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FSX > Page 250
FSX/P3D Goodyear K-28 Navy Blimp
24.17Mb (1162 downloads)
FSX Goodyear K-28 Navy Blimp. WWII K-class Navy blimp, whose gondola has been restored at New England Air Museum. Model created in 3ds Max for FSX. Includes restoration details completed after 2011. VC includes complete model,with multiple camera views, including inside helium envelope. Includes .pdf file explaining controls. Blimp K-28 spent most of WWII with squadron ZP-24 in Weeksville, North Carolina. By George Diemer.
Posted Dec 24, 2020 01:06 by George Diemer
FSX/P3Dv4,V5 native Cessna 172 Tundra
FSX/P3Dv4,V5 native Cessna 172 Tundra
26.32Mb (1716 downloads)
FSX/P3Dv4,V5 native Cessna 172 Tundra The Cessna 172 Skyhawk is an all-metal, single-engine, four-seat, high-wing light utility aircraft, produced by Cessna Aircraft Company between 1958 and 1962. Some Cessna's were converted for bush and tundra flying with big wheels and a more powerful engine. 3 Native models for FSX/P3Dv4,v5 by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Dec 23, 2020 23:40 by A.F.Scrub
EL AL Boeing 747-400 1980s livery textures
EL AL Boeing 747-400 1980s livery textures
17.26Mb (178 downloads)
Second Update: I realized the two cargo door texture is supposed to be on the right side, so I changed that. EL AL Boeing 747-400 1980's livery, this repaint requires the Project Openksky 747-400 (PW Engine version) V4
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Posted Dec 23, 2020 22:23 by Nick
Boeing 737-800 BCF TDS Scimitar Version
Boeing 737-800 BCF TDS Scimitar Version
157.64Mb (896 downloads)
Boeing 737-800BCF by TDS. Package includes 737-800 VC added.Includes utility for ground services.
Posted Dec 23, 2020 12:13 by JALopezR
FSX/P3D Bombardier CRJ-900 FSX Native Petroleum Air Services package
FSX/P3D Bombardier CRJ-900 FSX Native Petroleum Air Services package
86.13Mb (553 downloads)
FSX/P3D Bombardier CRJ-900 FSX Native Petroleum Air Services package. Petroleum Air Services is an Egyptian airline based at Cairo International Airport and is involved mainly in servicing the oil industry but also offers passenger services to countries in the Middle East. PAS currently have 3 CRJ900. Project Opensky CRJ-900 2020 FSX native model and VC conversion by Speedbird77. Models by Nicholas Wilkinson/Hiroshi Igami Project Opensky. Flight dynamics Warren C. Daniel. FSX and Prepar3D v5 (and previous) compatible MdlX conversions by Speedbird77. Textured and tested in P3D v5 by Chris Evans. Should also work in FSX and other P3D versions.
Posted Dec 23, 2020 11:26 by chris evans
FSX/P3D Cessna 172 Early green textures
FSX/P3D Cessna 172 Early green textures
6.57Mb (286 downloads)
Repaint of A.F. Scrub's Textures only. This is the Cessna 172 "straight tail" model of the late 1950's/early 60's with two-tone green colors. Repainted by R.E. Wyman.
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Posted Dec 22, 2020 14:17 by R.E. Wyman
FSX/P3D Bombardier CRJ-700 HOP! for Air France FSX Native Package
FSX/P3D Bombardier CRJ-700 HOP! for Air France FSX Native Package
90.77Mb (1020 downloads)
FSX/P3D Bombardier CRJ-700 HOP! for Air France FSX Native Package. HOP! currently operate 11 CRJ-700. Project Opensky CRJ-700 FSX native model and VC. Models: Exteriors by Mitsushi Yutaka/Project Opensky. VC Models by Jacob Kubique and Corey Ford of Project Opensky. Flight dynamics Warren C. Daniel. FSX and Prepar3Dv5 MdlX conversions by Speedbird77. Textures by Chris Evans
Posted Dec 21, 2020 12:22 by chris evans
Nida Airport and City Scenery
Nida Airport and City Scenery
0.18Mb (292 downloads)
This is a Scenery for Nida Airport and Nida pier. Nida Airport is a small regional airport, opened in 1967, located in Nida, in the western part of Lithuania, near the Baltic Sea and Klaipeda. Containing major buildings near pier, border to Russia, light towers etc..
Posted Dec 21, 2020 07:03 by Kalyan Mukherjee
FSX/P3D Mitsubishi F-2A #13-8508 "Black Panthers"  Textures
4.93Mb (294 downloads)
Mitsubishi F-2A #13-8508 "Black Panthers" repaint textures for freeware "Team FS KBT F-2A" These textures depict F-2A 508 in the special "Black Panthers" paint scheme of the 8th TF Sqdrn, Misawa AB.
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Posted Dec 21, 2020 02:09 by Daniel Gregory
Sukhoi Su-7B FITTER -A for FSX/P3D
Sukhoi Su-7B FITTER -A for FSX/P3D
59.74Mb (1413 downloads)
The Sukhoi Su-7 (NATO designation name: Fitter-A) is a swept wing, supersonic fighter aircraft developed by the Soviet Union in 1955, with service introduction in 1959. The Su-7B series became the main Soviet fighter-bomber and ground-attack aircraft of the 1960s. FITTERs were rugged and simple, but short ranged and had a light weapon load. The Su-9/11-Su-7B family was well-liked by aircrews, and led to the Su-15 series and the very effective Su-17/22 family of combat jets. Su-7B FITTER by Mehlin Rainer, for FS9, ca.2010 FSX native version 2020 by Y.T. Models included for clean and various weapon load-outs: Long range interdictor, Nuclear Strike, Close Air Support bomb (FAB100M46), and S-24 heavy rocket. Bombs and rockets provided, load-outs from a saved flight, see readme for simple instructions. Merged in DRStalker80's Su-9 VC. It's largely identical in aircraft systems, though the nav-attack suite differs- the Su-9 has a full search/track/fire control radar system and other all-weather IA-PVO interceptor kit. The Su-7B carries a ranging set and largely VFR nav-attack suite. NOTE: You must have the DRSTALKER80 Su-9B FISHPOT for FSX installed for this to work. There are a number of dependencies for textures, panel, sounds aliased back to the Su-9B(DS). Weapons from a CFS2 kit by Laszlo Becz. Nuclear stores and auto-cannon object by Y.T.
Posted Dec 20, 2020 03:23 by Aardvark Ratnik