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Prepar3d > Military > Page 41
P3D V3 & 4 / FSX Rockwell OV-10D USMC and Civil Air Patrol twin package
P3D V3 & 4 / FSX Rockwell OV-10D USMC and Civil Air Patrol twin package
21.19Mb (3430 downloads)
P3D / FSX Rockwell OV-10D USMC and Civil Air Patrol twin package. Tim Conrad original OV10D converted to FSX native format by LLS. Added USMC and CAP textures by Tim Conrad and Ken Glazer. North American Rockwell OV-10 Bronco is a twin-turboprop light attack and observation aircraft made in the US between 1965 and 1986. The aircraft is still in use today. Included engine sounds. Adjusted wheel levels and eyepoint. Assembled and edited by Chris Evans. Tested only in P3Dv4 but should be ok in FSX and other P3D versions.
Posted Dec 31, 2017 09:01 by chris evans
Sukhoi Su-34 updated for FSX/ P3D (Version3)
Sukhoi Su-34 updated for FSX/ P3D (Version3)
25.14Mb (6531 downloads)
The Sukhoi Su-34 is a Russian twin-engine, twin-seat, all-weather supersonic medium-range fighter-bomber/strike aircraft. It first flew in 1990 and entered service in 2014 with the Russian Air Force. This is an update of the FS2004 Su-34 for FSX/P3D,V.3. It features all authentic FSX compatible Russian gauges. Automatic smoke, afterburner effects as well as various camera views included. The package includes seven beautiful crisp repaints by different authors. Thanks to Bowe Tyson and Unkomura Humoto for the original model and to Sean Doran for the additional repaints. FSX updates by Michael Pook.
Posted Dec 28, 2017 12:27 by Michael Pook
P3D V3 & 4 / FSX Lockheed C141B Starlifter McChord AFB package
P3D V3 & 4 / FSX Lockheed C141B Starlifter McChord AFB package
36.88Mb (4105 downloads)
P3D V3 & 4 / FSX Lockheed C-141B Starlifter 446th Air Mobility Wing, McChord AFB package. Native C-141 Starlifter from Alphasim/Virtavia converted to FSX native by LLS. Added the Mccord AFB textures by Mike Pearson. The VC that came with the c141 was old and not good so I added the developed B747 VC (virtual 3d cockpit) from Alejandro Rojas Lucenda (Manual included). Edited and tested with P3D v4 but should be ok in FSX and previous versions of P3D. Included engine sounds. Also includes the Boeing 747 VC textures upgrade. This give a more military 4 engine interior virtual cockpit. Assembled and edited for FSX and P3d v3 & 4 by Chris Evans.
Posted Dec 28, 2017 05:19 by chris evans
Blackburn Buccaneer XN982 Textures
7.04Mb (1300 downloads)
This is a repaint for the FSX native updated freeware UKMIL Blackburn Buccaneer for FSX and P3D v4. This repaint depicts the Royal Navy Blackburn Buccaneer S.Mk.2 XN982, '235/V', 801 NAS, HMS Victorious, 1966. The original aircraft is not included. Textures were tested in Lockheed Martin Prepar3D v4.1. Original aircraft by UKMIL. Repaint by Cecil Johnson (kiltinsa61).
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Posted Dec 20, 2017 11:54 by Cecil Johnson
FSX Lockheed Martin F16  Luftwaffe
FSX Lockheed Martin F16  Luftwaffe
65.41Mb (4550 downloads)
F16 Lockheed Martin Luftwaffe for the FSX with VC panel and much more! F16 Lockheed Martin by Kirk Olssen with texture by Thomas Dussel. VC panel revision by Bob Chicilo. 2017
Posted Dec 14, 2017 07:36 by uploader
F/A-18 military jet engine custom sound pack
73.72Mb (1788 downloads)
F/A-18 custom sound pack. A sound set for FSX F/A-18 Hornet or any similar military jet. Based on real sound samples. FSX sound cone technology is widely used to create an authentic and immersive sound environment. By Serge Luzin
Posted Dec 12, 2017 13:32 by uploader
FSX/P3D (V.3) Mig 31 Firefox with updated Panels
FSX/P3D (V.3) Mig 31 Firefox with updated Panels
12.64Mb (2944 downloads)
The fictional Sowjet Mig-31 Firefox is based on the movie "Firefox" from the 1980s starring Clint Eastwood. This is a panel update of this futuristic looking aircraft, featuring both a new static VC (non-functional gauges) and a new 2D panel. All the gauges are now FSX/ Acceleration compatible. Automatic burner and smoke added. Thanks to Owen Smoot for the original model and to Bob Chicilo for his previous FSX update. New Panel updates by Michael Pook.
Posted Dec 10, 2017 05:43 by Michael Pook
FSX/P3D MiG-25 Foxbat FSX Native (fixed)
FSX/P3D MiG-25 Foxbat FSX Native (fixed)
28.62Mb (3413 downloads)
Classic Soviet Heavy Metal, the MiG-25P FOXBAT A and MiG-25PU FOXBAT C by Alphasim-Virtavia, another favorite from the old days. FSX update Oct 2017, with the kind support and encouragement of Phil at FSX (P3D) mdl X native materials, animation tags Armament 2000lbs on weight condition via payload manager, station 2. Base file Bob Chilco's X mod. Compatible with FSX and P3D up to v4. Sound added and cfg fixed so both aircraft show together.
Posted Dec 7, 2017 23:34 by LLS
FSX/ P3D (V.3) Lockheed U2 with updated panels
FSX/ P3D (V.3) Lockheed U2 with updated panels
11.16Mb (3066 downloads)
This is the legendary US Reconnaisance Lockheed U2 with revised and now more authentic panels. Automatic smoke and burner effects added. Original model by Alphasim, previous FSX update by Michael Pook and new panel updates by Michael Pook.
Posted Dec 7, 2017 16:03 by Michael Pook
FSX/P3D  Maryadi's MV-22B Osprey  Japan Ground Self Defense Force  Texture v1.0
FSX/P3D  Maryadi's MV-22B Osprey  Japan Ground Self Defense Force  Texture v1.0
2.22Mb (599 downloads)
Texture Repaint v1.0 | FSX/P3D Repaint For Maryadi's MV-22B Osprey. This contains 1 repaint of the very new Japan Ground Self Defense Force V-22 spotted at the Bell Helicopter Amarillo Assembly Center in Texas, USA in late 2017. As new images are released, I may update the package.
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Posted Dec 5, 2017 02:26 by JS (Heater)