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FSX > Page 1166
Yellowstone National Park Photoscenery Part 4 of 5
645.85Mb (5790 downloads)
This is Photoreal scenery for Yellowstone National Park in the United States. The package is 3 Gb compressed due to the high detail and area coverage. It covers 4340 square miles or 11240.5 square kilometers. Zip preview for more screenshots.
Posted Oct 5, 2012 21:20 by scenery dude
Yellowstone National Park Photoscenery Part 3 of 5
676.24Mb (2319 downloads)
This is Photoreal scenery for Yellowstone National Park in the United States. The package is 3 Gb compressed due to the high detail and area coverage. It covers 4340 square miles or 11240.5 square kilometers. Zip preview for more screenshots.
Posted Oct 5, 2012 20:57 by scenery dude
Lotus Sim L-39C  Albatros MLP-Wonderbolts Textures
Lotus Sim L-39C  Albatros MLP-Wonderbolts Textures
32.69Mb (648 downloads)
This pack includes 5 Wonderbolt Textures for Lotus Simulations Aero Vodochody L-39C Albatros. Based off of Hasbro's My Little Pony Friendship is Magic series. Textures By:Fay "Twitchy" Cheung
Posted Oct 5, 2012 20:28 by DanielA.B.
Yellowstone National Park Photoscenery Part 2 of 5
597.66Mb (1979 downloads)
This is Photoreal scenery for Yellowstone National Park in the United States. The package is 3Gb compressed due to the high detail and area coverage. It covers 4340 square miles or 11240.5 square kilometers. Zip preview for more screenshots.
Posted Oct 5, 2012 15:56 by scenery dude
Yellowstone National Park Photoscenery Part 1 of 5
552.10Mb (2905 downloads)
This is Photoreal scenery for Yellowstone National Park in the United States. The package is 3Gb compressed due to the high detail and area coverage. It covers 4340 square miles or 11240.5 square kilometers. Zip preview for more screenshots.
Posted Oct 5, 2012 14:14 by scenery dude
VOMY, Mysore Airport, India
VOMY, Mysore Airport, India
1.35Mb (835 downloads)
FSX Acceleration scenery VOMY is a VFR only airport a simple gps navigation is added for night flights. All comments or feedbacks are welcome.
Posted Oct 5, 2012 08:10 by Ratan Lewis
Alphasim C-130 Hercules Multi Package V2
Alphasim C-130 Hercules Multi Package V2
52.63Mb (46696 downloads)
The best freeware is now out here, a updated version of the Alphasim C130 V1.03 into a V2 with new textures and 2 Panels. Including Radar, TCAS full, Standard panel and Modern Glass panel. Entering service in 1954 and is the oldest aircraft still in production, over 2.300 build and make 58 years this year. Called the workhorse for military service, helping many lives, can carry 92 passengers or 3 Humvees, range is 2.100nmi at Mach.66 in FL 250/320(MAX). 15 liveries : Paintkit, Grey, Australian AF, Austrian AF, Blue Angels, Brazil AF, Canada AF, Emirates AF, Hellenic AF (Greek), Netherlands AF, Portugal AF, Royal AF, Turkish Stars, USAF & US Coast Guard. Model by Alphasim. Update, textures and VC config by ricardo_tv [unzip 340mb]. Enjoy this historical airplane
Posted Oct 5, 2012 06:08 by ricardo_tv
FSX Pitcairn Islands Photoreal Scenery
FSX Pitcairn Islands Photoreal Scenery
32.27Mb (1463 downloads)
Pitcairn Islands is a small group of islands in the South Pacific, made famous by the Bounty mutineers in the 18th century. Today the islands are British Oversees Territory. This package includes all four islands: Pitcairn, Henderson, and the two atolls of Ducie and Oeno. Texture resolution 1m/pixel. By Tiberius Kowalski
Posted Oct 5, 2012 05:32 by Tiberius Kowalski
Lucky Air Airbus A320-214
Lucky Air Airbus A320-214
15.44Mb (1162 downloads)
Lucky Air Airbus A320-214 for Flight Simulator X. Aircraft model and texture of B-6943 are included, along with panel, sound & virtual cockpit from the default A321. Original aircraft by Project Airbus, texture by Lingyuan He from China. The aircraft illustrated was the first A320-200 for the airlines, which joined the fleet in June 2012. Note: This package can be used in FS9, please read the instructions inside the package.
Posted Oct 5, 2012 02:46 by Lingyuan He
Lancair Legacy Widescreen 2D panel Version 2.0
Lancair Legacy Widescreen 2D panel Version 2.0
0.42Mb (795 downloads)
Comprehensive FSX widescreen 2D panel for Robert Christopher's wonderful Lancair Legacy + simpler, FSX compatible VC, both based on Bob's original design + Aircraft.cfg tweaks + new sound. Upgrades in Version 2.0: Improved background bmp; Integrated whisky compass; Larger switches for better readability; Take-off and Landing panel; Widescreen Minipanel with Legacy instruments; Radio sim-icon.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 5, 2012 01:24 by Jean-Luc Peters