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French Modern Weps
French Modern Weps
0.10Mb (594 downloads)
The download contains three modern French weps, the AN-11 FF Nuclear Device, the wep_AM39_Exocet and the ASMP ramjet A2S missile (conventional or nuclear).
Posted Feb 20, 2011 17:29 by Rey Sanford, Nole
Oldwheat's Phantom Sub
0.04Mb (263 downloads)
This download contains a 'phantom sub' created by Larry Brown, AKA Oldwheat, during some research on the possibilities of using subs in CFS2. While I have created submerged versions of my complete submarines for use in sub hunts, Larry's 'phantom sub' is unique as it appears in CFS2 only as a shadow on the water with a very, very faint wake...though it does appear on 'radar' as a target. (Larry never published his sub, because he was disappointed that he could not make it impervious to surface weapons, while being vulnerable to depth charges.) I'm posting it on his behalf because it is a useful ship for use in Mission Builder, and a unique design idea that deserves recognition.
Posted Jan 22, 2011 13:17 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
Full-Scale Nuclear Blast
Full-Scale Nuclear Blast
0.09Mb (1148 downloads)
This package contains a means to create a full-scale nuclear blast in CFS2. The concept was developed by Bismarck13 during a joint bomber/missile project we were working on a couple of years ago, but has never been released. It is a very simple and easy to use system.
Posted Jan 10, 2011 17:14 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
Anti-Ship Missile & Nuke Pack
Anti-Ship Missile & Nuke Pack
0.40Mb (1041 downloads)
This package contains three Soviet anti-ship/standoff missiles, two Chinese missiles, one generic pylon and two freefall nuclear weapons, SovNuke (an early and bulky Soviet design) and B-61 (a compact modern US design) also used by the Soviets. All were originally designed for Pepe's Bull/Badger/Bear/Bison project, but can be used anywhere.
Posted Jan 10, 2011 16:37 by Nole, Rey Sanford
0.03Mb (466 downloads)
New wingman info and a complete tutorial on adding gunstations mounts payloads for bombs or rockets. This is from the ground up, an organised way to set up your aircraft so you can easily redo your bombs rockets and torpedoes whenever you get new weapons. two docs, previous included.
Posted Nov 30, 2010 11:19 by vincet farnham
0.01Mb (533 downloads)
This is a comprehensive explanation of Gunstations for the Aircraft DP file for CFS2.
Posted Nov 25, 2010 08:53 by vincent farnham
US Air Crew Life Rafts
US Air Crew Life Rafts
0.43Mb (1081 downloads)
This package contains four life rafts: - US_Raft_Pilot...Pilot in raft, no dye stain - US_Raft_Pilot_Dye...Pilot in raft with dye stain - US_Raft_Crew...four Air Crew in raft, no dye stain - US_Raft_Crew_Dye...four Air Crew in raft with dye stain They are ships, but work best when used infrastructure objects...for a number of reasons that I will not go into. All of these were developed from an unfinished source file begun by Collin Glendinning in the heady days of a new sim called CFS2. For a number of reasons, the file was shelved and forgotten. I've dusted it off and developed it into this package.
Posted Oct 25, 2010 21:14 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
USS Tamor Class Sub
0.70Mb (509 downloads)
This is an original model of the US Tamor class submarines, the oldest class to see major combat in the Pacific theatre. The Gato, Balao and Tench classes were all progressively improved versions of the this class. The Tambor class went into combat immediately following Pearl Harbor and formed the first Pacific wolf packs with the Gato boats just coming into service, The textures are by psullykeys, Pat Sullivan.
Posted Oct 15, 2010 03:35 by Tom Sanford
USS Tench Upgrade Kit
0.36Mb (301 downloads)
The download contains an improved MDL file and additonal flag texture for the TR_Tench_Class sub.
Posted Oct 15, 2010 03:32 by Tom Sanford
USS Tench Submarine
USS Tench Submarine
0.94Mb (608 downloads)
This is the last class of U.S. subs to serve in WWII, and essentially is the final phase of improvement in the Gato/Balao line. She is fairly detailed, but retains very good framerates. The texture is by psullykeys.
Posted Oct 12, 2010 02:08 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
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