. Manual and documentation was fixed for this 3.0 version. For more details check reference files! By Edgar Guinart Lopez
Posted Feb 3, 2015 05:18 by uploader
FSX Airbus A320-200 Orbest Orizonia Airlines
FSX Airbus A320-200 Orbest Orizonia Airlines
61.47Mb (2086 downloads)
Orbest Orizonia Airlines (formerly Iberworld) was a Spanish airline operates scheduled and charter flights to different destinations-rentals in Spain, the Caribbean and the United Kingdom. On February 20, 2013 announced via their website the suspension of itineraries and operation of the airline. This is your registration EC-KZG. Full aircraft, repaint of the PAB A320-200 Orbest Orizonia, saved in DXT5 format with 32 bits for hight resolution, 2D/VC, based on the default A321 panel VC textures in hight resolution. Addons, Garrett Smith's FMC (requires FMC-1.ZIP), V-speeds (Jelair), Groundhandling (pushback) and altitude callouts. Ready to fly. Read credits. By Juan Villamor.
Posted Feb 1, 2015 15:56 by Juan Villamor