35.43Mb (1430 downloads)
The Vietnam-Desert Storm era of aircraft carriers is really lacking in the world of FSX/P3D. I have been working, using Google Sketchup, to fill this gap. This is the latest project fresh out of the Dry dock. The USS America (CV-66) is the 3rd of the Kitty Hawk class. Installation and information in the ReadMe! file. Fully AICarriers compatible.
Posted Dec 18, 2016 20:45 by WombRaider78

31.17Mb (1136 downloads)
FSX Upgrade for Jean-Pierre Fillion's pilotable Canadian icebreaker Amundsen. The new version has a virtual navigation bridge and many very special animations: Breaking ice at the bow, a splitted ice wake behind the stern, a Bell 206B Jetranger helicopter doing take offs and landings on the heli deck, a crane lifting a container onto the ice field and a polar bear mother with its child walking near the ship. Sixtien cameras let you watch all those animations and explore the ship. Original icebreaker sounds let you enjoy discovering ice fields. A saved flight at northern Canada on an icefiled approaching open sea is included. Additionally you can insert an icefield of 4 x 12 km using ai-carriers2 wherever you are sailing. All FSX features and configurations, the animations, the Bell 206B and the VC by Erwin Welker. The pretty original ai-boat is made by Jean-Pierre Fillion.
Posted Dec 4, 2016 03:53 by Erwin Welker
23.17Mb (1222 downloads)
FSX Upgrade (not working in FS2004; sorry!) for all of my German military vehicles. This are the WWII tanks Tiger and Panther, the tanks from the 70th Leopard and Gepard and the modern MAN trucks with dhrone- or Patriot launchers. When I have uploaded those vehicles in 2014 I was just learning the animation using FSDS 3.5. Now, 2 years later and with much more experience I just found out to make incredible animations which seemed still impossible a short time ago. Included is a russian T-34 tank as ai-version. My upgrade (requires the original ones) provides following improvements: All tanks has now fully animated running tracks, most vehicles are now with a fully animated soldier on patrol, much better crewmen and maschine guns and improved animations like Patriot launches or the radar animation of the Gepard aa-tank. All features and vehicles by Erwin Welker.
Posted Nov 28, 2016 03:34 by Erwin Welker

16.59Mb (445 downloads)
There are three top fuel freeware dragsters, aka railers, in this package with flights included to put them at the Pomona Drag Strip 4 FSX's start line.
Although meant for FSX simulation, Pomona DragStrip 4 FSX is an ideal multi-user game for two !
You can check on the availability for Pomona DragStrip for FSX at AutoSportsSimulations.com
Have Fun !
Posted Nov 24, 2016 11:14 by Orion K. Daley

25.79Mb (761 downloads)
Le Mans 4 FSX Maserati MC12 Prototypes 30, 31 and 32
Derived from opensource, and as freeware, the Le Mans 4 FSX Maserati MC12 Prototypes are specifically built for the Le Mans 4 FSX Racing circuits.
Note: Normal top speed is about 220 where the original built for Le Mans hit 207 MPH. Enable War Powers as a convient button to add boost for 240 MPH. But make sure you disable the boost when wanting to slow down for the chicanes, corner at Arnage, and through the Porsche curves in Le Mans 4 FSX.
Posted Nov 21, 2016 16:04 by Orion K. Daley

8.99Mb (623 downloads)
This is an updated version of the Le Mans 4 FSX Audi Ultra LMP1 - It includes, suspension adjustments for further stability at 270+ MPH down the Mulsanne Straight in Le Mans 4 FSX; and a tighter turning radius so to make the corner at Arnage at a higher speed. Additionally, night textures and headlamps are included for night racing as this is expected in the 24 hour endurance race.
This is an entire replacement, so just swap out your previous install with this one - and have fun night racing too !
Posted Nov 21, 2016 13:10 by Orion K. Daley

1.38Mb (1834 downloads)
New "+Climas" for Flight Simulator X v.1
New pack with 4 weather themes for FSX
Posted Nov 20, 2016 17:41 by juan30005

2.85Mb (1994 downloads)
This is an update for FSX that some people
may be unaware they need. It contains an exe
file that will install a missing portion of
service pack 1 that was left out of
Acceleration. The .dll file in the other
folder may be needed for those who have FSX
crash when accessing menus; or as happened to
me, needed to be there so FSX Acceleration
did not crash early each session while
running under Windows 8.1. The SP1 update
also makes it possible to see carriers in
Acceleration that otherwise would not be able
to be seen. These files are on the internet
for anyone to download, but I don't remember
coming across an update like this to bring
people's attention to them.
Posted Nov 11, 2016 15:09 by Bob Chicilo
11.11Mb (1405 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004 Passengership "Wappen von Hamburg". This German motorship was built in 1965 and could carry 1800 passengers. It had a length of 110 m, a power of 10.160 PS and it reached 22 knots. Between 1966 and 2006 it sailed on the 100 nm long route from Hamburg to the rocky island Helgoland under the flag of the HADAG shiping company. The FS-model is extremly detailed. Twentytwo cameras let you explore the whole ship including the realistic virtual navigation bridge (the original is now displayed in the ship museum Bremerhaven). The model is successfully tested in FSX,Acceleration and in FS2004 and it is also supposed to run in P3D but not yet testet. FSDS 3.5 model and all configurations by Erwin Welker
Posted Nov 5, 2016 04:13 by Erwin Welker

12.18Mb (639 downloads)
Derived from open source, and provided here as freeware, the Le Mans Shelby Cobra prototypes 65 and 66 are specifically built to meet the needs of the GT class cars with a top speed in simulation of 180, and with manifold pressure increase, 212 MPH.
Posted Oct 31, 2016 10:47 by Orion K. Daley