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Fs2004/FSX Spitfire Mk 1A
Fs2004/FSX Spitfire Mk 1A
7.46Mb (13155 downloads)
Fs2004/FSX Spitfire MK 1A WW2 fighter. The first production Spitfire, the Mk I was powered by a Merlin III giving 1,030 hp and a maximum speed of 367 mph. This is the mark that mostly fought in the Battle of Britain. It entered service in 1938 with 19 and 66 Squadrons. In all some 1,566 Mk I Spitfires were produced. This Supermarine Spitfire Mk IA, JZ-E (AR213), 57 OTU, RAF, was flown by F/O J.H. "Ginger" Lacey, 1942. GMAX model by A.F.Scrub
Posted Mar 9, 2009 18:40 by A.F.Scrub
0.01Mb (1894 downloads)
This is a military base in North Eastern Russia, near to the Alaskan islands, if you want to measure it as the Tu-160 flies. This aiport has a huge runway, a few taxiways, fuel box, an open hangar, another hangar with Su-27 and gaurds, and more. If you measure the wingspan of the Tu-160, fully spread, the wings wouldn't go over the edges of the runway. There is also a small fleet of ships and a carrier off the bay, along with a landable bridge along the North side of the bay. Created for me by McSics.
Posted Mar 9, 2009 18:19 by General Gouletawitz
FS Flying School 2009 Demo
26.22Mb (1136 downloads)
FS Flying School 2009 is a revolutionary new add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator FSX and 2004. It adds a talking instructor to your cockpit that provides feedback and evaluation of all aspects of your take-off, flight, and landing. Free playable demo!
Posted Mar 9, 2009 13:19 by John Paul Jones
Boeing 737-800 Montenegro Airlines Textures
Boeing 737-800 Montenegro Airlines Textures
3.53Mb (2074 downloads)
737-800 Montenegro Airlines texturesonly for the default FSX Boeing 737-800.
Posted Mar 9, 2009 10:31 by Aleksa Sijakovic
U.S.S. Port Royal CG-73
7.46Mb (3677 downloads)
Updated, added lights original did not have em(helo deck, markers). Added stock spray effect, improved smoke. Camera definitions added for other parts of boat. Deck gun effects... Updated by Thunder. by Bruce Fitzgerald
Posted Mar 9, 2009 06:21 by Thunder
U.S.S. Fitzgerald DDG-62
7.41Mb (4195 downloads)
Updated, added lights original did not have em(helo deck, markers). Added stock spray effect, improved smoke. Camera definitions added for other parts of boat. Deck gun effects... Updated by Thunder. by Bruce Fitzgerald
Posted Mar 9, 2009 06:10 by Thunder
USCGC Chase WHEC-718
7.16Mb (5853 downloads)
Updated, added lights original did not have em(helo deck, markers). Added stock spray effect, improved smoke. Camera definitions added for other parts of boat. Deck gun effects... Updated by Thunder. by Bruce Fitzgerald
Posted Mar 9, 2009 05:54 by Thunder
FSX Air Canada c. 1993 Textures for the Boeing 747-400
6.00Mb (3328 downloads)
This is another repaint for the FSX Default 747. The last Air Canada 747 was retired in 2004 and was replaced by Airbus A340s. The A340s retires three to four years later and were replaced by the Boeing 777-300ER fleet. This aircraft was repainted in memory of the 747-400 fleet for Air Canada. Splash Screen Included. By Victor Vu.
Posted Mar 8, 2009 21:34 by Victor Vu
FSX British Midland Textures for the Beechcraft Baron 58
3.21Mb (1678 downloads)
This is a repaint for the FSX Default Baron 58. Registration no. G-BNUN. I looked the airline in Wikipedia and suddenly, I found an aircraft that is the plane in FSX. Though it is a different type of the Baron 58, I have decided to repaint the aircraft. Splash Screen included. By Victor Vu.
Posted Mar 8, 2009 21:33 by Victor Vu
FSX Swedflight Arlanda Airport (ESSA) Patch
0.36Mb (1110 downloads)
Patch for Swedflight's FS2004 Arlanda Airport scenery (payware) to make it work in FSX
Posted Mar 8, 2009 18:48 by P Nigel Grant/Swedflight Desig