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McConnell Skin for FF Sabre
McConnell Skin for FF Sabre
2.16Mb (571 downloads)
These are Bub's (Bob McGee's) McConnell textures for the version 4.0 Fox Four F-86E. (The aircraft is posted on page 16.) I'm just doing the posting. Enjoy.
Posted Feb 22, 2010 19:48 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
Fox Four F-86E ver. 4.0
Fox Four F-86E ver. 4.0
10.46Mb (1781 downloads)
This is the fourth and final evolution of the Fox Four F-86E. Original source file by Hayden Scott-Williams (Fang_VV), Ver. 4.0 by Tom Sanford (Tango_Romeo), & Doug Attrell (Grumpy/Hagar), 2/20/2010 Pilot Figure and textures from original files by Nestor D'Angelo Aircraft Textures by R McGee (Bub), Panel, Gauges and AIR file by Mike Eustace, DP by Tom Sanford The skin is that of the F-86E flown by Parr. Alternate skins for the Gabreski and Risner aircraft are included The aircraft is fully animated: all control surfaces, opening canopy, airbrakes(spoiler key) Her loadouts are: Guns Only, Guns Only Long Range and Rockets. The droptanks are a selectable weapon and are released as such. (When flying with droptanks, they are automatically selected at takeoff.) The panel has upper and lower views (lower toggled with SHIFT+4). The panel contains many mousable controls and a Korean GPS system. Please read the panel instructions.
Posted Feb 22, 2010 00:41 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
A-1H Skyraider
A-1H Skyraider
3.13Mb (2255 downloads)
The Douglas AD-2 Skyraider went into service in 1946 and served in the Korean War. She continued with the Navy, Marines and Air Force through Viet Nam into the mid 1970s. She was known as Skyraider, but more frequently referred to a Able Dog and SPAD, an acronym for Special Purpose Attack Douglas or Special Purpose Able Dog. SPAD is also a reference to such an aged prop job still flying in the age of jets. And she took down at least one MiG fighter in a gun duel over Viet Nam. This model in it's original simplified form first appeared in the Fox Four Red Star campaign as an AI. She was created by FangVV, Hayden Scott-Williams, AIR/CFG by Indio Black, Mike Eustace, DP by myself. I have upgraded/updated the source file to player level. Textures are by Sopwith Chameleon, James Peach. The skin represents an aircraft of the Special Operations Wing flying out of Da Nang during the VN conflict. The model is multi-LOD. She carries a complex panel by Mike sure to read the Panel Instrucitons, and has a rudimentary DVC. Her weapons are by Bbolt and Martin Wright. Installation: Simply place all of the files contained in the folders/subfolders of the download into the corresponding folders/subfolders of your CFS2 main directory. This is freeware, but must not be uploaded to any other site or modified without permission.
Posted Jan 14, 2010 19:17 by Tom Sanford
AD-6 Skyraider
AD-6 Skyraider
3.68Mb (2737 downloads)
The Douglas AD-2 Skyraider went into service in 1946 and served in the Korean War. She continued with the Navy, Marines and Air Force through Viet Nam into the mid 1970s. She was known as Skyraider, but more frequently referred to a Able Dog and SPAD, an acronym for Special Purpose Attack Douglas or Special Purpose Able Dog. SPAD is also a reference to such an aged prop job still flying in the age of jets. And she took down at least one MiG fighter in a gun duel over Viet Nam. This model in it's original simplified form first appeared in the Fox Four Red Star campaign as an AI. She was created by FangVV, Hayden Scott-Williams, AIR/CFG by Indio Black, Mike Eustace, DP by myself. I have upgraded/updated the source file to player level. Textures are by Sopwith Chameleon, James Peach. The skins represent aircraft of the Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club flying from USS Intrepid in the Viet Nam conflict. The primary skin is Sword and the alternate is Pussy Galore, both US Navy. The model is multi-LOD. She carries a complex panel by Mike sure to read the Panel Instrucitons, and has a rudimentary DVC. Her weapons are by Bbolt and Martin Wright. Installation: Simply place all of the files contained in the folders/subfolders of the download into the corresponding folders/subfolders of your CFS2 main directory. This is freeware, but must not be uploaded to any other site or modified without permission.
Posted Jan 14, 2010 19:14 by Tom Sanford
AD-2 Skyraider
AD-2 Skyraider
4.85Mb (1786 downloads)
The Douglas AD-2 Skyraider went into service in 1946 and served in the Korean War. She continued with the Navy, Marines and Air Force through Viet Nam into the mid 1970s. She was known as Skyraider, but more frequently referred to a Able Dog and SPAD, an acronym for Special Purpose Attack Douglas or Special Purpose Able Dog. SPAD is also a reference to such an aged prop job still flying in the age of jets. And she took down at least one MiG fighter in a gun duel over Viet Nam. This model in it's original simplified form first appeared in the Fox Four Red Star campaign as an AI. She was created by FangVV, Hayden Scott-Williams, AIR/CFG by Indio Black, Mike Eustace, DP by myself. I have upgraded/updated the source file to player level. Textures are by Sopwith Chameleon, James Peach. She comes dressed in her Navy skin, but an alternate Marine skin has been provided. The model is multi-LOD. She carries a complex panel by Mike sure to read the Panel Instrucitons, and has a rudimentary DVC. Her weapons are by Bbolt and Martin Wright. Installation: Simply place all of the files contained in the folders/subfolders of the download into the corresponding folders/subfolders of your CFS2 main directory. This is freeware, but must not be uploaded to any other site or modified without permission.
Posted Jan 14, 2010 19:09 by Tom Sanford
Avon Sabre, CA-27 RAAF
Avon Sabre, CA-27 RAAF
4.67Mb (1444 downloads)
This is a conversion of the latest upgrade of the Fox Four F-86E to the Avon Sabre. The Australian built Avon CA-27 varied from the standard Sabre in her armament of 30mm Aden cannon and her higher thrust engine. The texture is by BUB, AKA Bob McGee. An alternate skin is included in the Green Texture folder. Sound is aliased to Lear45 which is included in the download. Please read the panel instructions in order to fully utilize the complex multi-screen panel. Functioning droptanks are also included.
Posted Oct 27, 2009 21:51 by Tom Sanford
Revised F-86H Sabre Textures
Revised F-86H Sabre Textures
2.63Mb (932 downloads)
These are replacements for the FU-298 and NY ANG SEA Camo textures that came with Tango_Romeo's, tr_f86h Sabre. Just delete the old and replace with these. Thanks to TR, Tom Sanford for this aircraft. Thanks and sorry for the confusion with the originals. Bub (Bob McGee)
Posted Oct 1, 2009 23:08 by Bob McGee
F4E Phantom II
F4E Phantom II
7.06Mb (3897 downloads)
This is an upgrade/update/completion of an original unfinished work by Hayden Scott-Williams (Fang_VV). The aircraft carries a complete cannon, missile and bomb armament. Weapons and sound file (Lear 45) included. Weapons are AlphaSim with the exception of the AIM_9L, which I have modified to an 8-second airburst missle. The panel is by Mike Eustace (Indioblack). The default texture is VN camo USAF, but an alternate Luftwaffe skin is included.
Posted Sep 27, 2009 02:00 by Tom Sanford
F-86H Sabre
F-86H Sabre
19.98Mb (2484 downloads)
This is the last model of the famed Sabre that continued in service with the USAF into the 60s, and with allied services into the 70s. She features the clamshell canopy, as well as the 'flat' stabilizer and a 20mm cannon armament. Five textures included by Bob McGee and James Peach, along with a very nice panel by Mike Eustace and a set of functioning droptanks.
Posted Sep 21, 2009 04:21 by Tom Sanford
            Grumman E-2C Hawkeye for CFS2/FS2000
0.81Mb (564 downloads)
Northrop Grumman E-2C Hawkeye for CFS2/FS2000 US Navy Special Scheme. This is a Repaint of Missi's superb JASDF E-2C Hawkeye. The repaint is a fictional Black and White US Navy scheme. Repaint By: Mark 'Airhead' Walsh- Original Aircraft By: Missi. 834K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
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