FSX > Page 1519

116.73Mb (3134 downloads)
Vietnam War project & Airfields Pack 1
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FSX Vietnam War project & Airfields Pack 1 This pack adds to the project
: - New airfields : Ham Tan, Cheo Reo, Quang Ngai, Nui Dat-Luscombe field (RAAF)
- 3 helicopters refuelling spots - Additional sceneries (Sattahip harbour...)
- Corrected airfields - A photoreal scenery : Pattle Island (Paracels archipelago)
- New AI traffic files - New AI airplanes : A-37 (VNAF), F-5 (VNAF), C-7 (USAF,
RAAF, VNAF), RB-66, F3D - The objects libraries and Tight Reign expansion pack
(previously released) - Textures for airplanes require FSX Vietnam War project
base Pack. See readme for credits.
Posted Oct 29, 2010 11:56 by Jacques Godfrin and Xavier Carre - FSX Vietnam War project

18.58Mb (6696 downloads)
FSX F-5 Freedom Fighter VFC-13 Saints package. Updated version of Mark Rooks repaint of Tim Conrads F-5. Fixed eyepoint view and added Tim's original VC.
This is a Repaint of Tim Conrad's F-5 Freedom Fighter For Flight Simulator X Painted in a low luster Desert Camo Paint Scheme of The VFC-13. The VFC-13 Saints provides quality adversary training for regular Navy fleet and replacement squadrons and air wings, reserve fighter and attack squadrons, U.S.A.F. and U.S.M.C. units,. In 1994, the Fighting Saints Received a Battle "E" award. In April 1996, The Saints made the transition to the F-5E/F Tiger II Textures by Mark Rooks of RDG Aircraft Package Includes Pictures of the Actual Aircraft and Squadron History. Updated by Chris Evans October 2010.
Posted Oct 29, 2010 08:06 by Chris Evans

3.96Mb (3456 downloads)
LTBA Ataturk Airport Istanbul, Turkey.
LTBA_2008V1.2 update AFCAD file. All runway names changed. 05 - 23 runway extended to 2600 meters. Also added 8 new taxiways. All taxiway names changed and all taxiings updated. Aircraft parking position update
Posted Oct 29, 2010 07:05 by Hakan DAGHAN

7.05Mb (2797 downloads)
Philippine Airlines textures for the default FSX Boeing 747-400. By Jasiel E.
Posted Oct 29, 2010 06:25 by Jasiel E
0.84Mb (436 downloads)
KGSP International Airport, Greenville SC updated for FSX.
I took the default airport and made all jetways visible and can be called to the jet by pressing CNTRL-J. Also made all buildings visible and added a terminal.
Posted Oct 29, 2010 06:18 by Uploader

2.30Mb (879 downloads)
FSX Cessna 150 Aerobat Hawaii Police
Aerial Surveillance repaint
textures N2927T in blue and white
for the 'Just Flight' FSX freeware
Cessna 152, which you must have
previously installed in FSX.
Easy installation. By Tom Tiedman
Posted Oct 29, 2010 05:56 by Tom Tiedman

1.93Mb (1865 downloads)
The Huff-Daland company which was acquired by the Keystone Aircraft Corporation produced several bomber designs for the USAAC. The B-6A model entered service in 1927. This is a native FSX Acceleration model. It has the usual animations and .dds textures. The VC is based on a real photo and has working gauges and animated flight controls. The gauges are back lighted for night ops. There is no 2D panel. By Paul Clawson
Posted Oct 28, 2010 14:46 by Paul Clawson

2.21Mb (2894 downloads)
This is a complete remake for FSX of my CR32 biplane (Jan 2006 for FS 9) featuring a new (photographic) panel, model, two textures, minipanel and virtual cockpit.
The Fiat CR 32 was characterised by its elegance and superb manoeuvrability . During the years before the ''world war II'' was flown in the "Squadriglia Folle" italian aerobatic team .
Posted Oct 28, 2010 09:24 by Giovanni Quai

0.61Mb (1360 downloads)
Dublin 2010 Update 4 FSX.
Includes: Terminal 2 with gate assigments ( also includes one without any gate assigments), Taxiways P1/2, M1/2 and H1/2 made straighter, shoulders added to Runway 28/10 and parking changes to Pier B.
Created using ADEX v01.47.07
Created from default scenery.
By Padraic O hEithir.
Posted Oct 28, 2010 09:20 by Padraic O hEithir

0.50Mb (347 downloads)
Kingsfield Airstrip (CX00), Cyprus.
Kingsfield airstrip is a small landing strip just north of Dehkalia in the sunny land of Cyprus. This airstrip is mainly used for parachute training. If you look on google earth you can see the jump zone just east of the runway.
Posted Oct 28, 2010 09:17 by Uploader