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FSX > Page 1422
Airbus 380-800 Bulgaria Air Textures
Airbus 380-800 Bulgaria Air Textures
9.77Mb (2947 downloads)
"Bulgaria Air" textures for Airbus 380-800. You need FSX Airbus A380-800 Full Package V.1 by Project Airbus, Thomas Ruth assembled by Andres Garcia.
Required files:
required file
Posted May 8, 2011 10:48 by SASq
FSX MiG 29  Style Agressor Scheme Iris F-22A Raptor Textures
FSX MiG 29  Style Agressor Scheme Iris F-22A Raptor Textures
4.10Mb (713 downloads)
MiG 29 Style Agressor (Blue and Brown Variations) textures for the payware FSX Iris Simulations 'Platinum Series' F-22A
Posted May 8, 2011 07:53 by Andy Nott
FSX Patrouille Suisse Iris F-22A Raptor Textures
FSX Patrouille Suisse Iris F-22A Raptor Textures
2.11Mb (237 downloads)
Patrouille Suisse textures for the payware FSX Iris Simulations 'Platinum Series' F-22A
Posted May 8, 2011 05:48 by Andy Nott
Osama Bin Laden's Hideout Compound v1.1 (landable roof) - FSX Military Aviation Organization
Osama Bin Laden's Hideout Compound v1.1 (landable roof) - FSX Military Aviation Organization
2.08Mb (4844 downloads)
[This is an update of Osama bin Laden's compound/ house, for FSX - version 1.1 - It corrects a few scaling issues and now includes a landable roof on top of the main hideout building - thanks goes to Mike Lowe for the idea; if you have any suggestions or new info (new pictures are released every day) please visit] You've heard all about it. 9/11. Osama Bin Laden has been killed! However, now it's your turn to reenact this amazing mission. How would you have infiltrated his compound? Would you have used a modified H-60 as well? Or perhaps a V-22? It's your choice! This scenery includes an accurate reconstruction of Osama's hideout compound in the exact location that it is in real life in Abbottabad, Pakistan. The compound uses the identifier OSMA. Join the FSX Military Aviation Organization to post pictures of your mission and to fly online with other members in order to accurately recreate this mission; or to do it using different tactics. V1 had 640 downloads in just over 24 hours.
Posted May 8, 2011 00:22 by Cassidy Byars
WACHANKO Airlines Boeing 747-400 Texture
1.59Mb (515 downloads)
Wachanko Airlines textures for the default FSX B747-400
Posted May 7, 2011 20:16 by Walter Sanchez
FSX 125th FS 'Tulsa Vipers Iris F-22A Raptor Textures
2.13Mb (426 downloads)
125th FS 'Tulsa Vipers' textures for the payware FSX Iris Simulations 'Platinum Series' F-22A
Posted May 7, 2011 19:50 by Andy Nott
Virtuavia F-22A Package Updated
Virtuavia F-22A Package Updated
22.26Mb (13346 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the Virtuavia F-22A. I have updated the flight dynamics, added a trim gauge to both of the panels, added a white nav light, changed the others to smaller lights, and added afterburner flames. This is the whole aircraft.
Posted May 7, 2011 15:34 by Bob Chicilo
160th SOAR Little Bird Package
160th SOAR Little Bird Package
62.74Mb (11923 downloads)
This is Tim Piglet's OH 6A modified For FSX as a MH 6 Little Bird flown by the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment ( SOAR ). The 160th Night Stalkers are a Special Ops unit of the United States Army that provides helicopter aviation support for general purpose forces and Special Operations Forces. Its missions have included attack, assault, and reconnaissance, and are usually conducted at night, at high speeds and low altitudes, on short notice, and in secret. The force is headquartered at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. The 160th SOAR are also known as the Night Stalkers and its Motto is Night Stalkers Don't Quit and six guns don't miss. Uses the VC and 2d panel adapted for FSX by Glen Garden. Also included are pictures and history of the Night Stalkers. Aircraft entitled "Death Awaits In The Dark". Mark Fireball Rooks
Posted May 7, 2011 08:25 by Mark Fireball Rooks
Palmyra Island Hawaii Photoscenery
Palmyra Island Hawaii Photoscenery
27.73Mb (3373 downloads)
This is a photo-scenery package for Palmyra Island, Kirbati located south of Hawaii. It is done in high definition and is a very beautiful island with an abundance of coral reefs. This is a great place to fly to from Hawaii. Enjoy! Created by Scenery Dude.
Posted May 6, 2011 22:58 by Scenery Dude
Added Views for PAD Beechcraft Model 99
Added Views for PAD Beechcraft Model 99
0.08Mb (1135 downloads)
Additional views ( defined by camera definitions in the aircraft.cfg file ) for the "Beechcraft Model 99 Package" by Premier Aircraft Design. 8 outside views of the aircraft and 6 new inside views. See Read me.txt file for very easy installation procedures. Also included is a text file that contains the new camera definitions. Enjoy !
Required files:
required file
Posted May 6, 2011 22:00 by Marc Renaud