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FSX > Page 1424
0.14Mb (1405 downloads)
This is an update to the .cfg file for Ricardo Batalha's F22 Raptor Beta 2 Version. This update modifies control surface size, sensitivity and effectiveness to allow increased manoeuvrability through the vertical plane, allowing manoeuvres such as Pugachev's Cobra and the J-Turn. Credit to Ricardo Batalha for the excellent F22 pack! Instructions included in the pack. Check out Nova Simulation on Facebook!
Required files:
required file
Posted May 4, 2011 03:09 by Nova Simulation
Desert Warfare Training Facility
Desert Warfare Training Facility
0.02Mb (1706 downloads)
This is a military base located in the middle of Death Valley. Compiled using all default scenery objects. Designed for use with freeware Death Valley scenery by OzX (not essential).
OzX freeware Death Valley Scenery (External link. Please report if broken)
Posted May 3, 2011 20:05 by Chuck79
Boeing 747-400 Bulgaria Air Textures
1.73Mb (510 downloads)
"Bulgaria Air" textures for the FSX default Boeing 747-400. Fictional livery as Bulgaria Air do not fly the 747.
Posted May 3, 2011 16:14 by SASq
C 172 Repaint and Flight Dynamics Mod.
0.60Mb (1032 downloads)
This is a fictional repaint for the default FSX Cessna 172. Also an updated .air file for a higher thrust prop. A great puddle jumper.
Posted May 3, 2011 12:10 by David Tice
Maldives Private Island
0.00Mb (4243 downloads)
This is an airport in the Maldives. Its id is PRI1. This is a private island airport complete with a 6000ft runway for medium jets a helipad and gates, and a hanger. There is also two docks with seaplane docks, an aircraft museum, an oil rig, a private yaht, and power plant. All of which are landable. There is also animals such as dolphins, whales, and birds. This is a great stopping point for flights from India as well as a fun place. Made by Scenery Dude.
Posted May 2, 2011 18:44 by Scenery Dude
Dutch Fokker F27 Troopships
Dutch Fokker F27 Troopships
31.65Mb (6152 downloads)
Dutch Fokker F-27 Troopship Package. Several skins, No VC, only 2D Cockpit. Skins and 2D cockpit made by Arthur Vince. Model by Mike Stone.Flight Dyamics updated by Arthur Vince.
Posted May 2, 2011 18:10 by Arthur"Vince"Gilhuys
Beechcraft Model 99 Package
Beechcraft Model 99 Package
17.04Mb (12849 downloads)
The Beechcraft Model 99 was produced by the Beech Aircraft Corporation (previously the Beechcraft Division of Raytheon and now a unit of Hawker Beechcraft). It is also known as the Beech 99 Airliner and the Commuter 99. The 99 is a twin-engined, unpressurized, 17-seat/15 passenger turboprop aircraft, derived from the earlier Beechcraft King Air and Queen Air. More than half the Beech 99's now in service are operated as freighters. Full package for FSX/SP2 including custom panel and VC. The package includes 4 liveries and both passenger and cargo versions. By Jean-Pierre Brisard and Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design
Posted May 2, 2011 11:56 by
Project Airbus A321 Base Package
4.70Mb (55936 downloads)
Project Airbus presents the Airbus A321. Features include dynamic wingflex (with input from several new variables), drooping control surfaces, hardcoded double strobes, and over 40 other custom XML parts.
Posted May 2, 2011 08:20 by archive
Cathay Pacific A340-300 Textures
3.70Mb (2627 downloads)
Cathay A340-300 textures only for the Thomas Ruth A340-300 package
Required files:
required file
Posted May 2, 2011 08:14 by lee roy
FSX AirCreation Ultralight Special Operations Textures
FSX AirCreation Ultralight Special Operations Textures
2.60Mb (2641 downloads)
Repaint of the default AirCreation Ultralight. Textures for a Special Operations "Spec-Ops" ultralight to take you on your secret missions behind the lines. Painted by R.E. Wyman.
Posted May 1, 2011 23:36 by R.E. Wyman