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FS2004 > Utilities > Page 11
                  Airport's Chart Viewer v5.0
0.28Mb (10965 downloads)
FS2004 Airport's Chart Viewer v5.0 This is a FS2004 module that will generate and display a map of all the taxiways (with their ids), gates, parkings, ILS, and runways of any airport of the FS2004 world. Doesnt need of FSUIPC. Requires the Manuel's Service Pack 3. By: Manuel Ambulo. 291K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Super Flight Planner 3.0.3
3.91Mb (6727 downloads)
FS2000/FS2002/FS2004 Super Flight Planner 3.0.3 . This is a very advanced Flight Planner featuring a state of the art Moving Map (drawn using either vector layers or a bitmapped texture, zoom-in, zoom-out, zoom-window, pan, rotation and globe projections), DP-STAR and Airways support plus a lot of import/export options (can import and export from a lot of 3rd party tools such as Radar Contact, MS-GPS and supports data formats such as XML and CSV). May create simple Flight Plans using a Wizard or more advanced manual Plans with or without autorouting. By Alessandro G. Antonini. 4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  v1.7 RapidShot is an easy to use screenshot utility
3.06Mb (4671 downloads)
RapidShot v1.7 RapidShot is an easy to use screenshot utility that helps you take, organize and view screenshots. Whenever you press the Print Screen key (or optional user defined hotkey) while you're using other applications and games, RapidShot takes the resulting screenshot and converts it to JPG (jpeg) or BMP (bitmap) format and then puts it into the predefined category of your creation and choosing. This enables you to take a set of screenshots in rapid succession simply by repeatedly pressing the Print Screen key. You can then use RapidShot's integrated image, thumbnail and file viewers to select, view, rename, move and delete screenshots. The file viewer also provides easy access for pulling the images into your favorite image editing tools. Also available is a "Time-lapsed" screenshot mode which automatically takes screenshots at user defined intervals. By Mark Schilberg. 3.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  FsXPand/FsClient v4.3
5.18Mb (1844 downloads)
Fs98-Fs2004 FsXPand/FsClient v4.3 FsXPand creates your cockpit. It connects 1 or more PC's to one FS PC over a network, and display custom (non-FS!) panel gauges on each PC. This includes displays on dual-head or extra video card outputs. All gauges in the toolbox can be customized and shown on all PC's in your network, depending on the local selection you make. Your controls can be connected to joystick/flight control inputs on whatever PC you want (a total of 8 per PC). Use the standard analog game port, and/or USB stick inputs as required. Lots of functions can be assigned to any button/swith/analog you wish to use. Need more controls? You can connect more to the client PC's. FsXpand will get the data over the network and allow you to create huge control sets. New features: Support for turbine engines: added prop rpm, gas generator, torque, ITT, prop sync and crossfeed controls; Additional: Cylinder head temperature added, Rotary flap indicator added. You do not need to use additional hardware to connect controls. Neither do you need to run multiple copies of FS. Re-use your old P300. Great for creating aux instruments on your jetliner. Licensed FSUIPC required for Fs2004 only. Latest bugfixes. License must be purchased for time unlimited use. By Flyware, Gert Heijnis. 5.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Fly By v2.0.
0.36Mb (3322 downloads)
FS2004 Fly By v2.0. This utility enables fly by view when FS is in tower view mode. New: AI aircraft fly by view is now available. AI aircraft can be selected from the list and shown in fly by or spot plane view. Next/previous AI aircraft can also be selected with the key commands. Cycle AI aircraft fly by / spot plane view is available too. Random options for horizontal (left-right) and vertical (up-down) viewpoint positions are added. There are two types of random: with constant and variable distance to the plane. Parameters range now can be assigned. Therefore fly by period, relative lateral and altitude positions can be increased significantly. Utility is provided with the keyboard commands. Limitation of Functionality: For user aircraft it is full-functional version which does not require any registration. AI aircraft options are time-limited for the unregistered version of utility. Every time FS starts, you have one minute summary to select and view AI aircraft fly by. By Valery Stenin. 369K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Courseplanner 3.C.8, stand alone Flight Planner.
26.27Mb (8120 downloads)
FS2004/FSCOF/FS2002/FS2000 Courseplanner 3.C.8, stand alone Flight Planner. Complete flight management on a realistic world map. Over +30000 SID/STAR as well as +60000 points. Use YOUR own scenery, (airports, Navaids, etc), and all the planes in your hangar. Monitor your progress, all the AI traffics, (and multiplayer), real time on the internet and intranet, this includes altitude, speed and more. Great to use when flying with VATSIM or IVAO. Use Courseplanner over the network, (CP on one machine and FS on another), or both on the same machine. Runs independently to FS, (you do not even need to have FS running). Import/Export FS flight plans and/or adventures. Create printable maps, (en route, departure, airport, ILS etc), as well as the briefing files. Courseplanner will fly the aircraft for you and even 'pause' the flight near the airport, or any point for that matter. by 27MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Fuel Calculator v1
0.33Mb (5755 downloads)
FS200* Fuel Calculator v1 This is a small program that calculates the fuel you need to complete a flight. It has all the Microsoft Flight Simulator aircraft but can be used for any sim and add-on aircraft can be added too. Bracken Dawson. 343K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                    Mobile Control Tower Version 2004 Part 1
4.48Mb (12217 downloads)
FS2004 Mobile Control Tower Version 2004 Part 1. Control the incoming and outgoing traffic on your RADAR screen (MARCIANO’s great Radar gauge) or with the excellent Ground and Traffic Radar included in the FSUIPC addon as AI planes fly around you.Rotating engine rotates the tower for a cockpit full 360ª View on 5 different levels or with the virtual view. Completely re-designing of the Main panel for a more professional look and new 7 panels for other views. Now listed as Mobile Tower in the FS2004 planes list with 1 to 5 levels variation. The tower moves easily and rapidly from one level to another without FS2004 reloading scenery textures while Traffic AI remains active. Revolutionary rotating and positioning engines by Rob Barendregt ! Precise and exact "GoodYear Blimp" view ideal for AFCAD designer. Serves also as mirador or observatiopn tower anywhere. This is a complete new Control tower and does not need the 2002 version which was downlaoded more than 11.500 times.This sucessfull accesory is intended to be the most complete and useful FREEWARE Control Tower available at the moment for FS2004. Full Web support. by Ronald R. Cachemaille. 8.5MB Part 2 - Gauges. 4.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
0.86Mb (1387 downloads)
FS2004 Updated ServInfo package This is an update for Michael Frantzeskakis' ServInfo version 2.03. I have scrubbed out a lot of the outdated airline information and added many new ones. A must have for any serious online flyer. Ray Brower. 876K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  FS2002 Aircraft Config tool version 5.1 shareware
1.46Mb (5032 downloads)
FS2004 FS2002 Aircraft Config tool version 5.1 shareware FlightSim tool with Aircraft, Panel, Flight, Sound, FS cfg editor, Database Viewer for internet FS Addon's and Hangar Managernow activates/hangars single livery/variant whether you use 'real' exterior directories as hangars or use the default \aircraft directory as your 'virtual' hangar. Also compatible with FS2002. 5.1 has an improved registration process See for more details. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive