FSX > Page 1594

15.67Mb (3500 downloads)
CA_25 USS Salt Lake City - Pensacola Class Cruiser USS Salt Lake City, a 9100-ton Pensacola class heavy cruiser built at Camden, New Jersey. On 7 December 1941, Salt Lake City was operating with the USS Enterprise task group. Salt Lake City was in the south Pacific to support the campaign to seize and hold Guadalcanal. Other actions included the seizure of the Gilbert Islands ,the invasion of the Marshalls and the Iwo Jima and Okinawa campaigns. FEATURES: - 3 versions - pilotable / AI / Scenery Library Object - Crisp,FPS friendly textures - Very Stable with no "popping" at all speeds - animated deck guns (ailerons - pilotable only) - animated aircraft crane recovery ( Shft+E // pilotable only ) - animated aircraft cat launch ( Shift+E ... release .. then press 2 // pilotable only ) - imbedded smoke and wake effects for FSX ONLY by Bruce Fitzgerald
Posted Jun 2, 2010 06:01 by Bruce Fitzgerald

0.00Mb (2097 downloads)
SAS (Scandinavian Airlines) textures for the default Boeing 737-800.
By Henrik.I.L.
Posted Jun 2, 2010 03:21 by Henrik.I.L.

0.11Mb (716 downloads)
Created because Microsoft in its infinite wisdom left Fuel Pumps out of this scenery I just simply put 3 fuel triggers in with visable fuel pumps Simple Nothing complicated!
Posted Jun 1, 2010 19:13 by Jim Abbey

7.65Mb (1996 downloads)
Boeing 737-800 New Delta Textures only for the default Boeing 737-800. NOTE: No aircraft.cfg file included so you will need to edit this if you want to use these textures.
Posted Jun 1, 2010 16:21 by jacob

1.64Mb (2169 downloads)
2D panel for the F22 Raptor based on pictures found on the internet. All original gauges in xml including HUD, EICAS, etc. See instructions in the readme.txt file for installation and configuration. Works perfectly well with the model built by Kazunori Ito.
Posted Jun 1, 2010 13:34 by Philippe Wallaert

6.49Mb (4144 downloads)
Textures only for the Junkers Ju-53/3M wonderful add on to FSX for great aircraft of all times.
Junkers played significant role in the battle fields of north africa during WWII.
the add on was created by O.Fischer and updated for FSX by O.Fischer and updated for FSX by Nor-Cal Prop Club
many thanks for the awesome add on, and hope you everybody enjoy it.
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required file
Posted Jun 1, 2010 10:49 by Hanaw Hax

5.44Mb (1248 downloads)
RAF Bicester in Oxfordshire is a historic airfield. Formerly home to the RAFGSA Gliding Centre, it is now home to Windrushers Gliding Club, one of the largest gliding clubs in the UK. Special thanks to Ted Andrews for providing the freeware Hangars and Tower. Scenery created by Jon Davidson @ www.virtualflyingclub.net
Posted Jun 1, 2010 10:05 by Jon Davidson

1.47Mb (1205 downloads)
These textures are showing a Morane-Saulnier 883 used by the sailplanes club of Fayence LFMF.It is quite old but as been restored a few time ago and put back in service. This if my informations are correct.
Meanwhile, to all French, German and other nationalities who used it, here it is. Enjoy
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required file
Posted Jun 1, 2010 09:46 by Henry Rastouil

3.81Mb (2447 downloads)
FS9/FSX National Airlines Star Freighter textures for L-1049H Super Constellation.
Model by Manfred Jahn. Textures by Gary Harper.
These textures depict N7134C about 1961.
Required files:
required file
Posted May 31, 2010 21:12 by Gary Harper

3.42Mb (1528 downloads)
Scenery LFFZ Sezanne V1.0 for FSX
Tested with SP2 Acceleration + UTX Europe.
V1.0: Initial version
This file modifies the airfield Sezanne in FSX. It was made with ADE (Airport Design Editor), SbuilderX and Whisplacer.
Thank you to the respective authors and Patrick Renaudin for its objects.
Sezanne is a commune in the Marne department in Champagne-Ardenne region in north-eastern France.
Posted May 31, 2010 14:34 by Stephane Gouzon