FSX > Page 1794

62.21Mb (2212 downloads)
USA EAST USGS 10 metre mesh terrain Includes: MN, MI, NH, ME, WI. - FSX only.
This constitutes 10 metre terrain mesh for a section of the USA, The whole USA East mesh files will abutt the US West Coast 10m mesh already available, that was made by: Raimondo Taburet. Make sure you have your scenery terrain settings at about 5 metres in the FSX display dialogue for the mesh to show properly!
Posted May 20, 2009 05:04 by Wayne Evans

23.12Mb (2386 downloads)
FSX USA 10 Metre Mesh, Batch 1 Part 3. USA EAST USGS 10 metre mesh terrain - FSX only.
This constitutes 10 metre terrain mesh for a section of the USA, The whole USA East mesh files will abutt the US West Coast 10m mesh already available, that was made by: Raimondo Taburet. Make sure you have your scenery terrain settings at about 5 metres in the FSX display dialogue for the mesh to show properly! Click Previous Page button below to go to FSX Mesh page in old system!
Posted May 19, 2009 06:52 by Wayne Evans

45.98Mb (2192 downloads)
USA EAST USGS 10 metre mesh terrain - FSX only.
This constitutes 10 metre terrain mesh for a section of the USA, The whole USA East mesh files will abutt the US West Coast 10m mesh already available, that was made by: Raimondo Taburet. Make sure you have your scenery terrain settings at about 5 metres in the FSX display dialogue for the mesh to show properly! Click Previous Page button below to go to FSX Mesh page in old system!
Posted May 19, 2009 06:36 by Wayne Evans

69.24Mb (2652 downloads)
USA EAST USGS 10 metre mesh terrain - FSX only. Batch1, part 1. Includes: ND, SD, MN (three parts this batch)
This constitutes 10 metre terrain mesh for a section of the USA, The whole USA East mesh files will abutt the US West Coast 10m mesh already available, that was made by: Raimondo Taburet. Make sure you have your scenery terrain settings at about 5 metres in the FSX display dialogue for the mesh to show properly!
Click Previous Page button below to go to FSX Mesh page in old system!
Posted May 19, 2009 06:06 by Wayne Evans

0.00Mb (881 downloads)
An update to my recently uploaded Sligo city, Ireland. Now the N4 bypass is included with road traffic. Currently working on getting the river Garavogue included.
Posted May 19, 2009 05:29 by Ryan Challis

4.15Mb (879 downloads)
This is a repaint of the excellent Grumman AA-5B by Tim "Piglet" Conrad in Swedish national colours for FSX/FS2004. This is a fictional paint scheme as i recently moved to Sweden and my girlfriend thought it would be cool if i did a plane in swedish colours. I also modified the textures for the VC cockpit and 2D cockpit so they display the plane registration correctly. No other textures were modified so as to retain as much of the original flavour of the aircraft as possible. To use this aircraft repaint you will need the original Grumman AA-5B by Tim Conrad (AA-5B.zip)
Required files:
required file
Posted May 19, 2009 03:39 by John O'Leary

4.52Mb (963 downloads)
In theory, the older you get, the wiser you get. To this end i've updated all my planes to now include alpha channels which gives each plane a nice sheen. A side effect of this is i'm now able to add proper chrome propeller spinners to some of my aircraft as in real life. I've also fixed some minor errors like incorrect aerial colours or missing detials on various planes
To use these textures you must have the original zip files which are,
AA5 SE-GIB.zip, AA5RW01.zip, AA5RW02.zip, AA5RW03.zip, AA5RW04.zip, AA5RW05.zip (see above)
Posted May 19, 2009 03:00 by John O'Leary

1.42Mb (5502 downloads)
(Updated to include fixes) Original Atkinson AJ2 model but with a different VC with a working Autopilot. I have added a pop-up radio stack, GPS and autopilot. I have included a digital ADI and HSI on both sides of the cockpit. I have used Bendix King radios as I wanted to include a mix of glass and analogue displays. There is also a new 2D panel. The flight director and A/P work but the Auto throttle doesn't. I will release another update with a new sound set and I am fixing the GPWS so that it dose not say "To low, gear" when you are landing. Please note that this is the first V/C that I have edited.
Posted May 18, 2009 11:50 by Samuel Kingdon

11.85Mb (19133 downloads)
This original FS9 SA315B Lama package contains two models both Swiss Rescue. Created in Abacus FSDS2, one set of textures, 2D and 3D panel and custom made gauges and a custom sound system. Original package by Peter Salzgeber. Panel mods and updates to include XML FSX gauges. Updates by Danny Darnier
Posted May 18, 2009 10:25 by GARNIER D

14.82Mb (10992 downloads)
This model is a modification of the original aircraft, the old version of MB339 A - PAN released some years ago with a new visual model, panel and virtual cockpit. This new version of the model contains textures for two Italian Air Force examples.
Visual Model, textures and panel and revised Flight Dynamics from original by Paolo Zamparo, by Massimo Taccoli. Gauges by Paolo Zamparo,Sound files with permission of Aaron R. Swindle.
Posted May 18, 2009 06:54 by Massimo Taccoli