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FSX > Page 1425
The Blue Moon Temple
The Blue Moon Temple
7.89Mb (2898 downloads)
It was not until Monk Umbak-al-Majik disclosed that one of the Chariots of the Gods was in the altar of the Blue Moon Temple in the Mountains of Tajikistan that modern civilization awoke to what many had been waiting for..To see what really were these chariots so mentioned in antique documents. An expedition leaves from Delhi, India and changes planes in a far off airport. From there the party is flown on a smaller plane to the mystery Temple. What will be seen there? what mysteries will be revealed if any?..a Mission for adventurers Only, a Mission that will frighten the World at large?? Sure it will!!!!!A Mission of the Third Kind.....
Posted May 1, 2011 23:33 by Gera Godoy Canova
KCHS Charleston AFB/INTL, South Carolina
KCHS Charleston AFB/INTL, South Carolina
0.02Mb (1789 downloads)
Charleston Air Force Base/International Airport update. Added more GA parking, A few Heli pads, AI aircraft, Terminal and parking lot. ATC Tower upgrade, and Parking lot. Thanks to Airport Design Editor. Scenery by Jordan Vaughn - Vman72mcs
Posted May 1, 2011 21:58 by Jordan Vaughn
McDonnell Douglas MD-81 & 88 Package
McDonnell Douglas MD-81 & 88 Package
136.12Mb (23092 downloads)
MD-81 and MD-88 Pack from Mitsushi Yutaka. Model with vc, panel, and soundset from passenger's perspective. Delta and SAS liveries. Enjoy and thanks for downloading another acepilot product. Includes model, panel, vc, realistic soundset (don't delete it if unless you have a better one this is really good), and excellent flight dynamics with new views.
Posted May 1, 2011 16:30 by archive
Beech Baron 58 "Surfs Up Dude" Textures
Beech Baron 58 "Surfs Up Dude" Textures
0.56Mb (1504 downloads)
"Surfs up dude" textures only for the FSX default Beech Baron 58. Wayne Evans.
Posted May 1, 2011 13:18 by waynemcfc (wayne evans)
Boeing B52 Stratofortress 2D panel
Boeing B52 Stratofortress 2D panel
2.25Mb (3323 downloads)
2D panel (not VC) for the Boeing B52 Stratofortress. All custom gauges in xml for a perfect compatibility with FSX. See instructions for installation and configuration of the aircraft.cfg file in the readme.txt file.
Posted May 1, 2011 12:59 by Philippe Wallaert
WACHANKO Airlines Boeing 737-800 Textures 2
1.88Mb (394 downloads)
WACHANKO Airlines textures for default FSX B737-800 v.2
Posted May 1, 2011 11:50 by Walter Sanchez
WACHANKO Airlines Boeing 737-800 Textures 1
1.89Mb (327 downloads)
WACHANKO AIRLINES Texture for default FSX B737-800 v.1
Posted May 1, 2011 11:47 by Walter Sanchez
Firetruck with Waterspray
Firetruck with Waterspray
9.32Mb (8545 downloads)
Original model by Mitsuya Hamaguchi (hama), with textures by Mike Keller RED Australian Airlines. Now added a working waterspray effect to this excellent firetruck. Mike Keller
Posted May 1, 2011 09:48 by Henrik I.L
Tap Portugal A330-300 Textures
3.53Mb (3049 downloads)
TAP Portugal textures only for Thomas Ruth's A330-300 package
Required files:
required file
Posted May 1, 2011 09:04 by lee roy
Thai international A340-600 Textures
4.95Mb (2149 downloads)
Thai A340-600 textures only for the Thomas Ruth a340-600 package
Required files:
required file
Posted May 1, 2011 05:36 by lee roy