FSX > Page 884

6.14Mb (423 downloads)
This is the Second boeing 787 dreamliner of arke. Arke ordered 3 of them. Texture only for the Payware Aeromsim 787. Texture by: Mees Jansen
Posted Oct 17, 2014 12:31 by Mees Jansen

6.17Mb (842 downloads)
This is one of the American Airlines Airbus with cfm engines, with the new colours.
For Overland SMS Airbus A319 cfm model.
Posted Oct 17, 2014 11:54 by Dimitrios Moschos

6.37Mb (430 downloads)
This is one of the American Airlines Airbus with iae engines, with the new colours.
For Overland SMS Airbus A319 iae model.
Posted Oct 17, 2014 11:51 by Dimitrios Moschos

5.86Mb (1774 downloads)
This is one of the American Airlines Airbus with iae engines, with the new colours.
For Overland SMS Airbus A321 iae model.
Posted Oct 17, 2014 11:48 by Dimitrios Moschos

8.73Mb (453 downloads)
This is the last aircraft (reg. SX-OAF, Airbus A319) having the Olympic Air colours, after the merger between Aegean and Olympic.
For Overland SMS Airbus A319 cfm model.
Posted Oct 17, 2014 11:44 by Dimitrios Moschos

7.32Mb (513 downloads)
This is one of the few A321 aircraft Aegean has on the fleet.
For Overland SMS Airbus A321 iae model.
Posted Oct 17, 2014 11:41 by Dimitrios Moschos

6.84Mb (252 downloads)
This is one of the two Aegean aircraft having the characteristic logo an the left hand side of the fuselage, advertising the
Athens Acropolis museum.
For Overland SMS Airbus A320 iae model.
Posted Oct 17, 2014 11:38 by Dimitrios Moschos

9.35Mb (249 downloads)
Mi-2 No.6046 Deblin 41.BLSz in commemorative colors commemorating the 50 - year history of flying " kettles ". Textures for the payware Nemth Mi2.
Posted Oct 17, 2014 03:16 by Voiteh

5.92Mb (668 downloads)
This Mod will change the weight and balance information of the CS757-200. after installing this mod you will no longer need to run ACE to edit the payload. This means you can have a much more realistic passenger load (up to 184PAX) and load bulk cargo as opposed to ULD's. Video preview here http://youtu.be/LjIvY4PaJ_k
Posted Oct 16, 2014 13:24 by CountryFlyboy

9.80Mb (2250 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Messerschmitt Bf110 G4 Nightfighter
After the Battle of Britain, the Bf110 lost it's status as the elite of the Luftwaffe. It did quite well in the opening stages of the Barbarossa campaign against Russia and in Greece/Yugoslavia, but even then, it was considered semi-obsolete because the Bf 210 was to replace it. It was very successfull as a night however, and served for most of the war. Original CFS2 mdl by Mathias Pommerien, Enrique Medal and Alessandro Biagi . Upgrade to FSX/FSXacceleration, FS2004 by A.F.Scrub. Tested in FS2004/FSX/FSXacceleration Windows 7/8.
Posted Oct 16, 2014 02:51 by A.F.Scrub