5.93Mb (3676 downloads)
Adding Smoke Effects to FS2004 Scenery - An Illustrated Tutorial. This Tutorial will show you, step by step, how to add smoke effects to scenery objects such as factory smokestacks, chimneys on houses and even the stacks on static ships. No programming knowledge is required. Please unzip to a temporary folder and follow the instructions. If I can do it, anyone can do it. Compiled in DOC and PDF formats for your flying enjoyment by David "Opa" Marshall.
Posted Jan 30, 2010 07:55 by David Opa Marshall

0.22Mb (5272 downloads)
Differences among the version 1.0 and the version 2.0
The vers.2.0 differ from the version 1.0 for the possibility of work in reverse mode.
You can choice among icao2airport and airport2icao.
It is possible to find the Airport Name from the Icao Code and It is possible to find the Icao Code from the Airport Name.
Posted Jan 7, 2010 10:11 by Carlo Chiappisi

0.05Mb (4275 downloads)
FuelUp! Fuel and ETE(time enroute) calculator for Microsoft Flight Simulator
By Dmitry Stepin aka Bravo.
Posted Jan 6, 2010 05:22 by Dmitry Stepin
0.88Mb (4371 downloads)
'Snapshot' Screenshot Utility. v4
Take screenshots of FS2004/X With just a push of 1 button on
your keyboard (Print Screen) and SnapShot does the rest! You
don't even have to pause FS. Just press PrintScreen while in
game, and SnapShot automatically saves each numbered screenshot
to your chosen directory. v1.4 - Also works on Windows Vista
aswell as Windows XP and others!Requires .Net Framework to be
installed. (here).
Posted Oct 23, 2009 04:43 by archive

1.49Mb (6116 downloads)
Descent Calculator Version 2
Simple calculator to find the rate of decent to a to start descending.
By Shayne Bouda. 1.5MB
Posted Oct 17, 2009 05:55 by archive
0.19Mb (7340 downloads)
AutoLand Gauges Version 2.1.
Provides full hands-off autoland capability for all airliners.
Simple installation. By Martyn Becker, adapted and amended from
original XML programming by Nick Pike. 198K
Posted Oct 17, 2009 05:55 by archive
0.02Mb (3282 downloads)
Delete Default AI Traffic Utility.
This handy little tool will prevent the fictional default aircraft
in FS2004 from flying as AI Traffic – so you can be sure
that 100% of your traffic is realistic. All you have to do is
run the program, choose which Drive FS2004 is installed on and
click the button,and it will delete the traffic file, so the
Default FS2004 Aircraft won’t fly as AI Traffic. By StageSoft.
Posted Oct 17, 2009 05:55 by archive
1.05Mb (8133 downloads)
Aircraft Install Utility.
This utility for fs2002 and fs2004 can install airplanes and
uninstall airplanes on the basis of zip files, which are downloaded
from the net. I guaranteed the program only with win2k and should
also work with XP. It does not erase the files in fs2002 or
fs2004, thus the originals files will be kept. It is possible
that certain zip file have a structure which the program cannot
treat., but normally it should work with almost all the files.
This program is freeware, I carried it out because I found tiring
to install the planes manually. 1MB
Posted Oct 17, 2009 05:55 by archive
0.74Mb (2935 downloads)
Keyboard Throttle Gauge v1.0 (default FS pack)
- FS2004 only! Throttle up your jet using your keyboard! - this
gauge allows you to kontrol your aiplanes thrust using your
numerical keys. Very convenient for people who don't have a
joystick throttle slider. It is possible to increment the lever
position in 10% increments-just a thing you need when flying
with those slow responce jet enginees. Aircraft supported by
this version are default: B734, B744, B773, Learjet 45.Installer
and manual included. By Nikola Jovanovic. 756K
Posted Oct 17, 2009 05:55 by archive
0.40Mb (1298 downloads)
Recorder Module for FSX version 1.3.
FS Recorder is an addon module for FS2004 and FSX, which can
record flights, save them to files and play them back similar
to the FS instant replay and flight video recorder, but with
a lot more features. This version requires FSX with Service
Pack 1 installed! The Recorder does NOT record video files (like
.avi), it records data like aircraft position, speed, etc.,
so the recordings can only be played inside FS. This allows
watching your recordings from different views. List of main
features: - recording flights of unlimited length - replay the
last minutes, even if no recording was started - recording and
playback of AI traffic - playback of one or more recordings
as (AI) traffic - recording a new flight during playback as
traffic (e.g. for formation flights) - jumping/searching forward/backward
during playback - playback control via keyboard or control window
- stop playback at any position to continue manually - loop
part of a recording - change playback speed - custom keyboard
controls - recorded data is customizable. Matthias Neusinger.
Posted Oct 17, 2009 05:55 by archive