34.24Mb (9451 downloads)
De Havilland Dh89a Dragon Rapide Package.
FSX version of my Dragon Rapide, fully working VC with smooth
gauges, 16 paint schemes included. Complete aircraft, no other
files needed. Includes custom panel and FX. By Dave Garwood
& CBFS design team. 35MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
5.93Mb (4352 downloads)
C-47 Dakota Woodland Camo.
This is a Repaint of the Default DC-3 for Flight Simulator X
in its Military Troop Transport version ..The C-47 Dakota ..
Textures are created in Hi definition Woodland Camo Circa WW2
.. Textures By Mark "Fireball "Rooks of RDG. 6.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
13.91Mb (4513 downloads)
and FS2004 Boeing 247.
The Boeing 247 was a trendsetter in the early 1930’s.
It was the first airliner to have an all-metal, stressed-skin,
low-drag airframe and a retractable landing gear. Even when
the bigger and better DC-2 and DC-3 arrived, the 247’s
continued to give excellent service over the next 20 years.
Flight dynamics by FSAviator. Version 2.0 with more variants,
including Roscoe Turners 1934 England-Australia racer. By Jens
B. Kristensen. 14MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
20.28Mb (3053 downloads)
and FS2004 Lockheed 9 Orion Package.
The Lockheed Orion was a small, fast commercial transport of
wooden construction. A total of 36 Orions of all models were
built between 1931 and 1934. Orions were used to set a number
of records, and took part in several air races. Included here
are four versions in six paint jobs: Varney Speed Lanes, Northwest,
American, Swissair, Lineas Aereas Occidentales and Air Express.
Varney Speed Lanes was a forerunner of today's Continental Airlines.
By Jens B. Kristensen. 20MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
6.34Mb (1735 downloads)
Paint Project P- 51 Mustang. This
is a Repaint of Roger Dial's P- 51 Mustang For Flight Simulator
FSX Created as a Blank Texture for Project Aircraft . A good
starting point for any Mustang Project Created with easy to
use Bit Map Files and easy to follow instructions on how to
convert for FSX.. Textures by Mark Rooks of RSDG. 6.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
7.08Mb (2198 downloads)
P- 40 RAF Desert 112 Sqn.
This is a Re-paint of Krzysztof Malinowski's P- 40 For FSX.
This is a accurate R A F112 th Squadron's Tomahawk .. Squadron
No. 112th in Desert Camo The "Sharks" exchanged its
Gloster Gladiators for the Curtiss fighter. No 112 Squadron
became famous for its "shark's tooth" insignia on
the engine cowling, and this scheme was later adopted by the
American Volunteer Group in China Included is some historical
pictures and history. This is a complete aircraft ..Textures
By Mark ‘ Fireball ‘ Rooks. 7.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
9.76Mb (5419 downloads)
Spitfire IX Trainer Package:
This model flies perfectly in FSX, FS9, FS8. The Spitfire IX
is powered by a RR.Merlin 1,575 hp engine giving it a maximum
speed of 392 m.p.h. at 13,500 ft. After the war it was developped
as a twoseater trainer. You get two models : TE308, flown as
Nr 163 by the Irish Aircorps and PT462,flown as AS-W in North
Wales. Complete model, airfile, effects and textures by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive

50.91Mb (11977 downloads)
Douglas DC-3 Awesome 4Some.
Modification of the default DC-3 that includes 4 different models
(DC-3 normal, DC-3 Viewmaster, DC-3 Cargo, and LC-47) Remodel
includes higher resolution textures, unmirrored tail texture,
and conditional appearance items. Paints included: NAC, NAC
Freight, SPANZ, Fieldair, United Airlines and more. Requires
default installation of DC-3. By James Eden, Jon Murchison &
Microsoft/ACES. 52MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive

1.63Mb (4530 downloads)
Sikorsky S-38 Pan American Airways.
Twin-engined amphibian. Reg #NC-144M was one of 38 S-38s operated
by Pan American or its subsidiaries. S-38s flew the Caribbean
routes from Miami to Cuba, Haiti, Santo Domingo, Puerto Rico,
and Central America. FSX model with reflective textures, animated
gear and cabin/cargo hatches. Optional engine cowlings with
F8 key. Landing lights and extra radio gear included. From the
original FS2000 model by George Diemer. No VC. Adapted for FSX
by: Eric Buchmann. 1.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
6.69Mb (7009 downloads)
Antonov An-2 Wheel and Ski Versions Package.
Legendary multi-purpose Russian biplane, the first creation
of the legendary designer of Oleg Antonov, which much more
has gone through the founder. In this version the transport
version is submitted. It is mine 3 versions of creation of
this airplane. The model is compiled in GMAX MDL - 2004 but
almost is completely adapted for use in FSX, including russian
original gauges, full animation (completely animation the
pilots in exterior and co-pilot in VC), completely new model
and VC, panel. The detailed manual for use of the given model
and gauges. 3 new effects is applied. Author - Vladimir Zhyhulskiy.
An-2 Package Add-on Pack: Add to the main kit (file An2T.zip.
Add textures for "Polar Airlines" and Russian AF
(VVS), corrected texture for "Amur Airlines". Textures
only. . Upgrade of lateral views (panel.cfg) and correction
problem with Landing lights for FSX. 2.2MB
Mod for Ski Version: Adds Winter clothing to co-pilot.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive