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FSX > Page 1233
CGIAR-CSI v4.1 90 metre SRTM mesh for Aleutian Islands (Alaska)
26.86Mb (1074 downloads)
This version of the NASA SRTM DEM data, processed by the people at CGIAR-CSI, Kings College, London - is a considerable improvement on previous versions. It is considered to be the highest quality SRTM 90m dataset available. So I thought it would be a good idea to process it, so you FSX users out there could use it. Citation: Thanks to NASA, and CGIAR-CSI Kings College, London, UK. Void-filled seamless SRTM data V1 (Now v4.1), 2004, International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), available from the CGIAR-CSI SRTM 90m Database: http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org and http://www.ambiotek.com/topoview
Posted May 11, 2012 04:40 by Wayne Evans
Battle Worn Chance Vought F4U-7  Corsair
Battle Worn Chance Vought F4U-7  Corsair
14.40Mb (6134 downloads)
This is a Repaint of Guy Hulin's Corsair Updated For Flight Simulator x. This aircraft is the Corsair flown by The United States Navy during WW2 shown here with battle worn texture. This Aircraft has a 2D and 3D Cockpit New Textures, War Emergency Power, Exhaust Flames, Exhaust plume, Folding wings, Tail hook, and FSX updates by Mark Rooks of RDG Aircraft. History and pictures included in this PKG.
Posted May 10, 2012 23:48 by Mark Fireball Rooks
Boeing 737-800 AirBerlin Textures
Boeing 737-800 AirBerlin Textures
10.42Mb (2574 downloads)
Air Berlin textures for the default Boeing 737-800 FSX
Posted May 10, 2012 18:20 by Jim Fly
LTU Fleet - Boeing 757-200
LTU Fleet - Boeing 757-200
23.08Mb (5270 downloads)
LTU, now operating as Air Berlin, was a popular German budget airline, and flew many type of aircraft including McDonnell, Boeing, Airbus. This Boeing B757-200 by Project Opensky. VC edit and textures by ricardo_tv Have fun
Posted May 10, 2012 17:57 by ricardo_tv
LTU Fleet - L-1011
LTU Fleet - L-1011
26.67Mb (6064 downloads)
LTU, now operating as Air Berlin, was a popular German budget airline, and flew many type of aircraft including McDonnell, Boeing, Airbus. This Lockheed L-1011 by Thomas Ruth. VC edited and textures by ricardo_tv Have fun
Posted May 10, 2012 17:52 by ricardo_tv
LTU Fleet  - MD-11
LTU Fleet  - MD-11
29.30Mb (5146 downloads)
LTU, now operating as Air Berlin, was a popular German budget airline, and flew many type of aircraft including McDonnell, Boeing, Airbus. This MD-11 (with VC) by SMS. Textures by ricardo_tv Have fun
Posted May 10, 2012 17:42 by ricardo_tv
Dornier Do-335 Escuadriila Package
Dornier Do-335 Escuadriila Package
10.14Mb (2325 downloads)
Dornier Do-335 Escuadriila updated for FSX. This is the Simtech Do-335 from FS2004 updated to work in FSX. The Do-335 has an unusual inline tandem engine arrangement and was designed to be a bomber/intercepter with a top speed of 474 mph. Orignal by Tom Wood. Updated by Danny Garnier.
Posted May 10, 2012 13:49 by Garnier D
LTU Fleet - Airbus A330
LTU Fleet - Airbus A330
23.33Mb (4056 downloads)
LTU, now operating as Air Berlin, was a popular German budget airline, and flew many type of aircraft including McDonnell, Boeing, Airbus. This Boeing A330 by Thomas Ruth. Includes VC. Textures by ricardo_tv Have fun
Posted May 10, 2012 13:49 by ricardo_tv
LTU Fleet  - Boeing 747-200
LTU Fleet  - Boeing 747-200
19.12Mb (3389 downloads)
LTU, now operating as Air Berlin, was a popular German budget airline, and flew many type of aircraft including McDonnell, Boeing, Airbus. This Boeing B747-200 (converted of a 400f) by Project Opensky. Added default FSX VC. Textures by ricardo_tv Have fun
Posted May 10, 2012 13:41 by ricardo_tv
LTU Fleet - Boeing 767-300
LTU Fleet - Boeing 767-300
28.27Mb (4776 downloads)
LTU, now operating as Air Berlin, was a popular German budget airline, and flew many type of aircraft including McDonnell, Boeing, Airbus. This Boeing B767-300 model by Project Opensky V5. VC by Alrot Alejandro and textures by ricardo_tv
Posted May 10, 2012 13:33 by ricardo_tv