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FSX Fokker F27 TAT Textures
3.80Mb (135 downloads)
My latest repaint for the Benoit Garaunt Fokker F27. This time featuring French regional airline TAT from the early 1980's. Although this aircraft was an FH227 I've done my best to make it as visually close as possible to one. A very eye catching scheme from another era that I enjoyed doing very much and hope you do too. Requires the basepack linked below.
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Posted Apr 23, 2024 13:39 by Alex Rogers
FSX/P3d4,5 Piper PA-A-38 Tomahawk.
20.12Mb (664 downloads)
FSX/P3d4,5 Piper PA-A-38 Tomahawk. The Tomahawk is a single-engined low-wing cantilever monoplane with a T-tail and an enclosed cabin for two. It has a fixed tricycle landing gear and is powered by a Lycoming O-235 four-cylinder piston engine with a twin-bladed tractor propeller. Upgrade to Native FSX/P3D4,5 by A.F.Scub
Posted Apr 18, 2024 16:17 by A.F.Scrub
FSX AT-802A Ag Variants
280.10Mb (520 downloads)
This is an update and continued expansion of the FSN AT-802. But it is expanding from the firefighting versions to now representing the single and two-seat versions equipped with agricultural equipment attached to the airframes. The pack includes the spray bar and seed spreader configurations on both the single and two-seat 802s. Between "Scorch00" and myself we've updated a considerable amount of things on the 802. Including a lengthy correcting of proportions of the aircraft, flight dynamics, and updating the aircraft with PBR, expanded night lighting for night spraying operations, and connections to work with Lorby's CropDusterX application. Plus, there are a lot more small additions. The pack includes a slew of repaints put together by myself. This is the FSX version. Scorch00 uploaded the P3Dv4+ capable version separately. Original aircraft by FSN, updated by Nicholas Mitchell "Scorch00" and myself, Eliijah Johnson "Eli."
Posted Apr 13, 2024 16:25 by Eliijah "Eli" Johnson
FSX Fokker F27 Ansett Airlines of NSW Textures
2.58Mb (205 downloads)
Another in the series of Fokker F27 repaints I'm doing for the fantastic Benoit Gaurant F27-500. This one depicts an Ansett Airlines of NSW aircraft in the "Alpha" scheme for 1970's Ansett. The airline operated a fairly small number of the -500 series F27 but they were not fitted with the large cargo door. I have tried to disguise this as best I can and hope the inaccuracy isn't too distracting! After all you can never have too many F27s. For those who remember enjoy the memories, for those who don't welcome to the glory days of a much loved airline.
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Posted Apr 1, 2024 13:10 by Alex Rogers
Texturepack for Fokker F27 by Benoit Gaurant 1.0
302.31Mb (418 downloads)
7 textures and a NEW painkit for the Fokker F-27 MK500 by Benoit Gaurant. The new white painkit contains numerous modifications to make repaints. read the Reame file to know all the modifications. Requires Benoit Gaurant's Fokker F-27 MK500 model. credits to Benoit Gaurant for the model, DELTA TANGO NINE TWO for the private textures. DO NOT SHARE OUTSIDE SIMVIATION.
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Posted Mar 24, 2024 17:46 by Delta Tango Nine Two
106.13Mb (490 downloads)
LONG AWAITED IL-8 WITH NIGHT COCKPIT WINDOW TRANSPARENCY FIX Fixes to Edgar Guinart’s port from the original Russian model included the following: - Making the plane flyable at night from the 3D panel - Adding VOR controls from Edgar Guinart’s ALBA IL-18X model - Fixing the broken VOR OBS control, now both course and direction indication works - Installing a more authentic autopilot panel (from AN12). The original autopilot is kept in one of the unused windows If someone prefers to install that one, even though its rather flaky and lacks full functionality. - Adding the engine start 2D panel from Edgar Guinart’s ALBA IL-18 model - Fixing the stuck mouse acceleration issue caused by one of the BI panel switches which made 1 degree increments impossible. To get times 10 click acceleration now use right mouse key clicks on the VOR and Autopilot panels. - Aligning engine smoke with the engine exhausts - Moving the Pilot panel to its traditional place. Use the standard F10 and F9 keys to select the 2D/3D cockpit views Read the included Word Doc please.
Posted Feb 24, 2024 20:12 by Arpad Polan
FSX Piper Cherokee Classic Repaints
21.50Mb (372 downloads)
Four repaints of the Piper PA-140 including the Cherokee 2K2X model assembled by Ronald Prindle from the original by Rien Cornelissen and other contributors for flight in FSX. In addition to the repaints, I added landing touchdown effects, made the autopilot visible on the panel at startup, and increased engine power from 150hp to 160hp to make the airplane just a few knots faster in cruise (but don't expect miracles). Repaints by R.E. Wyman.
Posted Feb 21, 2024 05:40 by R.E. Wyman
FMA IA-58 Pucara
51.10Mb (1368 downloads)
THE FMA IA-58 PUCARA was designed as a rugged, maneuverable dedicated ground-attack and counter-insurgency (COIN) aircraft capable of operating from unprepared strips when required., low wing monoplane, twin turboprop (Turbomeca ASTAZOU XVI-G) ,with T-shaped empennage and tricycle landing gear. The cabin has a second crew position in an elevated position that allows wide visibility.
Posted Dec 30, 2023 14:17 by SAVAWING
4 Textures and modifications for the FrenchVFR Fravin Cessna 150L Aerobat
253.89Mb (298 downloads)
This package includes 4 freeware liveries, new thumbnails for all models and optional modifications (add radio panels and autopilot and correct "bugs"). The credit for these beautiful liveries goes only to Bertrand Nastybeasts Barbé, Francesco Addesa, Jug47, and Cristiano "nEDDu" Canuti). and for "fravin" by the model.
Posted Dec 29, 2023 13:00 by Delta Tango Nine Two
FSX/P3D CL415  Maritim Malaysia
FSX/P3D CL415  Maritim Malaysia
63.31Mb (407 downloads)
CL415 Maritim Malaysia. Model by Massimo Taccoli. 2D panel and a working 3D virtual cockpit with XML gauges by Dennis Seeley and Massimo Taccoli custom flight model
Posted Dec 16, 2023 20:45 by ABD MU'IZ ABD RHANI
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