2.57Mb (1099 downloads)
Cessna 182S Kent State University repaint default textures.
Fly a Kent State University aircraft using these repaint textures
of the default Cessna 182S. By Jared Speer. 2.6MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
7.82Mb (9301 downloads)
KLM Convair CV340
Repaint by Jaap de Baare. Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson delivered
a great Paint Kit of the Convair 340/440. It was used to make
a "double" repaint of KLM's- and KLM's West Indies Division
CV-340. Well...not realy double, because there was no difference
in livery, only in registration and in the aircraft's name.
But KLM coloured Convairs did fly both in the Caribbean and
in Europe. Zip-file contains the total package with sound and
panel. 8MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

2.39Mb (2875 downloads)
Air Viet Nam DC-6.
Repaint by Truong Nguyen. I am looking for the aircraft original
registration. If any one has any information, please email me.
Original GMAX model by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson, flight dynamics
by FS Aviator, modified for FS2004 by Tom Gibson. 2.4MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

8.54Mb (10173 downloads)
ATR72-212A Iberia Regional,
registration EC-HEI. Includes aircraft, sound and panel package.
Original by Francisco Sánchez-Castañer. Repainted Brian Suter.
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

11.62Mb (10139 downloads)
Scandinavian Airlines System DC-6B.
The DC-6B's of SAS became famous for opening the first 'polar'
(great circle) route from Europe to the USA, flying from Copenhagen
to Los Angeles via Greenland and Canada. SAS used 14 DC-6B's
in 1952-64. Four liveries (early, middle and late) included.
Repaint by Jens B Kristensen of original model by Greg Pepper
and Tom Gibson, flight dynamics by FS Aviator modified for FS2004
by Tom Gibson. 12MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

0.64Mb (417 downloads)
Vanguard 952F Air Canada Cargoliner Textures only.
Air Canada modified only one Vanguard to a pure freighter. Called
the Cargoliner it was converted at the end of 1966. Both Air
Canada and BEA saw the potential of using Vanguards for pure
freight. Air Canada did not go beyond this initial conversion
and did not fit a freight door although all the windows were
deleted. Later this became the final Air Canada Vanguard when,
seven months after ceasation of passenger flights by the airline
it was retired in May 1972. Sold to EAS as F-BTYB in December
of that year it last flew on 29th May 1976 and was used for
spares. Requires the FSDS Vanguard model by Rick Piper (here).
Repaint by Garry Russell. 653K
File available at Brit
Sim. Please report if broken
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

0.70Mb (659 downloads)
Vanguard Merpati Nusantara second Vanguard livery Textures only.
Merpati were the only airline to operate Vanguard 951,952 &
953. They found a niche for the type operating it extensively
for a time only fading away gradually over the years. This type
953, in its earlier guise was common in Europe as G-APEI with
BEA. Vanguards did return periodically to Heathrow for maintainace
PK-MVD appearing in September 1978 wearing this livery. Withdrawn
in 1980 it was scrapped in 1992. Requires the FSDS Vanguard
model by Rick Piper http://www.btinternet.com/~rick.piper/index.htm
Repaint by Garry Russell. 713K
File available at Brit
Sim. Please report if broken
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

1.02Mb (786 downloads)
L16A Aeronca Christen Eagle Black Textures only.
Rendition of how an Aeronca might look in a Christen Eagle paint
scheme. Long Island Classic's L16A Aeronca is required (here)
By Terry Funk. 1MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

0.96Mb (854 downloads)
L16A Aeronca Christen Eagle White Textures only.
Rendition of how an Aeronca might look in a Christen Eagle paint
scheme. Long Island Classic's L16A Aeronca is required (here)
By Terry Funk. 979K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

1.33Mb (5366 downloads)
Fairchild C123 Provider Version 3, Legendery aircraft, with
full altering the visual modelis, changed airdynamic, is changed
animation of ramp, panel C.Sanchez, add full working VC. Author
- Vladimir Zhyhulskiy. 1.3MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive