1.40Mb (11 downloads)
Built in 1938, G-AFFB went to Iraq Petroleum. After the war, she went through various carriers and could be seen operating out of London Heathrow in the mid 1950's. Sold to Trans European Aviation in May 1959, She was based at Coventry in the early 1960's. Damaged taxying at Staverton on 25/06/60, she returned to Coventry to be resprayed in an overall silver colour and offered for sale. With no takers, she was left outside and stripped for parts, with the remains being burned in August 1967. These textures are only for the FSX model of Dave Molyneux's dH89a Dragon Rapide. Photographs show 'FFB with 5 windows on the starboard side and 4 windows on the port. The model cannot accommodate this anomaly and I have opted for 5 windows, although you do get a choice. See the readme for details.
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Posted Mar 13, 2025 10:44 by Steve Morley

36.00Mb (147 downloads)
FSX/P3D SS-4P update. This is an update for Tim Conrad's SS-4P with the paints by Cap'n H. (Henry Douglas). I fixed the problem with the 2D panel that I used in my previous update of the aircraft. Now, full screen, there is no blank at the top. This made it necessary to change the position of every gauge; I resized some of them and changed the HUD. I also made some changes to the flight dynamics. Last warning, new e-mail address.
Posted Mar 10, 2025 17:46 by Bob Chicilo

9.77Mb (181 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the Piper Arrow 3 by Hauke Keitel. I have given it a 2D panel made from a picture of the VC so I deleted the jagged looking 2D panel that was with it; I added and changed some of the gauges; added a GPS window; and I updated the flight dynamics. I deleted the 2 textures that were making the VC not usable whenever it was dark enough. I don't know how they got there. First warning: New e-mail address.
Posted Feb 10, 2025 16:51 by Bob Chicilo
471.78Mb (154 downloads)
5 HIGH resolution liveries for the free T-28A TROJAN model (from Ant´s), in SOLO and ATTACK versions. Includes various help and optional files. Requires the T-28A trojan model from Ant´s. Credits to Ants and DELTA TANGO NINE TWO. DO NOT SHARE OUTSIDE SIMVIATION.
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Posted Feb 10, 2025 12:59 by Delta Tango Nine Two

492.75Mb (415 downloads)
Based on the Australian owned Jabiru J-170D created by Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd in Bundaberg, Queensland, The IRIS Aviator Series is our latest ultralight aircraft and the first available for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Lockheed Martin's Prepar3D platforms. The J-160 is a joy to fly, with a 100 knot cruise speed and a very economical engine, it is a popular training aircraft for Australia's Recreational Aviation certification. Thank you to Iris Simulations for creation of this beautiful aircraft.
Posted Feb 9, 2025 13:11 by uploader

3.22Mb (168 downloads)
This is another update for FSX of the Piper Arrow 4 by Rien Cornelissen. I have changed it to the Turbocharged engine; I also changed the 2D panel background colors to be a closer match to the VC; changed the RPM gauge as most of the turbo engine specs I saw had the top RPM at 2,800; and I changed the large dark lines to yellow so it is easy to tell which one it is if you also have the other Arrow 4.
Posted Jan 28, 2025 16:12 by Bob Chicilo

2.96Mb (156 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the Piper Arrow 4 by Rien Cornelissen. I deleted the sound gauge that was making FSX crash; changed the 2D background picture; changed or added gauges to both the VC and 2D panels; got rid of the 4x3 panel; plugged the square hole in the left VC background; and updated the flight dynamics. This aircraft is not turbocharged.
Posted Jan 24, 2025 12:09 by Bob Chicilo

33.06Mb (247 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the Piper Turbo Arrow III by Alexander Sullivan. There were 3 panels without any 2D cockpits so I took a picture of the VC and made 3 different 2D cockpits: One as close to the VC as possible; the second with the background simplified; the third with more front window and less vertical panel. I had to change many gauges on both types of panel because at least one cab file was missing (I know how easy it is to forget something like that); I corrected any contact points as necessary; and I updated the flight dynamics.
Posted Jan 19, 2025 12:59 by Bob Chicilo

24.23Mb (143 downloads)
I added numbers to the tail which is part of their callsigns for an example "Lead 55" and also added a black stripe on the wings. Just replace the textures from the other file I released.
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Posted Jan 8, 2025 03:31 by Adriana Friesen

3.89Mb (96 downloads)
My latest F27-500 texture for Benoit Gaurant's Fokker F27. Back to North America this time with Eagle Airlines circa 2000. Operated in Nevada and Arizona they did not seem to have this aircraft for long before it went to Air Panama in the mid 2000s.It also appears this was Eagle's last colour scheme before they finally disappeared from the skies. Another forgotten airline to hopefully live on in memory.
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Posted Jan 7, 2025 13:19 by Alex Rogers