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Prepar3d > Military > Page 28
FSX/P3Dv3 & 4  North American F-86H Sabre
FSX/P3Dv3 & 4  North American F-86H Sabre
29.73Mb (1441 downloads)
FSX/P3Dv3,v4 North American F-86H Sabre. The North American F-86 Sabre was without question one of the greatest fighter aircraft of all time. Development of a purely fighter-bomber version of the Sabre was initiated by North American Aviation on March 16, 1951 as the F-86H. After withdrawal from ANG service, F-86H aircraft with the lowest air time were turned over to the Navy. The Navy used them both as target drones and as MiG simulators for TOP GUN aggressor training. The F-86H had a similar size, shape, and performance as the MiG-17 fighter then being encountered over North Vietnam, and many a Navy F-4 pilot was "killed" by a F-86H Sabre during these mock battles. FSX/P3Dv3/4 mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Aug 19, 2019 16:12 by A.F.Scrub
Lockheed P-3C Orion German Navy 60 05 50th Anniversary
Lockheed P-3C Orion German Navy 60 05 50th Anniversary
57.23Mb (2457 downloads)
Lockheed P-3C Orion German Navy 60 05 50th Anniversary. Fixed elements which it can't run in P3d4. But it can also run in FSX. Very good model and vc. Credits to TeamKBT, Frank Schnibben. . Danny Garnier
Posted Aug 9, 2019 13:28 by GarnierD
FSX/P3D North American F 100 Super Sabre
FSX/P3D North American F 100 Super Sabre
30.57Mb (1943 downloads)
North American F100D Super Sabre USAF Package for FSX and P3D. Original model by Classic Warbirds Design Team. Panels for wide and standard screen, gauges by Philippe Wallaert. Credits in the readme_ori.txt file. See instructions in the readme.txt file.
Posted Aug 7, 2019 04:44 by Philippe Wallaert
FSX/P3D Airbus A310-300 Multi Role Tanker Luftwaffe package
FSX/P3D Airbus A310-300 Multi Role Tanker Luftwaffe package
42.83Mb (1860 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A310-300MRT Multi Role Tanker Luftwaffe (German Airforce) package. The Airbus A310 Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) is an aerial refueling tanker aircraft based on the civilian Airbus A310. Previously, the A310 has been operated as a pure transport aircraft. (Wiki). Original model and VC by Thomas Ruth. Added FMC, HGS, PFD and MFD. Added panel correction by Marc Renaud. Custom Airbus sounds included. FSX : requires either FSX Acceleration or Service packs 1 & 2. Assembled and tested in P3Dv4.5 by Chris Evans Should also be fine in FSX and earlier P3D versions.
Posted Aug 6, 2019 07:04 by chris evans
T-38 Talon FSX / P3Dv3 VC FIX
T-38 Talon FSX / P3Dv3 VC FIX
0.05Mb (1538 downloads)
Dear Friends ... My sincerest apologies for wasting your time. I have discovered my mistake of not checking in the rush to upload this file to Simviation the fact that the VC of the T-38 Talon on both panels is not functional in FSX / Aceleration, due to the limitations of the model being transported from FS2002 . It is not the case of P3Dv3 where I have personally reconfigured and tested it. There it works perfectly. I apologize and your help if possible to find a solution to this problem. Beginner error. I hope you can fly it in P3D. An additional detail ... uncheck mipmap option in graphics configuration. I hope this serves as comfort while we study how to find a solution. Greetings.
Posted Aug 1, 2019 20:42 by Rodolfo Valery
T-38 Talon FSX / P3Dv3 (VC Fix above)
T-38 Talon FSX / P3Dv3 (VC Fix above)
228.02Mb (4004 downloads)
The Northrop T-38 Talon is an advanced training aircraft normally used for teaching techniques at supersonic speeds, acrobatics, training, night flights by instrumentation and navigation to newly graduated pilots. In the United States, more than 60,000 pilots have used it as a coach. The T-38 Talon is also used by NASA to train its astronauts. This is a total review and packaging of T-38 Talon of FSD Design Team to whom all the merits go for giving us this excellent model. Changes were made in vc cockpit, gauges, sounds, afterburner and smoke effect, vc glass, and vc glass cabin design approximate to the real T-38C model. In addition to 37 skins for use in FSX up to P3D v3 tested (not compatible with P3D4+). Thanks to those who have made previous updates and skins. Enjoy your training ...
Posted Jul 31, 2019 09:43 by Rodolfo Valery
North American RA-5C Vigilante FSX / P3D v3 & 4
North American RA-5C Vigilante FSX / P3D v3 & 4
243.40Mb (2175 downloads)
FSX / P3D-v1-v2-v3 -v4. Review and improvement of the RA-5C Vigilante by Alphasim. The A-5 Vigilante was a supersonic bomber of highly advanced technology designed for the Navy of the United States. In 1953, North American Aviation by virtue of a requirement issued by the US Navy began studies prior to the development of a powerful aircraft, all-time attack and high performance aircraft carrier-based, capable of launching nuclear weapons at supersonic speeds. This project, known in principle as VAPNA (North American Multipurpose Attack Vector), and later North American NA247, got an order for two YA3J-1 prototypes on June 29 1956. The Watchman name was assigned shortly, and the A3J designation was soon replaced by the A-5. Based on 26 skins (some of my authorship) and panel textures of those who have previously collaborated on other reviews, personally and made changes to vc cockpit, gauges, sounds, afterburner and smoke system and other details. Tested and running in FSX up to P3D v3 and v4. The merits to those who have collaborated with their previous versions and Alphasim for its excellent model. Enjoy your flight ...
Posted Jul 25, 2019 06:05 by Rodolfo Valery
FSX/P3Dv3 & 4  North American F-86F Sabre fix
FSX/P3Dv3 & 4  North American F-86F Sabre fix
1.69Mb (832 downloads)
FSX/P3Dv3 & 4 North American F-86F Sabrefix. This fixes the radio problem and adds a better looking outside cockpitview. Replace panel.fsx and aircraft.cfg and put NAF86Painel.bmp into the texture.common map. Fix by A.F.Scrub.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 23, 2019 05:49 by A.F.Scrub
FSX/p3D Northrop F5-A  Flight Dynamics FIX
0.00Mb (1376 downloads)
Flight dynamics fix for the FSX/p3D F5-A. Credit to Bob Chicilo
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 17, 2019 15:47 by GARNIER D
FSX/P3D 3 & 4  North American F-86F Sabre
FSX/P3D 3 & 4  North American F-86F Sabre
23.03Mb (1725 downloads)
FSX/P3Dv3,v4 North American F-86F Sabre The North American F-86F Sabre was the most capable western fighter of the early- to mid-1950s. This swept wing, single engine jet was the most important western aircraft of the Korean War and often tangled with Russian-made MiG-15s over the infamous 'MiG Alley'. It was a hard struggle not only for the Korean sky, but also between two excellent aircraft builders of the East and West. In addition to its primary role as an air-to-air fighter, the Sabre could also carry bombs and air-to-ground rockets to attack ground targets. FSX/P3Dv3/v4 mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Jul 15, 2019 10:45 by A.F.Scrub