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FSX > Page 1835
C-130 C3 Hercules Package
C-130 C3 Hercules Package
20.87Mb (46860 downloads)
Royal Air Force C-130 C3 Package adapted for FSX. This is the Simshed C-130 with all gauges replaced with FSX compatible gauges in both the VC and 2d panel. Now you can fly the best freeware C-130 in your FSX. Panel updates by Danny Garnier. Thank you to Brian Franklin for the beautiful model.
Posted Mar 3, 2009 13:41 by GARNIER D
'Flight Sim Nation'  CH47 Chinook
'Flight Sim Nation'  CH47 Chinook
9.21Mb (18583 downloads)
This uses the Boeing CH-47 Chinook By Tom Woods and Mark Adams and features the classic 'Flight Sim Nation' paint and a VC.
Posted Mar 2, 2009 18:44 by Sonic
FSX/FS2004 Flight Calculator
1.76Mb (8289 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Flight Calculator This Flight Sim Flight Calculator will calculate distance and arrival times for both FSX and FS2004 The program has four input components, Local TimeZone, Departing Airport, Destination Airport and the Aircraft to be used for the flight. The program calculates the distance in nautical miles between two FlightSim Airports. It determines the flight length in hours and then calculates the Arrival time. If the flight time passes midnight the arrival day is incremented by one day. Keep in mind these distances and times are based on point to point calculations and do not allow for taxi out, taxi in, start-up times etc. To compensate for this you can input a time period in minutes which is automatically added to the flight time to give a more accurate estimate of arrival times. You will also need the TTools program by Lee Swordy in order to build the aircraft and airport text files. By Dave Westbury
Posted Mar 2, 2009 04:17 by Dave Westbury
Captain Sim C130 Flight Sim Nation Textures
Captain Sim C130 Flight Sim Nation Textures
3.13Mb (947 downloads)
Textures only for the Captain Sim C130 that has been featured in many Flight Sim Nation Videos in particular the C130 This paint shows how hard these aircraft are working in our virtual airline. By Owen Young.
Posted Mar 1, 2009 21:58 by Sonic
FSX Acceleration  F18 'Flight Sim Nation' Textures
FSX Acceleration  F18 'Flight Sim Nation' Textures
12.11Mb (2009 downloads)
Textures only for the FSX Acceleration F18 sporting the classic FSN dirty and clean versions. Painted for Flight Sim Nation by Owen Young.
Posted Mar 1, 2009 21:39 by Sonic
FSX University Airport (KEDU)
0.32Mb (1349 downloads)
This package updates University Airport in Davis, California. Taxiways, runways, and aprons were resized and moved to their real-world locations. Buildings were also moved and adjusted. Satellite images from Google Earth were used for accuracy. Many default scenery objects were placed from the FSX scenery libraries. This version contains all needed files, and no earlier versions are required. Please see the Readme regarding the airport ICAO code and taxiway lines, as well as other notes. Compiled using Airport Design Editor.
Posted Mar 1, 2009 17:52 by Phillip Coyle
FSX Willows-Glenn County Airport (KWLW)
0.26Mb (607 downloads)
This is a scenery update for Willows-Glenn County Airport. Taxiways, runways, aprons, were resized and moved to their real-world locations. Buildings were also moved and adjusted. Satellite images from Google Earth were used for accuracy. Many default scenery objects were placed from the FSX scenery libraries. View Readme file for installation and notes. Compiled using Airport Design Editor.
Posted Mar 1, 2009 17:49 by Phillip Coyle
US Air Dornier 328-110
US Air Dornier 328-110
21.95Mb (19887 downloads)
This is the US Air Dornier 328-110 by Robert Versluys, It has been revamped for FSX with new sound, paint, panel and .cfg folders. All sounds and gauges are included hence the large size - this is one download where you need to read the readme, especially with regard to your .gau and .cab files. No VC, but the 2D panel has more than enough goodies to make up for this. IFR flight from KJFK to KEWR included [rated as very difficult by my site members!]. Rob Barendregt's pushback gauge, engine smoke and full autopilot for a turboprop makes this a crackling download. Self installer for ease of installation.
Posted Mar 1, 2009 17:15 by CeeGee
Sector F8 Sabre Flight Sim Nation Textures
5.50Mb (1415 downloads)
Intended for pilots flying with the Flight Sim Nation display team and now available to anyone. This custom Flight Sim Nation paint sports Craziemans classic "worn look" compelete with chipped logo. Requires the Section F8 Sabre Package.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 1, 2009 16:34 by Sonic
SNECMA C-450 Coleoptere
9.20Mb (19837 downloads)
FS2004 / FSX (SP2/Acceleration compatible) SNECMA C-450 Coleoptere, complete package, with full moving parts, animations, custom panel and a full virtual cockpit. By Patrice Grange. The SNECMA C-450 Coleoptere was "tail-sitter" VTOL aircraft (Vertical Take Off and Landing) developed by the French Engine Manufacturer SNECMA in the 1950s. Using the concept of the "annular wing", it made its first flight on May 5th, 1959. Unfortunately, the test flights were stopped after an accident on 25 July 1959, even if the pilot was able to eject and to survive. The model has full moving parts and animations, an original custom 2D panel (an original bitmap by me) and a full animated VC. AS THE FLIGHT MODEL IS PARTICULARLY UNUSUAL ("TAILSITTER" FOR VERTICAL TAKE OFF AND LANDING, THEN A 90 degree ROTATION TO REACH THE CRUISE FLIGHT POSITION), PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE INSTRUCTIONS (DETAILED PDF INCLUDED). Please read the documentation for information how to fly this!
Posted Mar 1, 2009 11:26 by Patrice Grange, http://www.fre