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FSX > Misc > Page 36
HMCS DDE-DDH-205 St Laurent Class Destroyer for FSX
HMCS DDE-DDH-205 St Laurent Class Destroyer for FSX
6.43Mb (934 downloads)
The St. Laurent class destroyer was a class of destroyers that served the Royal Canadian Navy and later the Canadian Forces from the mid-1950s to the mid-1990s. This was the first major class of warship designed and built in Canada. They were similar to the British Type 12 Whitby class frigate, but used more American equipment than British. There were seven ships of the class commissioned between 1955 and 1957. They were originally intended as destroyer escorts (DDE) but were later refitted and reclassed as destroyer helicopter escorts (DDH). Model is offered in attached effects and no effects versions for both DDE and DDH variants, fully texture mapped,with multiple paint schemes spanning the ships service life. The models are full hull(less below water line details like screws, rudders and stabilizers, left out in the interest keeping the poly-vertice count under control) with animated search and AW radar;night mapped navigation, internal and deck lighting, and landable deck for the DDH. For FSX only and AICarriers2 or other traffic compilers.
Posted Apr 10, 2014 05:24 by Lazarus Starkweather
FSX Pilotable Anchor Handling Vessel Towing An Oilrig
FSX Pilotable Anchor Handling Vessel Towing An Oilrig
5.38Mb (1074 downloads)
FSX Pilotable anchor handling vessel Maersk Helper towing the jack up oilrig Rowan Gorilla V. This incredible amazing combination of FS-modells is made by Henrik Nielsen and belongs to his addon "130 AI Ships and AI Ship", which brings traffic into harbors and empty seas. Nine camera views let you explore the ship and the rig. Features for a pilotable version with navigation bridge as panel with configuration for ship effects and added views by Erwin Welker
Posted Apr 9, 2014 04:39 by Erwin Welker
FSX Pilotable Cruise Ship Costa Favalosa
FSX Pilotable Cruise Ship Costa Favalosa
18.01Mb (3440 downloads)
FSX Pilotable ship Costa Favalosa. This is a huge italian cruiseship for 3800 passengers. This pretty FS-modell is made by Henrik Nielsen and belongs to his addon "130 AI Ships and AI Ship", which brings traffic into harbors and empty sea. The pilotable version provides an almost photorealistic 2D panel as navigation bridge and ten camera views. Now you can explore the decks with the aqua park, tennis court and pools. The VC-views has an eyepoint in the area of the aqua park. Features for a pilotable version with navigation bridge as panel and added views by Erwin Welker
Posted Apr 6, 2014 05:08 by Erwin Welker
FSX Pilotable Car Ferry Stena Hibernia
FSX Pilotable Car Ferry Stena Hibernia
7.18Mb (1727 downloads)
FSX Pilotable car ferry Stena Hibernia. This FSX-ship carries trucks on his open RoRo deck. The FS-modell is made by Henrik Nielsen and belongs to his addon "130 AI Ships and AI Ship", which brings traffic into harbors and empty seas. Eight camera views let you explore the decks of the ship. The VC-views shows one deck above the navigation bridge. Features for a pilotable version with navigation bridge as panel, VC views, configuration for ship effects and added views by Erwin Welker
Posted Apr 2, 2014 04:37 by Erwin Welker
FSX Pilotable Heavy Lift Ship with  Oil Rig
FSX Pilotable Heavy Lift Ship with  Oil Rig
8.30Mb (1228 downloads)
FSX Pilotable heavy lift ship Blue Marlin carrying the jack up oil rig Rowan Gorilla V. This incredible amazing combination of FS-modells ise made by Henrik Nielsen and belongs to his addon "130 AI Ships and AI Ship", which brings traffic into harbors and empty seas. Nine camera views let you explore the decks of the ship or the heights of huge posts of the rig. Features for a pilotable version with navigation bridge as panel with configuration for ship effects and added views by Erwin Welker
Posted Mar 30, 2014 03:46 by Erwin Welker
FSX Pilotable Danish Frigates
FSX Pilotable Danish Frigates
4.85Mb (3767 downloads)
FSX Pilotable frigates Iver Huitfeldt and Niels Juel. This are modern frigates from the Danish navy. These FS models are made by Henrik Nielsen and belong to his addon "130 AI Ships and AI Ship", which brings traffic into harbors and empty sea. Eight camera views let you explore the decks. There is also an insertable view of a Lynx helicopter pilot standing on the heli deck. Effects for the guns and a simulated missile launch are included. Features for a pilotable version with navigation bridge as panel with configuration for weapon effects and added views by Erwin Welker
Posted Mar 26, 2014 04:45 by Erwin Welker
FSX Pilotable Cruiseship Le Boreal
FSX Pilotable Cruiseship Le Boreal
9.13Mb (1869 downloads)
FSX Pilotable ship Le Boreal. This is a relativly small french cruiseship for 264 passengers, built in 2010. This pretty FS-modell is made by Henrik Nielsen and belongs to his addon "130 AI Ships and AI Ship", which brings traffic into harbors and empty sea. The pilotable version provides a good manoeuvrability. Twelve camera views let you explore the decks and the restaurant. Features for a pilotable version with navigation bridge as panel and added views by Erwin Welker
Posted Mar 23, 2014 03:43 by Erwin Welker
FSX Pilotable Admirals Cup Catamaran AC72
FSX Pilotable Admirals Cup Catamaran AC72
4.24Mb (2090 downloads)
FSX Pilotable Admirals Cup catamaran AC72 with the colours of Fly Emirates. This pretty racing boat under sails is made by Henrik Nielsen and belongs to his addon "130 AI Ships and AI Ship", which brings traffic into harbors and empty sea. The FS-boat provides a good manoeuvrability and reaches speeds up to 24 knots. Seven camerara views plus two VC-cockpit views let you enjoy the ride. Features for a pilotable version with added views by Erwin Welker
Posted Mar 17, 2014 12:14 by Erwin Welker
FS2004/FSX Pilotable Paddle Steamship Belle Of Louisville
FS2004/FSX Pilotable Paddle Steamship Belle Of Louisville
3.31Mb (1896 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Pilotable paddle steamship Belle Of Louisville. This is a typical Mississippi riverboat built in 1914. In fact it is cruising with up to 750 passengers on the Ohio river, stationed in Louisville/Kentucky. The ship is powered with two 336 kW steam engines. This FS ai-model is made by Jim Jones and belongs to his scenery "FS2004 Louisville Scenery". My AddOn appears 100 years after the ship has laid down. It is converted for FSX and VC-views and provides a pilotable ship with photorealistic 2D panel as navigation bridge and virtual lookaround views in front of the wheelhouse in eight directions. For FS2004 there are eight additional views using the double function of the numpad and nine camera definitions for FSX. Both options allows you to explore the ship, including the best observation point to watch the animated paddlewheel at the stern with its reciprocating drive shafts. This is a complete boat with sound and effects. Features for a pilotable version with panel and added views by Erwin Welker
Posted Feb 22, 2014 02:02 by Erwin Welker
LCS-2 USS Independence Littoral Combat Ship
LCS-2 USS Independence Littoral Combat Ship
9.96Mb (2237 downloads)
LCS-2 USS Independence Littoral Combat Ship for FSX. AI ship for use with AICarriers2 or other traffic compiler. Landable deck, night lighting, properly texture mapped! model in shiny or flat, effects coded and no effects versions. Even an animated nav radar.
Posted Feb 21, 2014 02:01 by Lazarus starkweather