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Prepar3d > Military > Page 42
Be-10 texture corrections
Be-10 texture corrections
0.97Mb (428 downloads)
I plead stupidity...or drunkenness(maintaining russian mindset...) Drop into your Be-10 folder, yes to overwrite. Adds missing textures, fixes thumbnail error. Sorry, hopping between VC's as I work on a dedicated Be-10 VC.
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Posted Dec 3, 2017 15:06 by LLS
FSX/P3D Beriev-200/220 Altair FSX Native
FSX/P3D Beriev-200/220 Altair FSX Native
23.28Mb (2187 downloads)
Soviet Sea Monsters part 4. Descended from the A-40, the Beriev Be-200 Altair is a multi-role amphibious aircraft designed by the Beriev Aircraft Company and assembled by Irkut. Marketed for a variety of uses, such as fighting fires, the SAR, maritime patrol and transport, it has a capacity of 12,000 m3 of water or up to 72 passengers. Recent sales have been made of the -220 to Russian and PRC military customers. Package includes: Aircraft model by Massimo Taccoli with help of Dennis Seeley. Textures by Massimo Taccoli, public domain and LLS. FD files by Dennis Seeley Gauges, by Dennis Seeley & Massimo Taccoli. Default A-320 VC(modified). FSX conversion and flight mdl update by LLS, with Massimo's permission, thanks, Max! Compatible with FSX and P3D up to v4
Posted Dec 3, 2017 02:54 by LLS
FSX/P3D A-90 Orlenok FSX Native
FSX/P3D A-90 Orlenok FSX Native
10.72Mb (1036 downloads)
Soviet Sea Monsters part 3. The A-90 Orlenok was a transport/assault Ekranoplan utilized by the AV-MF on the Black and Caspian seas. A product of the Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau and Beriev, 5 machines were produced. In service 1979-1993. The machine is somewhere between a SES and an aircraft, capable of amphibious operation and a service ceiling of 9,800 ft. Alphasim's A-90 in FSX native materials and animations, with the kind support and encouragement of Phil at Compatible with FSX and P3D
Posted Dec 3, 2017 02:27 by LLS
FSX/P3D Lun class Ekranoplan FSX Native
FSX/P3D Lun class Ekranoplan FSX Native
29.95Mb (1278 downloads)
Soviet Sea Monsters part 2. First detected by KH-8 recce sats in 1984, dubbed 'the Caspian Sea Monster', this 400 ton flying warship was fitted with six massive SS-N-22 SUNBURN SSM's. One was built. Alphasim's Lun (Kestral) in FSX native. SUNBURN missiles available from a saved flight, 5-100nm range, sea-skimming flight profile, loads of fun. Conversion made possible by Arno's MCX, the SOH crew, the support and encouragement of Phil at Compatible with FSX and P3D up to v4
Posted Dec 3, 2017 01:51 by LLS
FSX/P3D Beriev Be-10 MALLOW FSX Native
FSX/P3D Beriev Be-10 MALLOW FSX Native
31.29Mb (1302 downloads)
Soviet Sea Monsters, part one. The Beriev Be-10 'Izdelye M'(NATO: MALLOW) was a turbojet patrol bomber flying boat that saw limited production (27+3 prototypes) and service with the AV-MF, 1958-1962-63. Models for Be-10 MALLOW-A, BE-10N MALLOW-B ASM carrier, M-10 world record aircraft, missile firing and torpedo dropping models, AI model and no visibility conditions models provided, along with K-12BS and RAT-52 custom armament. Beaching gear, the usual animations. See readme for details. Temporary VC is the alphasim Mig-25 VC. Several paint options for actual AV-MF machines, and 'whatif' PLAN Harbin SH-2's and Polish Naval Air Arm. Saved flights provided. Compatible with FSX and P3D up to v4
Posted Dec 3, 2017 00:36 by LLS
MiG-25 Foxbat Multi Livery Pack
MiG-25 Foxbat Multi Livery Pack
124.87Mb (3593 downloads)
FSX/P3D V3 (NOT V4!) Mig 25 Multi livery package. The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25 is a supersonic interceptor and reconnaissance aircraft that was among the fastest military aircraft to enter service in 1970. 45 Liveries include: India, multi Soviet, Soviet Armed, Soviet Trainer, Syrian, Algerian, Azerbaijan, East Germany (DDR), Polish, Belarussian, Czech, Ukraine, Iraqi, Libyan, China, Bulgarian. Packaged by Rodolfo Valery with all the credits of its creator Alphasim with fixes and updates by Danny Garnier. Will work in FSX and P3D up to v3 but not v4.
Posted Dec 2, 2017 07:28 by Rodolfo Valery
FSX/P3D Blackburn Buccaneer Package V2.1 (updated)
FSX/P3D Blackburn Buccaneer Package V2.1 (updated)
77.58Mb (5062 downloads)
The Blackburn Buccaneer was a fighter designed for the British Navy in the late fifties. Original design by UKMIL. Nose art added by Andre Ludick. FD modifications, new panels for wide and standard screen, VC modifications, gauges including GPWS callout by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions in the readme.txt file. Nice flights! Thanks to Charles Backus for the nosewheel fix and air file mods. Nose wheel fixed, air file edited for better handling & stopping. Sound added so it now works in FSX and P3D v4.
Posted Nov 25, 2017 00:48 by Philippe Wallaert
FSX/P3d> v3 McDonnell Douglas F-15C Eagle (fixed)
FSX/P3d> v3 McDonnell Douglas F-15C Eagle (fixed)
66.12Mb (6308 downloads)
FSX - P3D v3 (NOT v4) McDonnell Douglas F-15C Eagle, IRIS Simulations, Updated effects, afterburners, cockpit and glass ... other details added. All honors for IRIS. Enjoy (fixed problem where windows zip could not unzip)
Posted Nov 10, 2017 02:51 by Rodolfo Valery
FSX/P3D Textures Pack v2.0 For Maryadi's MV-22B Osprey
FSX/P3D Textures Pack v2.0 For Maryadi's MV-22B Osprey
94.16Mb (1861 downloads)
Texture Package v2.00 | FSX/P3D Repaint Package For Maryadi's MV-22B Osprey.----- *NEW in V2* Added brand new HMX-1 VIP transport texture as well as custom thumbnails for all aircraft. ----- These are the non "greased up" versions of the repaints, and contain little wear and dirt textures. Repaints include these squadrons: x2 VMM-163 Ridge Runners, x2 VMM-262 Flying Tigers, x1 VMM-264 Black Knights, x2 VMM-265 Dragons, x1 VMM-266 Fighting Griffins, x2 VMM-268 Red Dragons, x2 VMM-363 Red Lions, x1 HMX-1 Nighthawks; 13 paints total. Painted by Letourn, assembled by JS. HMX-1 painted by JS.
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Posted Nov 3, 2017 03:39 by JS
P3D/FSX North American A5 Vigilante WMO Package
P3D/FSX North American A5 Vigilante WMO Package
41.08Mb (1902 downloads)
FSX/P3D (up to v4+) North American A5 Vigilante World Meteorological Organisation Package (fictional). A5 turned into meteorological research airplane. Original ex-payware model by Virtavia converted to FSX native format by LLS. Great VC included! Assembled for FSX Acceleration by Chris Evans. Textures by J Lopez
Posted Oct 27, 2017 04:13 by JALopezR