FSX > Civil Jets > Page 456

66.43Mb (14700 downloads)
Project Airbus A380 in Malaysia Airlines new
livery with Thomas Ruth A340 VC.
Painted by Stephen Browning
Posted Oct 8, 2012 10:41 by Stephen Browning

20.43Mb (4345 downloads)
Airbus A320-230 jetBlue 'I Love Blue York' for FSX.
Includes default A321 VC.
Model by Project Airbus. Textures by
Xudeva Irribarra. Assembled/edited for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Oct 8, 2012 08:13 by chris evans

13.73Mb (6195 downloads)
Airbus A319 Spirit Airlines N533NK for FSX. Spirit is a US low-cost carrier headquartered in Miramar, Florida. Spirit operates scheduled flights throughout the U.S. as well as the Caribbean Sea area, Mexico, and Latin America. In 2011, Spirit achieved $1 billion dollars in annual revenues and was thereby classified a major airline by the US Department of Transportation.
Includes default A321 VC.
Model by Project Airbus. Textures by
Thomas Eisenbach. Assembled/edited for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Oct 8, 2012 08:01 by chris evans

14.95Mb (4076 downloads)
Spring Airlines Airbus A320-214 for Flight Simulator X. Aircraft model and texture of B-6840 are included, along with panel, sound & virtual cockpit from the default A321. Original aircraft by Project Airbus, texture by Lingyuan He from China. Note: This package can be used in FS9, please read the instructions inside the package.
Posted Oct 7, 2012 18:04 by Lingyuan He

24.12Mb (5629 downloads)
The new Air India Boeing 747-451 PW, can carry 405 passengers in 3 class at 35,000 ft (11,000 m) in Mach 0.855. Textures dds HD with new light's and new VC gauges in black by ricardo_tv.
Model by Posky, advanced vc by Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND and texture by ricardo_tv.
Posted Oct 6, 2012 20:06 by ricardo_tv

26.48Mb (5366 downloads)
The new Air India Boeing 777-200ER GE, textures dds HD with new lights. Can carry 395 passengers in 2 class with a range of 7,725 nmi(14,310 km) at 43,100 ft (13,140 m) in Mach 0.86.
Model by SMS and texture by ricardo_tv.
Posted Oct 6, 2012 18:13 by ricardo_tv

16.00Mb (1935 downloads)
Textures for the default FSX B737-800. German Sky Airlines GmbH commenced business as a travel agency in 2004.
In 2010, after the purchase of a couple of 737-800’s, it became based at Dusseldorf International, mainly servicing holiday flights to destinations in Turkey.
The company is owned by the Kayi Group, a Turkish tourism organisation.
This repaint is based on D-AGSA and is texture only
Posted Oct 6, 2012 06:49 by Paul Davies

15.44Mb (1162 downloads)
Lucky Air Airbus A320-214 for Flight Simulator X. Aircraft model and texture of B-6943 are included, along with panel, sound & virtual cockpit from the default A321. Original aircraft by Project Airbus, texture by Lingyuan He from China. The aircraft illustrated was the first A320-200 for the airlines, which joined the fleet in June 2012. Note: This package can be used in FS9, please read the instructions inside the package.
Posted Oct 5, 2012 02:46 by Lingyuan He

19.78Mb (3005 downloads)
China Express Airlines Bombardier CRJ-900ER for Flight Simulator X. Aircraft model and texture of B-7760 are included, along with panel and sound from the default CRJ-700 (No VC). Original aircraft by Project Opensky, texture by Lingyuan He from China. The aircraft illustrated was the first CRJ-900ER for Asia and the airlines, it was seen in the static display of Farnbrough Air Show 2012 before joining the CRJ-only fleet of the airlines. Note: This package can be used in FS9, please read the instructions inside the package. No VC. Press F10 for 2d panel.
Posted Oct 2, 2012 21:58 by Lingyuan He

44.75Mb (6904 downloads)
An Airbus A319 in the current US Airways livery with both IAE and CFM models. Has the default A321 VC and panel, with a custom sound set.
Posted Oct 1, 2012 18:35 by Russell Irwin