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FSX > Military > Page 168
UKMIL Nimrod v2 AEW Mk.3
15.09Mb (3178 downloads)
welcome to the UKMIL Nimrod v2 AEW Mk.3 for FSX. This aircraft requires the shared files for all UKMIL Nimrod v2 Packages (above) Please read the included PDF file prior to use for full instructions and copyright agreement.
Posted Feb 18, 2010 15:39 by UKMIL
UKMIL Nimrod V2 SHARED files
23.82Mb (7172 downloads)
UKMIL Nimrod v2 Effects, Sounds & Panel FSX welcome to the UKMIL Nimrod v2 Effects, Sounds & Panel package for FSX. These are shared files for all UKMIL Nimrod v2 Packages Please read the included PDF file prior to use for full instructions and copyright agreeement.
Posted Feb 18, 2010 15:24 by UKMIL
UKMIL Nimrod v2 MR2 Package
38.50Mb (6014 downloads)
welcome to the UKMIL Nimrod v2 MR2 for FSX. This aircraft requires the shared files for all UKMIL Nimrod v2 Packages Please read the included PDF file prior to use for full instructions and copyright agreement.
Posted Feb 18, 2010 15:14 by UKMIL
FSX/FS2004 Mirage III RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) Textures
FSX/FS2004 Mirage III RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) Textures
3.02Mb (3904 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Mirage III 0 RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force), 3 different weapon loads, repaint only. This will add 3 aircraft (clean, Matra 530 and bombs) wearing the RAAF traditional paint (grey/green camo) used during the 60/70, to my FSX/FS2004 Mirage III E Camo package with VC. Needs the file here: Designed by Patrice Grange, Feb 2010
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required file
Posted Feb 17, 2010 16:28 by Patrice Grange
Stratojet Albatross Military 12 Textures Pack FS2004/FSX
Stratojet Albatross Military 12 Textures Pack FS2004/FSX
11.77Mb (2279 downloads)
12 military repaints for Eugene Heyarts SJ Albatross. An over looked freeware masterwork, one of the few fictional aeroplanes that 'looks right', and is flat out one of the nicest flying freeware amphibians for FS yet made.Flys great in FSXSP1, don't know about SP2/ACCEL, with a great VC to boot. 10 new repaints, derived from real world aeroplanes, picked for color and interest. JASDF 50th blue eagle; Miho AB 50th 'Kisaro'; JASDF Flight checker; JASDF sea/sky cam; Shim-Meiwa blue cam; RCAF retro Albatross; Flygvapnet splinter cam; USN retro utility; VS-21 CAG; VRC-40 sunburst; and corrected textures for VP-45 and VR-55, as the pre-betas were relesed accidently. Also, a FSXSP1 config file set with corrected float points and default and Shockwave lights; Includes the FSX adapted panel by Danny Garnier. Requires the Stratojet ALB-10 Albatross by Eugene Heyart.
Posted Feb 17, 2010 00:47 by 3/7charlie
Transall C-160
2.43Mb (23935 downloads)
The Transall C-160 is a military transport aircraft developed by a consortium of French and German aircraft manufacturers for the air forces of those two nations and that of South Africa. This model features reflective metallic skin and full animations. The panel background has been created entirely from scratch, using photographic material found in the net. Two liveries and two models are provided, respectively for French AF and German AF (no refuelling probe). Most of the gauges are default gauges and some have been created by the authors. Included in this model there is also a Virtual Cockpit, with working flight instruments and animated flight controls. I. D'Attomo. G.Quai.
Posted Feb 12, 2010 03:42 by D'Attomo
FSX GD A-12A RN/RAAF Textures
FSX GD A-12A RN/RAAF Textures
9.81Mb (1316 downloads)
3 quick repaints(well, remarked, really...) for Tim Conrads fascinating A-12A, what could have been... The A-12 would have been a natural replacement for the 'Pig' (F-111) in Australian service,and for the Royal Navy; had the CVA01 class of carriers gone ahead;the beloved Buccaneer would have needed replacing by the mid ninties, and a joint programe, a la JSF, would have been a possibility.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 10, 2010 23:54 by 3/7charlie
                  Alphasim's SR-71 2D panel and Virtual Cockpit
4.13Mb (10230 downloads)
FSX Alphasim's SR-71 2D panel and Virtual Cockpit. This is a simple cockpit to make the cockpit of the freeware SR-71(above) usable. It will not be as high a qualility as I would like because Alphasim understandably strips a lot off the aircraft when they released it as freeware. With this being such a remarkable aircraft I felt it is worth the attempt. I hope you will understand. By Steve Hess. 4.2MB
Posted Feb 7, 2010 06:54 by archive
                    Lockheed SR-71A 17955
6.08Mb (31622 downloads)
FSX Lockheed SR-71A 17955. Original Alphasim SR-71 with 2d panel by Michel Polski. No VC gauges. 6.2MB See VC update below
Posted Feb 7, 2010 06:54 by archive
FSX                    RNZAF Strikemaster BAC 167 Package
FSX                    RNZAF Strikemaster BAC 167 Package
9.32Mb (10404 downloads)
FSX RNZAF Strikemaster BAC 167 Package The BAC167 is an armed export version of the Jet Provost. Over 140 of these aircraft were built for a number of operators. Model, & panel by Nigel Booth. Sounds by Aaron Swindle, gauges by Saverio Maurri, & thanks to Rick Piper & Sean Galbraith. 9.5MB
Posted Feb 7, 2010 06:54 by archive