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FSX > Page 1518
LHBC- Bekescsaba Airport, Hungary
LHBC- Bekescsaba Airport, Hungary
3.38Mb (1357 downloads)
Airport of Bekescsaba - Hungary - with high detail scenery. The two .blg files include two non-precision runways, taxiways, aprons, parkings, full realistic lights (SALS, PAPI, taxi- and apron edge lights), a fuel trigger (available fuel: JET A1, AVGAS 100LL), buildings, a helipad and terrian meshes, so it will change the default scenery on this area. There is only one tower frequency on 123.25 MHz (original).
Posted Oct 31, 2010 12:56 by David Farkas
IRIS T-6A Texan II - FS9 V2- Fictional Royal Navy Attack aircraft 1950s Textures
IRIS T-6A Texan II - FS9 V2- Fictional Royal Navy Attack aircraft 1950s Textures
0.82Mb (199 downloads)
IRIS T-6A Texan II - FS9 V2- Fictional Royal Navy Attack aircraft of the 1950s This repaint requires the IRIS T-6A Texan II which you can purchase from
Posted Oct 31, 2010 12:30 by Dave Gore fooflyer
VRS SuperBug VF-31 Textures
5.42Mb (422 downloads)
F-14 Tomcat Scheme VF-31 for the payware VRS F/A 18E SuperBug
Posted Oct 31, 2010 10:44 by Zebulun"Zebie"Wright
Airbus A340-300  Air France (Old livery)  Textures
Airbus A340-300  Air France (Old livery)  Textures
3.30Mb (4278 downloads)
Textures for Thomas Ruth's A340-300 in the livery of Air France (Old Livery). Original model created by Thomas Ruth. Repaint by John Hancock. You are required to install Thomas Ruth's original A340-300 Package before installation. This addon is only compatible with Flight Simulator X Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Service Pack 2 (SP2).
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 30, 2010 22:37 by John Hancock
Bell 206B NYFD Textures
Bell 206B NYFD Textures
3.26Mb (852 downloads)
This is a fictional repaint of the default FSX Bell 206B of what I made to be the New York Fire Department helicopter. I dedicate this paint to all the NYFD fire fighters and thank them for their hard work. Textures only.
Posted Oct 30, 2010 14:34 by Albert P. Wydeen
Lockheed SR71 Blackbird 2D panel
Lockheed SR71 Blackbird 2D panel
1.68Mb (2719 downloads)
2D panel (no VC) for the spy aircraft Lockheed SR 71 Blackbird. Based on pictures found on the internet. All custom gauges in xml. Please look at instructions for installation and configuration in the readme.txt file.
Posted Oct 30, 2010 06:02 by Philippe Wallaert
Premier Aircraft Design Lear 60 Updated Package
Premier Aircraft Design Lear 60 Updated Package
13.15Mb (5179 downloads)
FSX update V2.6, virtual cockpit (VC)\passenger cabin. I've added camera definitions for copilot, 2 passenger cabin views, wing, gear. 7 paint skins included.
Posted Oct 30, 2010 00:40 by T.Marson
VRS SuperBug Repaint VAQ-141- Shadowhawks Textures
5.20Mb (307 downloads)
VAQ-141-Shadowhawks textures only for the payware VRS SuperBug
Posted Oct 29, 2010 23:37 by Zebulun"Zebie"Wright
FSX F/A-18 Combat Version
FSX F/A-18 Combat Version
13.62Mb (40531 downloads)
This is the Acceleration F/A-18 Hornet equipped with 20mm M61 cannon and a fully functional air-to-air gun mode found in the real F/A-18. With the two radar modes, the two gun sights and the flying tracers, the virtual dogfight will be very similar to a real one. You will not be able to shoot down other aircraft, but you will receive an immediate indication on your HUD if a bullet hit the bandit. The flight model is unchanged from the Acceleration F/A-18 except for allowing manually controlled flaps and reducing the arresting wire tension for smoother carrier landings. The HUD is an upgrade of the Realistic F/A-18 HUD by Jivko Rusev and Scott Printz, which allows ILS and TACAN navigation for aircraft carriers. You will also get a couple of additional gauges - an In-Flight Refueling Gauge, PLAT Camera and a Carrier Landing Gauge. By Jivko Rusev.
Posted Oct 29, 2010 23:33 by Jivko Rusev
FSX Version 2.0 Glass Cockpit Mini Panel
FSX Version 2.0 Glass Cockpit Mini Panel
5.18Mb (928 downloads)
FSX Version 2.0 Glass Cockpit Mini Panel has been updated with many new pop-up windows to help improve visibility on the main mini panel screen, plus add additional new functionality. This is an entirely new panel so you do not need to download my previous version. A pop-up Analog Cockpit panel has also been added to this version. A new Pave Tack add-on gauge by Karol Chlebowski has been added that is spectacular.
Posted Oct 29, 2010 15:19 by Bill McClellan