7.83Mb (907 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004/P3dV3 Pontiac Firebird Trans-Am as movie car K.I.T.T. Knight Rider 1982, known from the TV series with David Hasselhoff as Michael Knight. K.I.T.T. is a high sophisticated car with artificial intellegence, able for autonom driving and discussions with Michael, equipped with turbo boost power. The sim model comes with an impressive cockpit (2D and VC), the typical running red LED lights at the front and removable overhead windows. The special gauges, effects and lights are made by Pierre J. Carosin. The FSDS 3.5 models with panels is made by Erwin Welker.
Posted May 12, 2020 03:58 by Erwin Welker

19.53Mb (1221 downloads)
FSX/Accel/FS2004/P3dV3 Oceanliner TS Hanseatic. This fast and luxury vessel with steam turbines went in Pacific service in 1930 as Empress of Japan. During WWII the ship was renamed to Empress of Scotland, now used for troup transportation, still with three furrels. After 1958 she was totaly renewed for the German Hamburg-Atlantic Line, now with an almost double passenger capacity and a swimming pool instad of the third furrel and the new name TS Hanseatic. In 1966 in the New York harbour a great fire destroyed almost the complete interior so the vessel was wrecked later in Hamburg. Twenty nine camera views let you explore the decks and the virtual navigation bridge. In FSX you even can enjoy the support of the offshore tugboat Oceanic in VC-mode. The ai-model is supposed to be used with the great tool aicarriers2 or for ai-traffic. FSDS-model and camera- and effect configuration by Erwin Welker.
Posted Feb 26, 2020 03:37 by Erwin Welker

92.97Mb (926 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004/P3dV3 Ferrari Package with four Ferrari supersport and racing cars. This Addon contains the rare and beautyful 288 GTO from 1984 which is based on the 308. The 308 GTS with Magnum at the wheeel is best known from the TV series. And the incredible F-40 is included as sport- and racing car. 288 GTO and F-40 let you see the engines and the 308 GTS allows you to drive with open roof top. All models has photorealistical 2D panels and matching VCs. Cameras for FSX and P3d showes you more of the beauty of that wonderful sportcars. Optional files for FS2004 with 32bit sounds and animated wheel for the 2D panel are included. This files and also the special gauges, effects and lights are made by Pierre J. Carosin. The FSDS 3.5 models with panels are made by Erwin Welker.
Posted Mar 30, 2019 04:32 by Erwin Welker
1.21Mb (1759 downloads)
FS2004/FSX/Accel/P3dv3 Pilotable Eagle. You ever wanted to fly like an eagle? Now you can enjoy high mountains with the eyes of an eagle, flying circuits in the thermal or mountain upwinds or make a nosedive like a falcon. Virtual view from the back. Animated wings, legs, head, neck- and tail feathers. Excellent flight handling and easy landing. Reworked FSDS model with swinging wings by Erwin Welker. Original FDEs by Wolfgang Piper, original model and textures by Christopher Hardt.
Posted Aug 7, 2018 03:09 by Erwin Welker
5.01Mb (2886 downloads)
FS2004/FSX/Accel/P3dv3 Wingsuit pilot. Fly in the mountains like a eagle, make a nosedive like a falcon. Now you can enjoy thrilling flights from high mountains and steep cliffs with much fun but without riscing your life. Flying very close to the rocks gives you a feeling of high speed, even more than flying Mach 2 in a jetfighter. Before landing activate your parachute. Virtual view from the back. Saved flights for FS9/FSX and P3dv3 included. FSDS 3.5 model by Erwin Welker
Posted Aug 6, 2018 04:25 by Erwin Welker
27.34Mb (944 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004/P3d.V3 Package Lotus Esprit 007 & Turbo. Roger Moore's 007 Bond Lotus Esprit is based on the 1976 model and it bacame famous after the movie "The spy who loved me". The model with spoilers is from 1981. The package contains four models: A) Bonds streetcar with a rocketlauncher - B) Same model but persuited by a Bell Jetranger helicopter - C) Bonds transformer version which converts under water from a car to a submarine. The under water surrounding is included, you do not need any special scenery, and it works in all four simulators. This version is hardly for driving or sailing - it is just for fun and comes with incredible animations! You will see dolphins and you can attack a mini submarine of the enemies. D)This is the tuned Turbo version. All models comes with photorealistic 2D panels and equal VCs. The FSDS 3.5 models with panels are made by Erwin Welker. The special gauges; lights and animation switchboard are made by Pierre J. Carosin.
Posted Jul 22, 2018 08:48 by Erwin Welker

98.98Mb (951 downloads)
This is Part 1 of the now defunct Profile Publications issues 1-20. They will prove very useful for repainters and aviation enthusiasts, as each issue contains color PDF profiles, text on the history and photos of each aircraft.
By Nick Tselepides
Posted May 26, 2018 08:42 by Nick Tselepides
30.49Mb (1595 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004/P3d.V3 Package DeLorean Cars. The bare metal DMC-12 series with its gullwing doors was built in Northern Irland between 1981 and 1982. Very famous became that car with the three "Back to the future" movies. This package contains three models: The default model and two Back to the future-models which can be driven as a car or flown as a STOL aircraft with animated gear. One is with external FSX camera views, the other one allows passing a time tunnel. Regarding the girl on the side of Dr. Brown it seems the timejump goes back to the 50th. All models comes with photorealistic 2D panels and equal VCs. Simultaniosly to the gear the dashboard changes from car- to aircraft gauges. The FSDS 3.5 models with panels are made by Erwin Welker. The special gauges and lights are made by Pierre J. Carosin.
Posted May 9, 2018 04:31 by Erwin Welker
0.94Mb (205 downloads)
Fix for HMS Hood with weapon switchboard. Now the required gauges are included, the Panel.cfg includes the FSX lookaround configuration and the Smoke effects in the Aircraft.cfg differs correctly for FS2004 and the other simulators. Sorry for inconvienience! Erwin Welker
Required files:
required file
Posted May 1, 2018 12:10 by Erwin Welker

89.74Mb (1565 downloads)
This is a collection of about 107 of Mike Stone's aircraft that I've collected & posted for posterity. Mike's planes were basic but very flyable & a lot of fun. 107 aircraft included - covering about all types from jetliners, military and props.
Posted Apr 11, 2018 06:22 by Robin Meyerowitz