40.58Mb (1608 downloads)
Small update to the LAAT Star Wars Republic Gunship. model and textures update only. Requires previous file.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 12, 2013 01:03 by Skyler Henry (Original Maker)

5.87Mb (2783 downloads)
FSX Pilotable container ship Maersk McKinney Moller and Marie Maersk. These 400 m ships are the largest containerships ever built and the giants can carry 18.000 containers. One FS-model carries thousends of containers and the other version is empty. The modern photorealistic navigation bridge is regarding the real one. Six cameras allows you to explore the huge ship. The ai-models with the textures are made by Henrik Nielsen. They belong to his great scenery-/ai-traffic-package "75ai_ships_and_ai_ship_traffic.zip" which brings life into empty harbours. Features for the pilotable versions with panel, cameras and effects by Erwin Welker.
Posted Oct 8, 2013 09:58 by Erwin Welker

19.70Mb (1367 downloads)
FSX pilotable German torpedo speed boat (Schnellboot) S-100 Class. This FS-model is a very detailed ship in a high quality with VC, made by Pam Brooker. It comes with an armored protected navigation bridge below the deck and a fly bridge above.
The AddOn provides a pilotable ship in three paint schemes, sounds and special effects. Sixteen cameras allows you to explore the ship, including the option to sail in formation. Panelbitmaps, camera- and effect configuration by Erwin Welker
Posted Sep 27, 2013 06:50 by Erwin Welker

12.53Mb (1065 downloads)
FSX doblepack pilotable light cruisers HMS Amphion and HMAS Sydney. This FS-models are very detailed CFS2 allied warships made by Usio no Ibuki in a high quality. They were converted to FSX by Lazarus Starkweather. My AddOn provides a pilotable ship in two versions. both with 2D panel as navigation bridge and four VC-cameras. The HMAS Sydney comes with camo textures and a straight catapult, the HMS Amphion comes with ready to launch swiveled catapult and crane. With my special features you can set Swordfish floatplanes onto the catapults or you can even swivel a torpedolauncher. Sixteen other cameras allows you to explore the ship plus three external camera views. Included are artillerie-, torpedo- and general ship-effects. Bitmaps and configuration by Erwin Welker
Posted Sep 22, 2013 10:28 by Erwin Welker

24.30Mb (5474 downloads)
FSX - NCC-1701 U.S.S. Enterprise -
Alternative Reality(2009)-V2.0
The updated version NCC-1701 USS Enterprise. Full pack including updated model, VC, textures and flight tunning. High resolution graphics, animated doors and engines.
FSDS model by - RicardoPJr
Posted Sep 12, 2013 17:08 by RicardoPJr

5.31Mb (1746 downloads)
These two fishing boats were copied from the FSX AI Scenery files and made fully functional by myself for your enjoyment, to use pilotable.
Posted Sep 9, 2013 14:09 by TheHawkerHurricaneMan
5.63Mb (921 downloads)
FSX pilotable british battleships HMS Nelson and HMS Rodney. They are armed with three 40.6 cm triple turrets. This FS-models are detailed CFS2 ships made by Usio no Ibuki. The FS-ship was converted to FSX by Lazarus Starkweather. My AddOn provides pilotable ships with 2D panel as navigation bridge and four VC-cameras. Fifteen other cameras allows you to explore the ship including the options to set a Fairey Swordfish floatplane onto the catapult. Included are artillerie-, AA-gun-, enemy hit fire and general ship-effects. Bitmaps and configuration by Erwin Welker
Posted Sep 3, 2013 05:50 by Erwin Welker
4.38Mb (1293 downloads)
FSX pilotable french battleship Dunkerque. It is armed with two 33 cm quadruple turrets. This FS-model is a detailed CFS2 ship made by Usio no Ibuki. It was converted to FSX by Lazarus Starkweather. My AddOn provides a pilotable ship with 2D panel as navigation bridge and five VC-cameras. Seventeen other cameras allows you to explore the ship including the options to set a Gourdou-Lesseure floatplane onto the catapult. Included are artillerie-, AA-gun-, enemy hit fire and general ship-effects. Bitmaps and configuration by Erwin Welker
Posted Sep 3, 2013 05:44 by Erwin Welker

12.46Mb (1770 downloads)
Soviet Delfin Swath Light Fleet Carrier project, Project 115 Udaloy II DDG Ca 1987.
The Soviet kick at the Sea Control Ship can, one of the 'Dolphin' studies
resulted in this handsome Swath (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) Light fleet with a freestyle/Helix
airgroup. The only information I had to work with was a small photo of a presentation model.
Best guess- length:662 ft, Beam:210 ft oa, flight deck 637 ft x 193 ft,
displacement approx 17-20,000 tons.
The Udaloy II DDG is a general purpose vairiant of the Udaloy I ASW DDG. Optimised as a multi role
fleet escort with enhansed ASUW/AA and General purpose armament.Of the same vintage and role as the US Spruance class DDH/DDG, The Udaloys have not enjoyed quite the same sucess as the Spruance class, only a singe Udaloy II entering service. With attached effects versions, no effects, with and with out deckpark. Night maps and internal illumination. versions included.Also includes a update pack for Hadi Tahir's YaK-141 V.2, featuring a number of repaints, adds radar to the panel that will detect AI ships, and some nudges to the config file to make the model easier to handle aboard and in transitional flight.
For FSX and AICarriers 2
Posted Aug 31, 2013 18:18 by Lazarus
4.78Mb (2098 downloads)
FSX pilotable Battleship Yamato. This huge japanese warship was together with the Musashi the biggest bettleship ever, armed with three 46cm triple mainguns and finally with over 100 AA-guns. This FS-model is a detailed CFS2 ship made by Usio no Ibuki. It was converted to FSX by Lazarus Starkweather. My AddOn provides a pilotable ship with 2D panel as navigation bridge and four VC-cameras. Sixteen other cameras allows you to explore the ship including the options to set two Aichi Jake floatplane onto the catapults. Included are artillerie-, AA-gun-, target hit fire and general ship-effects. Bitmaps and configuration by Erwin Welker
Posted Aug 30, 2013 05:53 by Erwin Welker