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FSX > Page 1920
FSX C172 Colorado Division of Wildlife Textures Only
4.84Mb (1101 downloads)
This is a repaint of the Default C172 in a fictional Colorado division of wildife paint scheme, Repaint by Anthony Celentano (dr.bob on forums)
Posted Aug 31, 2008 16:59 by Anthony Celentano
Qantas Boeing 737-800 V-Jet
1.60Mb (3927 downloads)
Repaint of the default Boeing 737-800 in Qantas V-Jet livery. Repaint by Jon Murchison.
Posted Aug 31, 2008 06:53 by Richard
British Airways 747-400
0.59Mb (10734 downloads)
Repaint of the default 747-400 in British Airways "Landor" livery. Repaint by Jon Murchison.
Posted Aug 31, 2008 06:40 by Richard
Boeing FB-2
Boeing FB-2
7.24Mb (4435 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Boeing F4B-2 biplane fighter. The Boeing F4B biplane served as the primary carrier based fighter aircraft for the US Navy in the early 1930s, remaining in service in various support and training roles until the early 1940s. It was the last wooden-winged, biplane fighter produced by Boeing and used by the US Navy. GMAX model by A.F.Scrub
Posted Aug 31, 2008 05:27 by A.F.Scrub
Diego Garcia AI
0.34Mb (2175 downloads)
A new AI package and brand new AFCAD for FSX Diego Garcia. All aircraft featured are from MAIW packages so you will need to download and install the following packages using the interactive map / aircraft list on the MAIW website to get there.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 31, 2008 04:45 by Dave Morgan
B737 Straight Talk Express Textures
B737 Straight Talk Express Textures
8.03Mb (2145 downloads)
This is a repaint of the default FSX 737-800 in John McCain’s Straight Talk Express paint scheme. Repaint by Earl Triplett
Posted Aug 30, 2008 17:30 by Earl Triplett
FSX Boeing 747-400 Cargolux Textures
FSX Boeing 747-400 Cargolux Textures
1.51Mb (7553 downloads)
FSX Boeing 747-400 Cargolux Textures. Registration: LX-NCV. Textures only for the default FSX B747-400. Bonus: Cargolux Boeing 747-400 Traffic Package included. Created by Gabor Kovacs
Posted Aug 30, 2008 08:14 by Gábor Kovács
A-7 Corsair II USN VA-12 Attack Squadron
10.84Mb (7919 downloads)
This is a Repaint of Kazunori Ito's A-7 Corsair II Modified For Flight Simulator X. This Aircraft is painted in United States Navy VA-12 Attack Squadron colors . includes a new panel working tailhook , folding wings and a afterburner effect. Textures and Updates by Mark Rooks of RSDG Aircraft.. This Package Includes Pictures and VA-12 squadron history..
Posted Aug 30, 2008 03:56 by Mark Rooks
FA-18 Super Hornet VFA-122 Flying  Eagles Textures
FA-18 Super Hornet VFA-122 Flying  Eagles Textures
2.67Mb (6791 downloads)
FA-18 Super Hornet VFA-122 Flying Eagles Textures only. Requires the original Team KBT FA-18
Posted Aug 29, 2008 11:17 by logan stone
Repaints of the Acceleration FA-18
Repaints of the Acceleration FA-18
5.80Mb (4945 downloads)
four Repaints of the FSX Accelerattion FA-18Hornet 2x VFA-14 Tophatters 2x VFA-122 Flying Eagles I'd take the white livery of the FA-18 for the Repaints
Posted Aug 29, 2008 07:01 by Jan M.