FSX > Page 1517

5.82Mb (445 downloads)
VFA-101 Grim Reapers textures only for the payware VRS SuperBug .
Posted Nov 2, 2010 03:02 by Zebulun"Zebie"Wright

2.44Mb (327 downloads)
This is a repaint in a fictional African Charter livery for the I.C.P. Savannah version 3.8 by Massimo Taccoli, Flight Dynamics by D.G. Seeley, new gauges by Dennis Seeley, and sound by Mike Hambly.
Preview: http://www.simviation.com/phpupload/uploads/1288691370.jpg
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 1, 2010 20:08 by L. T. 'patchz' Davis

0.10Mb (651 downloads)
FSX Scenery Mod's first "from-scratch" product is RAF Portreath, also known as RRH Portreath, in Cornwall, United Kingdom. RAF (RRH) Portreath is an RAF radar station in Cornwall, used to monitor the western and southern approaches of UK airspace. FSX Scenery Mods is proud to present the first of its entirely newly-created products to the FSX community. This package contains addon scenery for FSX, consisting of runways, a hangar, tower view and radar aerials. FSX Scenery Mods will continually update this product, adding more and more to make the product more comprehensive and detailed objects.
Posted Nov 1, 2010 16:02 by FSX Scenery Mods

20.28Mb (7011 downloads)
Premier Aircraft Design DHC6-300 Twin Sea Otter Floats Package.
For FSX, (VC), cabin. 5 Premier Aircraft paint skins.
Rugged back country aircraft.
Floats only, no gear.
Posted Nov 1, 2010 02:29 by T.Marson

1.79Mb (267 downloads)
This is a repaint in a fictional private livery for the I.C.P. Savannah version 3.8 by Massimo Taccoli, Flight Dynamics by D.G. Seeley, new gauges by Dennis Seeley, and sound by Mike Hambly.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 1, 2010 00:00 by L. T. 'patchz' Davis

5.94Mb (427 downloads)
VFA-25 Fist_CAG-Black Tail textures only for the payware VRS SuperBug
Posted Oct 31, 2010 19:57 by Zebulun"Zebie"Wright

5.96Mb (205 downloads)
VFA-25-Fist_CAG-Rainbow Tail for the payware VRS SuperBug
Posted Oct 31, 2010 19:52 by Zebulun"Zebie"Wright

22.83Mb (18327 downloads)
IRIAF Iran Airforce C-130 C3 package. 40 years in service in Iran.
Original C-130 model by Brian Franklin/Simshed and updated by Eduardo Fadul. Panel updated for FSX by Danny Garnier. Now you can fly the best freeware C-130 in your FSX. IRIAF Iran Airforce repaints by Arman Riazat.
Posted Oct 31, 2010 19:09 by Arman Riazat

3.98Mb (5140 downloads)
Textures for Thomas Ruth's A330-300 in the livery of Lufthansa. Original model created by Thomas Ruth. Repaint by John Hancock. Texturesonly. Requires Thomas Ruth's original A330-300 Package. This addon is only compatible with Flight Simulator X Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Service Pack 2 (SP2).
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 31, 2010 15:33 by John Hancock

20.82Mb (8349 downloads)
(fixed) Premier Aircraft Design Cessna 414A
For FSX, virtual cockpit (VC),passenger cabin.
Added camera definitions for copilot,
2 passenger cabin views, wing, gear.
Alpha channels FOR all included skins,
I've left the textures as 32 bit bmpmaps
for further editing of dirt marks, and shadows.
5 textures included.
Posted Oct 31, 2010 13:13 by T.Marson