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FSX > Page 1792
FSN Alpha Carrier V1.0
FSN Alpha Carrier V1.0
15.06Mb (32088 downloads)
Features Built from scratch model, Custom paint and textures and all new audio. New Air Boss VC with extensive ATC capability, Bridge View, LSO View, Cable Cam View, Hanger Deck View and Fan Tail View. User controlled animated elevator. User controlled animated Jet Blast Doors on all catapults. User controlled animated anchor. User controlled meatball that is operated by your joystick and uses our own tracking system to get accurate info to the incoming aircraft. Hardened hanger deck with plenty of parking and is well lit. New lighting package. Improved stability and dynamics. Improved VFX package. Animated flags and pennants and lots of little details. All working in multiplayer...viewable by all players. Includes installer, Ops Manaul (Read It)& Un-Installer. Visit us at
Posted May 21, 2009 21:52 by Sonic
Landing panel for the FSX iFly Boeing 747-400.
3.65Mb (5283 downloads)
2D landing panel for the FSX iFly 747-400 for the non VC pilots. Icon allows you to switch between Main and Landing panel. Also added ATC and MAP icons.
Required files:
required file
Posted May 21, 2009 18:55 by G. Bruce
Amazonas Air......A flight in the Amazon River Basin
14.37Mb (3785 downloads)
Fly to 8 "New Airfields and Towns" along the Amazon River Basin. To inagurate FSAdventureSky Online Flights this flight will be on GameSpy....Starting on Saturday 23 at 8:00 PM (EST)Name of Session:---"AdventureSky-Amazonas Air"
Posted May 21, 2009 16:19 by Gera Godoy Canova
Mikoyan MiG-29, Codename "FULCRUM", Germany Airforce "Luftwaffe" Demo
Mikoyan MiG-29, Codename "FULCRUM", Germany Airforce "Luftwaffe" Demo
4.82Mb (1951 downloads)
Mikoyan MiG-29, Codename "FULCRUM", Germany Airforce "Luftwaffe" Demo
Posted May 21, 2009 15:40 by Andreas Meyer
FSX iFly747 Caribbean SID STAR
0.04Mb (1744 downloads)
Caribbean SID's, STAR's and approaches for some major Caribbean airports for FSX, iFly 747-400.
Required files:
required file
Posted May 21, 2009 10:20 by G.Bruce
FS2004/FSX Grumman AA-5B, G-CHTA realworld Textures #06
FS2004/FSX Grumman AA-5B, G-CHTA realworld Textures #06
2.99Mb (790 downloads)
This is repaint #06 in my Real World series of repaints for the excellent Grumman AA-5B by Tim "Piglet" Conrad. This particular aircraft G-CHTA, is a 1978 AA5-A Cheetah, Serial No. AA5A-0631 that is based at Biggin Hill (EGKB) in the south of England. I've modified the VC cockpit and 2D cockpit textures to display the plane registration correctly. All other textures are untouched. To use this aircraft repaint you will need the original Grumman AA-5B by Tim Conrad ( This repaint has the alpha channel already added plus the second fuel tank fix
Required files:
required file
Posted May 21, 2009 07:14 by John O'Leary
FSX USA 10 metre mesh, Batch 3 Part 6
46.46Mb (1653 downloads)
USA EAST USGS 10 metre mesh terrain - Includes: WY, SD, NE, MN, IA. (6 parts this batch)FSX only. This constitutes 10 metre terrain mesh for a section of the USA, The whole USA East mesh files will abutt the US West Coast 10m mesh already available, that was made by: Raimondo Taburet. Make sure you have your scenery terrain settings at about 5 metres in the FSX display dialogue for the mesh to show properly!
Posted May 21, 2009 06:57 by Wayne Evans
FSX USA 10 metre mesh, Batch 3 Part 5
30.70Mb (1656 downloads)
USA EAST USGS 10 metre mesh terrain - Includes WY, SD, NE, MN, IA. (6 parts this batch)FSX only. This constitutes 10 metre terrain mesh for a section of the USA, The whole USA East mesh files will abutt the US West Coast 10m mesh already available, that was made by: Raimondo Taburet. Make sure you have your scenery terrain settings at about 5 metres in the FSX display dialogue for the mesh to show properly!
Posted May 21, 2009 06:20 by Wayne Evans
FSX USA 10 metre mesh, Batch 3 Part 4.
56.66Mb (1710 downloads)
USA EAST USGS 10 metre mesh terrain - Includes: WY, SD, NE, MN, IA. 6 parts batch)FSX only. This constitutes 10 metre terrain mesh for a section of the USA, The whole USA East mesh files will abutt the US West Coast 10m mesh already available, that was made by: Raimondo Taburet. Make sure you have your scenery terrain settings at about 5 metres in the FSX display dialogue for the mesh to show properly!
Posted May 21, 2009 05:59 by Wayne Evans
Antartic Base Ultimate Upgrade V4
2.90Mb (2276 downloads)
This is the 4th version of the base and it has been devaloped over 9 months. Version 4 includes loads of objects and aircraft and large runways. Great airport to fly at and has been created so pilots can enjoy antartica, without having to use the basic stock airports. Enjoy! NOTE: this scenery is fictional..
Posted May 21, 2009 05:47 by Tim Coulter