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FSX > Vintage > Page 177
                  P 40B AVC Flying Tigers 3 rd Squadron Hell’s Angels
7.46Mb (4529 downloads)
FSX P 40B AVC Flying Tigers 3 rd Squadron Hell’s Angels. Included are some historical pictures and history of the AVC aircraft this is a complete aircraft ... Modified and Created By RSDG Rooks Silva Design Group This is a first attempt at a aircraft with this new FSX so please be kind Textures By Mark ‘ Fireball ‘ Rooks. 7.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
FSX/FS2004                    SimTech Do 335 Package.
FSX/FS2004                    SimTech Do 335 Package.
52.68Mb (10802 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 SimTech Do 335 Package. The Do 335 has been around for a few years now and has gone through a few transformations in its lifetime, this will be the final Transformation other then a complete new Do 335 for fsx. The old Do 335 had issues that were in need of getting fixed; This edition of the Do 335 from Simtech is set up especially for FS9 GW. The Do 335 will work well in FS2002 as well as FSX Although in FSX you will encounter a few errors for some of the older gauges will not run in FSX. Outside of that it runs well in fsx. Animations include all the usual plus Opening bomb bay,Opening gun bays,Opening front engine bay and Opening rear engine bay. also included in this package are new Flight model,New sounds,New gauges and a paint kit. Enjoy Tom Wood/ Simtech Flight Design Ltd. 54MB Fsx patch For D0 335 V_1.0. This will enable this aircraft to work in FSX without glitches. There are 3 things that needed fixed in the do 335, the panel config had to be edited for the new way fsx reads things. The Air file needed tweeking to fix the misplaced strobe lights and make the Do335 fly smoother in fsx. 38K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  Lublin R-XIII D Polish observation
31.09Mb (4359 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Lublin R-XIII D Polish observation, close reconnaissance and army cooperation plane, designed in early-1930s in Plage i Laskiewicz factory in Lublin. With virtual cockpit. credits:3d modeling, textures, flight dynamics by Michael Putodsd_view_skip gauge by Douglas S. Dawson sound by Mike Hambly Created by : Michael Puto. 31.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  P-51 Cavalier Mustang.
7.11Mb (5108 downloads)
FS2004/FSX P-51 Cavalier Mustang. In 1957, the last of the active duty F-51s were withdrawn from ANG service. Many of the ex-military P-51s were converted into well-equiped civilian business aircraft. Extra fuel capacity in fixed tiptanks, stronger wingspars and a tall tail like the P-51H were added. Many aircraft were sold to South American countries. When these became available again to the civil market, quit a few were converted into Warbirds and Unlimited Racers. GMAX sources included. Two complete models for 2004/FSX by A.F.Scrub. 7.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  FS2004 Huffin Puffin Stearman v2.0
                  FS2004 Huffin Puffin Stearman v2.0
7.37Mb (6545 downloads)
FSX/ FS2004 Huffin Puffin Stearman v2.0 A repaint of the late Mark Beckleys stearman. Highly detailed model with virtual cockpit and custom gauges Repaint and packaged by Stuart Willows Model and gauges by David Eckert. 7.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  F4U-7 USN VF-17.
8.15Mb (1926 downloads)
FSX F4U-7 USN VF-17. This is a Repaint of ALPHA BLEU CIEL/ Guy Hulin's Beautiful F-4 Corsair (original here). This Aircraft is a VF-17 Squadron or better known as the Jolly Rogers. The Aircraft created was flown by Ens. Gutherie USN. The Aircraft is Entitled "First Mate" ..This Aircraft Includes pictures and History. Textures and FSX updates by Mark Rooks of RDG. 8.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  F4U-7 'Precious Metal'
11.51Mb (2312 downloads)
FSX F4U-7 'Precious Metal'. This is a Repaint of ALPHA BLEU CIEL/ Guy Hulin's Beautiful F-4 Corsair (original here). Updated For Flight Simulator x .This Aircraft is entitled "Precious Metal" This Effect achieved with the use of a Modified Alpha Channel.This Technique Created and used by Rooks Design Group This Aircraft Includes Alpha Texture Effects and FSX updates by Mark Rooks of RDG.. Thanks again to Guy Hulin for the use of his Beautiful Aircraft . 11.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  F4U-7 Corsair VMA-312
6.16Mb (3264 downloads)
FSX F4U-7 Corsair VMA-312. This is a Repaint of ALPHA BLEU CIEL/ Guy Hulin's Beautiful F-4 Corsair (original here). Updated For Flight Simulator x .This Aircraft was flown by Capt. Jesse G. Folmar While aboard the USS Bataan in 1952.The Checkerboards VMA-312 would make history when VMA-312 pilot Capt. Jesse G. Folmar became the first American to shoot down a jet fighter with a propeller-driven aircraft. Folmar was able to down one of a pair of MiG-1 S. Which attacked him and his wingman on 10th September 1952 . This Aircraft Includes pictures and History. Textures and FSX updates by Mark Rooks of RDG. 6.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  Dick Rossi's P-40B Flying Tiger
11.34Mb (3308 downloads)
FSX Dick Rossi's P-40B Flying Tiger This is a Re-paint of J R Lucariny designed & Robert Hawk's repainted P 40 For Flight Simulator X. This is a accurate Re-paint of Dick Rossi's Aircraft He Flew with the famed AVC Flying Tigers as a fighter pilot working with the American Volunteer Group in China during WWII under General Claire Lee Chennault, During an eight-month period, a handful of swift, heavily armed P-40's destroyed 297 Japanese aircraft. More than 6 of those fell from the sky under the guns of Rossi as a Flight Leader. John Richard Rossi of the American Volunteer Group (AVG) Flying Tigers. "Dick" Rossi served as president of the AVG Flying Tigers Association for fifty years and is one of the founders of the Flying Tigers Line, a major freight carrier. This is a complete aircraft Textures By Mark ' Fireball ' Rooks Of RDG. 11.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  F4 Corsair Black Sheep Squadron.
4.22Mb (5829 downloads)
FSX F4 Corsair Black Sheep Squadron. This is a Repaint of Guy Hulin's F4 Corsair. Aircraft is Painted in A United States Marine Corps VMF 214 Squadron Flown By Gregory " Pappy " Boyington in WW2 Better Known as The Black Sheep Squadron ..This Aircraft Includes pictures and History. Textures and FSX updates by Mark Rooks of RDG. 4.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive