FSX > Page 1833

0.18Mb (1810 downloads)
This version includes all the scenery designed or improved of previous versions. In this case did some improvements to SCQT, SCIL, SCSD, SCEL and SCTB and new runways: SCVT-ViƱa Tarapaca-Isla de Maipo),(SCHO-Punta Chungo-Los Vilos) .
Posted Mar 8, 2009 17:48 by Juan Lucero
8.93Mb (535 downloads)
Textures only for the default 737-800 in Crystal Air VA Livery.
Posted Mar 8, 2009 16:14 by Tom Close

9.18Mb (36476 downloads)
Gmax F-117 Nighthawk Updated for FSX. All gauges replaced with FSX compatible gauges in both the Virtual Flight Deck (VC) and 2d panel. Includes a simple VC. All incompatible gauges removed. Original FS2004 model by Craig Richardson. Press 'L' to turn lights on! It gives a better look inside the flight deck! 2d panel BMP by Phil Perrot. Panel updates by Danny Garnier.
Posted Mar 8, 2009 13:18 by GARNIER D

2.02Mb (4010 downloads)
Textures for Francisco Sanchez-Castaner's (Adapted for FSX by Eric Buchmann) ATR72-500 In CCM colors
Needed ATR72-500 file
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 8, 2009 10:02 by Henry Rastouil

0.78Mb (924 downloads)
Repaint for the default C-172 in the Polish SP-KSS livery.
Posted Mar 8, 2009 08:56 by Lukasz Kubacki
0.06Mb (1268 downloads)
Airport scenery of UK airstrips V1. Includes
London Colne
Rayne Hall
created using ADE
volume 1 of many
Posted Mar 8, 2009 08:27 by Eggyed

0.85Mb (3607 downloads)
Olympic airlines textures only for the Dash-8 of Premier Aircraft Design. The model is available here.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 7, 2009 12:27 by Laurens Neele

9.35Mb (20209 downloads)
FS2004 / FSX Dassault Mirage III E "Chevaliers du Ciel", Version 5 with VC.
The Mirage III is the emblematic French Fighter of the sixties. This one is the previous version in which I have just added the VC developed for my Mirage III R + a couple of small improvements. The paint scheme is the one visible as Michel Tanguy's plane in the comics "Cap Zero".
The models has full moving parts and animations (control surfaces, gears, spoilers, canopy, pilot ejection, dragchute, rocket cover, pilot ladder, guns, ...) + a custom panel + (NEW !) a Virtual Cockpit.
By Patrice Grange, March 2009.
Posted Mar 7, 2009 05:00 by Patrice Grange

0.08Mb (1545 downloads)
H Squad Alpine Lake Village for H Squad British Columbia Base Scenery.
Compliments H_Farfy's fantastic H_Squad scenery located in British Columbia, Canada.
The surrounding area is breathtaking to say the least, dotted with ravines, mountains, valleys, and alpine lakes............that's where this addon comes in.
This scenery is located a short distance away from the H_Squad_BC Base, and the airport
ID is "HSAL' which you may start there in FSX or fly there after entering it in your GPS
panel. Bring a float plane because it's a water start.
Posted Mar 7, 2009 04:02 by H Paul

9.84Mb (15346 downloads)
- Pilotable Battlestar Galactica from The Original Show
- AI Galactica designed for use with the AICarriers freeware addon
- Galactica TOS Scenery - puts Galactica near Catalina Island
- Galactica Library Object for use with the Object placement tool for new scenery files
- Bump mapping and night textures
- landing bays with hard decks
- working Arrestor cables in the leftside landing bay (Acceleration users)
- Launch tubes
Compiled with the FSXA SDK and tested in FSX w/Acceleration on WinXP / DX9
- for FSX ONLY by Bruce Fitzgerald -
Posted Mar 6, 2009 10:24 by Bruce Fitzgerald