FSX > Page 842

12.23Mb (3119 downloads)
3 Repaints for Thinus Pretorius his FS2004 Casa C-212-300 to resemble Surinam Casa C-212-400 models.
SAf-212, SAF-214 and PZ-TJR. I also modified the vc cockpit a bit to better represent the glass cockpit with which these aircraft were fitted. The complete aircraft is
included. For FSX only.
All credits go to Thinus Pretorius (exept for my repaint work :)
Posted Feb 1, 2015 14:25 by Raoul de Miranda

18.95Mb (6709 downloads)
Boca Raton for FSX. Boca Raton Airport is a state-owned public-use airport located two miles northwest of the central business district of Boca Raton, a city in Palm Beach County, Florida. Features custom lighting, HD ground detailing, and generally modelled 3D buildings. X-HD version to follow soon.
Posted Feb 1, 2015 10:23 by Mark Piccolo - Soarfly Concepts

8.89Mb (1567 downloads)
FSX Pilotable danish royal yacht DANNEBROG. This beautyful yacht from 1933 is named after the danish flag. Together with the NORGE from Norway this ship belongs worldwide to the oldest staten yachts. It has a length of 78 m. The ai-model is made by Henrik Nielsen and and belongs to his huge ai-fleet package "179_ai_ships_and_ai_ship_traffic.zip". His fleets brings ship traffic into the empty sea of the default FSX and more reality into empty harbours. The FDE is made by Knud Kristofferson, the features for a pilotable version by me. My addon provide a wooden navigaation bridge as 2D panel. Ten camera views let you explore the boat. Panel and cameras by Erwin Welker
Posted Feb 1, 2015 04:50 by Erwin Welker

0.04Mb (622 downloads)
FSX repaired fix for Package4tallships.zip. The new FDE replaces the previous fix, which did not run on some systems. Sorry for inconvinience. Just cut, paste and overwrite this files into the folder "Sh_Tallships Gorch Fock-class". Erwin Welker
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 1, 2015 04:47 by Erwin Welker

6.04Mb (2191 downloads)
The North American RA5C was a supersonic bomber. It was mainly used during Vietnam war in a reconaissance role. Original aircraft design by Massimo Altieri. New gauges, VC modification, 2D panels for standard and wide screen by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions in the readme.txt file. Credit: Massimo Altieri for the very nice original aircraft.
Posted Feb 1, 2015 02:22 by Philippe Wallaert

3.41Mb (2329 downloads)
Cape Air operates a fleet of over 83 Cessna 402s, 4 Britten-Norman Islanders and 2 ATRs, with up to 525 flights per day during high season.
Here is their AI Model (Artificial Intelligence Model) for FSX-FSX Steam Version. Model by HTAI (Henry Tomkiewicz) is included in this Pack.
FSX-FSX Steam props textures by Tom Tiedman, repaints by Rafael "Fefi" Ortiz and Xtra files folder included for those who wishes to add something else to their model.
You may also find their FS2004 Version as well as the Caribbean Flight Plans for all versions here on this website.
Installation instructions included on the AI 9K BN IslandersX Readme file. Video of this project with more info, pics and a description of what AI Traffic is and what it does here:
Posted Feb 1, 2015 01:28 by Rafael Ortiz

0.86Mb (669 downloads)
Cape Air operates a fleet of over 83 Cessna 402s, 4 Britten-Norman Islanders and 2 ATRs, with up to 525 flights per day during high season.Here are their Caribbean Flight Plans for the Cape Air AI Islanders Repaints Pack for FS9/FSX/FSX Steam.Original Documents and bgl
Files are included.Installation instructions included on the Readme Flight Plans.AI Cape Air BN Islanders models for FS9/FSX/FSX Steam can be found on this website. Video of this project with more info, pics and a description of what AI Traffic is and what it does here:
Posted Feb 1, 2015 01:17 by Rafael Ortiz

31.83Mb (1495 downloads)
The Junkers K 47 designed by Dipl-Ing Karl Plauth and Hermann Pohlmann was
intended primarily as a two-seat fighter monoplane, but following the standard Junkers
practice of the period, an ostensibly civil counterpart was evolved in parallel as the A 48.
Work on the K 47 was begun in 1927, and in order to overcome the restrictions imposed
on the development of combat aircraft in Germany appertaining at that time, the
prototype was assembled in Sweden by the Junkers subsidiary, A.B Flygindustri at
Limhamn-Malmo, although on 1 November 1927.
The package features a new VC design and a 2D a photorealistic panel added, both with FSX compatible German gauges. Original model for FS2004 by Classic Wings(Craig Richardson), new VC and 2D panel by Michael Pook.
Posted Jan 31, 2015 09:57 by Michael Pook

40.98Mb (2848 downloads)
FSX-FSX Steam Air Flamenco Shorts 360. Air Flamenco is a Puerto Rican regional airline that transports passengers as well as cargo in the Caribbean. Here is their new Shorts 360 and just like their Islanders fleet this boy has his a unique name too. Model and files by Premier Aicraft Design (PAD) and has a 2D panel and virtual cockpit as well. Repaints by Rafael Ortiz.
Posted Jan 31, 2015 02:15 by Rafael Ortiz

18.40Mb (5275 downloads)
Thomas Ruth Airbus A330-300(322) Korean Air HL7524 for FSX(Compatible with FSX:SE) Model by: Thomas Ruth. Full model included with VC. Repaint by - Chan Hyuk Han
Posted Jan 31, 2015 01:23 by Chan Hyuk Han