FSX > Page 885

23.98Mb (2346 downloads)
In honour of Akemi Mizoguchi (Hago), I converted his CFS2 Bell P-39D Airacobra for FSX. I did put in all the liveries I could find, so you have 12. I also put in a new widescreen 2D-panel with full working gauges and there is a normal 2D-panel, also with full working gauges (all included), plus 6 extra shift-F panels, and a new minipanel with American instruments. Also an updated VC, also with full working gauges. Ctrl-W opens the 2 doors, shift-C/V opens/closes the cowlflaps. L-key gives gun-effects for fun. Please see the readme1st for the credits. Enjoy!
Posted Oct 15, 2014 14:24 by erik hertzberger

65.85Mb (3566 downloads)
British Airways pre-delivery colours straight from the factory. This one is F-WWSK which became G-XLEA, BA's first A380. Thanks to Project Airbus for a wonderful model. It has PA's VC and 2d panel. Repainted by Neil Royle
Posted Oct 15, 2014 13:48 by Neil Royle

14.94Mb (6260 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the Rafale A and
C aircraft by Cyril Pioffet. I have updated
the flight dynamics, and modified the panel a
bit. Included are two flights that include a
moving carrier. The first is just after the
carrier departs Norfolk Virginia. The second
is about 2 hours later with the carrier
heading south on the ocean. I put in the
flights with this update because even though
the aircraft does not have a visible tail hook,
because the real aircaft doesn't have one, I
have included a tail hook section and a
catapult section in the aircraft.cfg file so
you can use them both on a carrier. On the
electrical panel there is a tail hook switch
and a red light that comes on when the tail
hook is down, so you can know if you have your
invisible tail hook down.
Posted Oct 15, 2014 13:19 by Bob Chicilo

1.25Mb (965 downloads)
Airport Gino Lisa Foggia (LIBF) Italy Updated.
FSX lacks the taxi runway 15. Now added in this version. Also changed the taxi for the 33 as per the tracks on Google Earth. More realistic version of the airport.
Posted Oct 15, 2014 12:51 by Voyager

8.49Mb (4204 downloads)
The Yakovlev Yak-42 is a three-engined mid-range jet airliner and was designed as a replacement for the Tupolev 154 during the 80s. Original model by Dimitri Samborski. Adaptation fo FSX, panels and gauges (no VC) for wide and standard screen by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions in the readme.txt file for installation and configuration. Credit: Dimitri Samborski for the original aircraft.
Posted Oct 15, 2014 11:38 by Philippe Wallaert

67.11Mb (1469 downloads)
This is the Kirk Ollson VIPER with the fictional Royal Netherlands Airforce Retro paintscheme. this livery is never designed on the F-16 before, but it has been painted on the Fokker G1 in the WOII. The paint design is by: Peter van Stigt. This pack contains Flares, Smoke, VC, and Afterburner. Repaint by: Mees Jansen.
Posted Oct 15, 2014 04:13 by Mees Jansen and Peter van Stigt

26.27Mb (1190 downloads)
Saipan International Airport for FSX SP2/Acceleration. Saipan International Airport, also known as Francisco C. Ada/Saipan International Airport, is a public airport located on Saipan Island in the United States Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in the southern Pacific. M Van Der Linden
Posted Oct 15, 2014 02:16 by Nicolas Neveu

0.86Mb (1432 downloads)
This is a Tutorial on how to add the ability
to use the catapult to any aircraft. It also
contains two flights that allow you to
practice landing on a carrier. The 730
flight starts just after the carrier leaves
Everett Washington and makes the first turn
to head toward the ocean. The 1240 flight
starts just after the carrier turns south to
head for San Francisco. Both flights start
paused. So even if you don't need, or want,
the tutorial part, you might want the flights
so you don't have to go looking for a carrier
to practice landings on.
Posted Oct 14, 2014 16:07 by Bob Chicilo

52.38Mb (5767 downloads)
After a lot of years, we proudly presents our newly released aircraft: the Zlin Z-142 sport and aerobatics aircraft! The Zlin Z 42 is a single-engine two-seat Czechoslovakian trainer aircraft manufactured by Moravan Otrokovice. A developed version, the Z 142, is the most popular aircraft variant in the manufacturer's aircraft line. Please read carefully the included manual! Happy flying! Pannon Wings Design Team.
Posted Oct 14, 2014 05:05 by Pannon
![[VOYAGER FSX ADDON] Helicopter AutoPilot](https://static.simviation.com/Model 1.JPG-thumb.jpg)
![[VOYAGER FSX ADDON] Helicopter AutoPilot](https://static.simviation.com/Model 2.JPG-thumb.jpg)
0.66Mb (12506 downloads)
This package includes 2 models of autopilot for helicopters
This includes installation instructions in Italian and English
a video (YouTube) to learn how to use the autopilot.
-- Italian --
Questo pacchetto comprende 2 modelli di autopilota per elicotteri
Sono incluse le istruzioni per l'installazione in Italiano e inglese e
un video (YouTube) per imparare ad usare l'autopilota.
Posted Oct 14, 2014 03:44 by Voyager